Evangelism / Evangelismo/Testimonies
Your Arms Of Love To Israel Congregation
Your Arms Of Love To Israel Congregation
Bringing Life & Supplies For Devastated Puerto Rico 10/1/17
Sholiach-Apostle Moshe’s book WHOLE WHEAT UNLEAVENED BREAD [ Now called and updated as THE DANGERS OF A DUAL NATURED MESSIAH] in the hands of a Muslim who came to the Truth through YATI! We have reached hundreds of Jewish people and many other peoples with the Good News over the years, as well as turning many Efraimites-10 tribes back to Torah. Through our monthly partnership with you, many have even gone into the ministry. Here are a few of the tools we use.
I haven't any money. I live in a nursing home and it takes my little check to live and be cared for here. The last 2 years I have been learning of my Jewish roots that My ABBA YHVH gave to me when he accepted me as his child as I as a 12 year old young girl wanted and accepted my YAHUSHUA into my life and HE not only became my SAVIOR but also my ELDER BROTHER. But all these years I've have read over and over again about that and the grafted in olive branch, it took me 50 years to have the courage to ask some of my Masseonac Jewish friends and they gave me a lot of places to go for my information. I have even watched YATI on my laptop at 11am CDT in my area May ABBA YHVH keep raining HIS blessings upon you and your work.
Shalom Rav Moshe,
I have been a avid reader of your teachings on YATI website and they have blessed me abundantly because I am a returning Efrayimite who didn't come straight out of church.
I was raised a christian within a very dysfunctional family so I have my fair share of "issues" I have been in and out of churches most of my life: specifically I left attending church when I was about thirteen years old and didn't return to a christian faith until as an adult in my early twenties. I started the christian journey full of hope that this was the answer I needed and was so hungry to learn about Moshiach and His Love for me but I had a truckload of unforgiveness mainly aimed at my father who was unable to show me the love that I needed I have come to see Dad tried his best but he had a very bad childhood himself so wasn't equipped to be a parent. Rejection was another one of my close companions so I have always found intimacy with Abba Yahuwah very difficult and it has been a difficult journey toward accepting His Unconditional Love for me I can always believe His Love for others a little harder to accept His Love and forgiveness on my behalf.
I walked away from Christianity at the start of 2005 after years of guilt and condemnation over masturbation and illicit sex I had struggled with pornography since my teens and after finding a lot of judgement and hypocrisy and not a lot of love. I fully decided I was bound for hell so I thought I would pull out all the stops and go for it! so I did after 5 years I was almost a full blown alcoholic with a good dose of what I thought was bipolar disorder, but then a friend of mine who has been a very faithful and loving friend who I met in church way back in the early nineties picked up the phone one night, I had rung him (which was unusual as I didn't like believers at all ) and we spoke for 5 hours he basically said the most important thing in your life is your relationship with your heavenly Father and I kept saying its too late for me I am damned but over five hours he convinced me I could be saved and washed in Moshiach's blood.
Halleluyah what a revelation he (Graeme) said he believed we should keep the sabbath and also the the Fathers Name wasn't God or Lord at that stage I was pretty anti church so it all sounded good to me the amazing thing has been how all these revelations weren't difficult for me to accept they just seemed to make sense and then he said he used a Bible called the Restoration Scriptures so I looked on the internet for a seller that's when I found Down under True Name Ministries how awesome is Abba Yahuwah's Love, that brings us to about June/July 2010 roman pagan calendar sorry.
Rabbi Sam and his family and shul are like my own family now (along with you and yours) I had purchased The Whole Wheat Unleavened Bread book and read it one sunday morning no joke it was like eating a meal I could feel the revelation hitting me and I knew I had to be mikvahed immediately so I rung rabbi Sam at home and said I need to be Mikvahed he said when I said now! So off we go to the Gold Coast and I get Mikvahed Halleluyah.To bring it into the present I am so happy to see you on the Ramyk channel because I have read most of your sermon notes on the YATI website now I can watch it and read the notes as well so it really penetrates into my brain and renews my mind Halleluyah and the reason I wrote this is to thank you for the teaching on His Presence it is really changing my life, like I have said Worship and Intimacy have always been difficult for me but after reading and hearing that particular teaching and beginning to put it into practice I am starting to know the truth of what you have taught! So TODAH RABA Rav Moshe I love you and sincerely appreciate your sincerity and honesty and Praise Yahuwah for His wonderful Love and Goodness toward us.
Shalom your brother in the Emunah
Dear Rabbi,
I was surfing the net, and came to your site.
I am elated, because I have been praying for more of HIM.
Your teaching is so in tune to what I believe.
My prayers is that you will have long life and good health, to teach everything you know to the thirsting ones.
[email protected]
PS: Catholic by family tradition, married a Baptist and was healed at a Pentecoastal Church. Since that miracle, I resigned my job and made my business to study KJV from morning to dawn everyday, I did not know what to do,so I go around and give salvation tracts daily. I've read some Jewish articles in other sites, but yours click in my spirit as true.
I love reading your news letters and I know that what you teach is the word of our Father, because He began to teach me Himself back in 1984 when the Pentecostal belief stopped making sense to me. I truly thought that I was alone in the world with what I was learning, and came to the conclusion that I was on my own. All my family except my mother believe that I'm following after a demonic doctrine. But in my heart I knew I was right. The YHUH confirmed it when I read one of your teachings three years ago.
Maria Gonzalez
From Rabbi Tom Massingale
In 1999 I was invited to the Tree Of Life Congregation in Knoxville
Tennessee. I heard the two house message for the first time. It was the
missing link to my understanding. After all these years of following the
biblical mandates, I have finally come to understand them as Yahuwah's loving
instructions for daily living from Abba Yahuwah to the commonwealth of
Yisrael. Ever since then I have followed the teachings of Rabbi Moshe
Koniuchowsky and was listed with the Two House Union and then followed Rabbi
Moshe into the B'nai Yahshua Synagogues Worldwide. I came away from that
meeting in Knoxville and established the Beth Shalom Congregation as a
missionary outreach in Englewood Tennessee. I had a radio broadcast called
The Days of Elijah Broadcast that reached out to the communities of the
Appalachians and The Tennessee Valley. As far as seeing results, I may never
see the total impact in this lifetime. For I understand we are workers
together in Yahuwah s vineyard and He gives the increase at His pleasure. I
rejoice at the fact that He has called me to join Him in His labor! I want to give hodu to Yahuwah for Brother Moshe for fullfilling Devarim 25:5-6 and being his brothers keeper.
I desire to also show the love of Yahuwah for Yahudah and someday be equipped
to minister with all boldness in the kadosh land. I believe anyone that has
been around an apostle calling can recognize the apostolic anointing in
Rabbi Moshe s ministry. He has displayed true humility in admitting when he
had erred in scripture understanding. Rabbi Moshe Koniuchowsky has displayed
the tenacity of a leader who presses on in many adversities (I pray for you
Brother Moshe). Due to circumstances beyond my control, though through divine
providence; I have moved from Englewood Tennessee back to the same physical
location where I had been ordained in 1994. I am renting a mobile home from
Sister Kathy Yancey. I attended the 2006 Pesach Mini Leadership Conference
and was strengthened and came away with a greater anointing than before. I
was thrust immediately into establishing B'nai Yahshua Synagogue Of Etowah
Tennessee with a clear vision of Abba's desire in mind. I had discussed the
ordination training with Rabbi Moshe back some months ago. Todah for your
encouragement to know Abba Yahuwah would provide! If I am selected for
ordination it will be most humbling for me. I was told back in 1986 to take
the lower seat. I began in the ministry of helps and never left that part
out of my resume, but instead I built upon that. I realize as I grow in my
calling I must delegate things to others so I can concentrate on my
strengths that I might offer Yahuwah my very best. This I will do, Yahuwah
permitting and with true understanding of those willing to help labor alongside me
remembering how Abba brought me to this season. May Yahuwah receive all the tifereth Be Shem Yahshua.
Shalom Brother Koniuchowsky.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for writing in such detail of your beloved mother. Your
revelation is so precious. Mothers are so precious. Family is so precious.
But I don't know you or your mother. It made me cry, the tears coming so readily.
But the way you so intimately described the situation and over such a long time, I could just understand and feel your anguish and torment at the thought of your mother not accepting Yeshua.
Your story is not just about any person, it's about THE RABBI and his anguish, his desperation that his mother does not understand/cannot accept Yeshua. So even the RABBI have problems like that!
Well of course they do, but in a bizzarre way [at least to me] it's comforting.
I too am struggling with my husband who is Jewish not accepting Yeshua. It's been this way for decades totally disbelieving; cynical, Bob he has many serious health problems and I want to know with peace that Bob on his death will go straight into the presence of Yeshua.
My thinking is this: We are told: to pray asking what we want ,
it is not the intention of Yeshua that anyone perish and to ask.
He says eternal life is free, and that you have to believe.
OK. Now if what I want is what Yeshua wants and has made the way clear, then surely as day follows night. It must happen. Why?
Because He who made Pharohs heart hard, He who unstopped the ears of the deaf, surely can when asked soften these hearts and unstop their deaf ears. I too was one of those who rebelled and He still kept his Hand on me til I came back into His Kingdom. Your story made me realize that no matter who you are you still struggle with loved ones who are not yet in the Kingdom. You have to believe.
I am not Jewish but am now grafted into the root. I belong to Yeshua. Thanks to a Messianic Rabbi I met in the UK. I used to be in the 'christian' system; but Praise be to Yahuwah for showing me His truth. This is just to say thank you for your mothers story. I found it comforting, and of course a truth, that you have to stick close by and wait for Yeshua to work things out in His way and time. PS Thank you for the Restoration Scriptures our small group here have them. There are 7 of us. Rabbi Berenitza Levi comes over once a month from Bournemouth for two days to teach us. I am now learning Ivrit - I signed up for a course from Israel on the internet, and I am so enjoying it, hard though it is. I want to understand.
Thank you again.
Jan Jacobs
Isle of Wight
Touched In Spain
Shalom I'm Yossi ben Yisrael,
And my wife Simja and I are being a part of your translation team of Restoration Scriptures into Spanish.
Elvia has been speaking to you about us. We are based in Almería South-East of Spain(my home-town) so to
say just in front of Yahsrushalayim on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea. We fully agree with your faith statement and vision. We have been studying with you through internet since 2001 approximately, and for us it has been and is a blessing, growing and empowering experience to study the different topics. Your teaching in the Messianic Believer s First Response Handbook has been as a deliverance for us from wrong teachings in the past with which we were not feeling in agreement with. I'm 56 years old and my wife is 51. We got to know our beloved Yahshua HaMashiaj for more than 35 years and we have been in the ministry for about 30 years in Spain and in Sweden (as my wife is Swedish). I did first theological studies in England 1971-1973. And since then I've always been looking and searching for the truth. And our beloved Abba Yahuwah has guided our lives in a supernatural way and so since 1999 we started to come back to the Hebrew roots of our faith.
Every Shabbat since we received the Restoration Scriptures we are using it parallel with the Parashá reading. And we really are quickened and blessed with the freshness and truth of the commentaries and the translation. With all our respect and appreciation We also spread your teaching to our contacts as often as we can to other groups and individuals as they are hungry. We normally meet in our home 3-4 people and more when we are having visitors coming in from other cities.
Yossi and Simja
Shalom Brother Moshe,
Thank you for serving. I first came across your website during Shavuot season, this year. I had become a little frustrated because every personal contact that I had seemed to have a different calendar. Well, I got much more than I was looking for when I landed on your site.
I have been carrying around the "who am I" question for my whole life. I was taking that question from
priest, to preacher, to pastor, to rabbi and on and on. But somehow the answers never rang true when held to the light of Scripture. That is until I read teachings that you had written regarding the Restoration of the
Kingdom to Israel. Then suddenly, there I was, and so many other believers. As I read those scripture
references afresh, my eyes were opened. And joy flooded my heart. Finally what I had prayed for so long was answered from Abba Yahuwah. My place in the family was no second class seat.
In the interest of brevity, thank you again. May Yahuwah bless you and your wife according to His
goodness. I love the whole house of Israel. I live in Maryland, however, I hope to visit your assembly soon.
Brenda Hunter
Shalom Brother Moshe,
I think it is appropriate to identify myself as a non-Jewish Ephraimite who
lives in South Africa. I came to re-discover my identity and realised that
anyone who believes in YHUH through YaHshua HIS SON and accepts,loves and
abides by the Torah joins the renewed commonwealth of Israel. You know i
thank and bless ABBA YHUH and YaHshua for this shocking and yet wonderful
revelation from HIS word.
I must confess that i was somehow led by the RUACH of YHUH to your website
and diligently and intently started studying through it. I do have a lot of
reading material that i got from your website which really and truly helped
me to grow and mature spiritually in this faith. ABBA YHUH through HIS RUACH
HAKODESH is gently and gradually leading me out of the trap and web of
anything that had to do with anti-semitism, churchianity,dispensationalism and paganism.
I have developed love for the nation of YISRAEL and YHUH has impressed in my
spirit to pray for the return,restoration,regathering of the lost tribes of
YISRAEL and re-unification of the House of Yahudah and House of Ephraim.
Again, i am led to pray for you servant of YHUH and Rav Edward Levi Nydle.
Your families and ministries that ABBA YHUH has blessed you with are
included as well in daily cries and supplication to the set-apart ONE of
YISRAEL and a light of revelation to the GOYIM.
I can't help it but to love you all and continue to pray without ceasing for
you that YHUH through YaHshua strengthens,supports and sustains yourselves
for days on end. A heart-felt request to you is that please pray for me and
my family for encouragement and endurance in this walk of belief. I pray
that the powerful and transforming annointing of HIS RUACH be upon
yourselves and speak the Word of ABBA with boldness to HIS glory,beauty and
praise. Have a blessed and inspiring conference meetings and let the
annointing of the RUACH HAKODESH be upon you and speak through you and
continue to permeate every fibre of your being.
Alfred Mowane
Dear Servants of Elohim,
Three and one half years ago, through the mysterious workings of Elohim, I came across Part One of Moshe's teaching in re the Two Houses of Israel. As I began to read it, I saw that there was something there that I had never heard. I looked up every verse cited.....I continued reading, mystified. When I had finished, I hung my head....wondering....what do I do now.....the "church" will never believe this. I KNEW that I was from these ten tribes. I had already, gradually, started coming back to Torah, had visited Israel in 1994 and had not been the same since that visit. I knew that I belonged in that Land but didn't know why at that time.
I read Part One over and over until I "got" it. Then, because I was involved with a FAMOUS ministry just
over the line into Idaho, I told this message to a doctor friend and also to an assistant pastor's wife. Both of
them "got" the message and started studying. In the meantime, I asked a "messianic" teacher in this City to
teach us in my home as I knew he believed in the two houses message, having seen him years earlier at the Prophecy Club and knowing it was through his one-time visit to the ministry in Idaho, giving me Moshe's
"card", etc. After a year, the teacher could not teach us anymore.
A couple months went by and I met the only other two houses believer in the City and I took our class down to his business office and we all learned how to observe Feast Days, commandments, etc. However, in the process, I noticed that we were missing the message of faith, blood atonement, etc., so I became uncomfortable. My husband and I are now not attending this class, even though the very friends that I led there are still meeting with the teacher. In the meantime, I got "kicked" out of the famous ministry; that well-known teacher of "prophecy" ridiculed me for telling the two people mentioned above that worked at his ministry on a volunteer basis.....ridiculed me before his Tuesday evening class of many people.....didn't call me by name, but I knew who he was referring to. It was so uncomfortable that I had to leave.....husband came along.....(he does not study the Word so didn't really understand all that I was going through).
I have since learned about several godly, two-house teachers, among them Eddie Chumney, and I read all your writings. I love you ALL. Because of your RECONCILIATION I write this letter. I see that Elohim wants us to all get along, realizing the calling upon your lives by YHUH. Thank you both for your faithfulness in bringing the message of the restoration of all Israel to me. I am coming back,.....back.....to Torah.....I was an Outcast, patient with me.
Pattie Gallegos in Spokane, Washington
Shalom Brother Moshe,
I can't thank you enough for the work of LOVE you have shared with people in your anti-missionary
handbook. Why? Because it worked on ME! Let me explain. I was reading a new article on the United Israel
web site and was somewhat caught off guard and overwhelmed. I decided to go to the YATI web site and
download your anti-missionary book....I'm glad I did. Reading it was worth my place in Paradise...why?
Because that is what reading through your book (or 3/4's of it) did for me...it gave me the Scriptural
foundation to secure and build upon my belief that Yahusha is Yahuwah and not anything else. There can be
NO doubt about this and grateful and thankful for the effort of love on your part to make this book available.
Hopefully this week my order for the Restoration Scriptures will get in the mail, I'm sorry that I have not done this sooner. From the short passages that you shared this week in an email, I'm VERY excited to receive my own copy of such a work of love for Yahuwah/Yahusha and all of Israel, BOTH HOUSES.
I also do here now declare my own agreement with the Belief Statement you sent out a while back,
unequivocally. And hopefully in the near future a group will form here as well. Your prayers are asked in this
matter. I'm finishing up my college degree ( B.S. in Religion) and at some point in the future will look into the
Yeshiva program through YATI. Oh, the degree, yes, from an accredited college (Liberty University), but, it
has been a very hard struggle to say the least, especially since we don't see eye to eye on MANY issues. But a degree is a degree nonetheless and having been brought up in a typical Southern Baptist home, well, you can see how things got the way they did.
Thankfully, Yahuwah has had other plans for me and I'm glad that YATI is there :-) You and the others there at YATI are in my prayers as are those that have left their belief in Yahusha's deity. I can only hope that they TOO will read or re-read your book, it may save their eternal life :-)
Todah Rabah,
Dear Brother Moshe,
We wanted to say thank you for your staying on top of all the important issues going on that effects all of us as Nazarene Yisraelites. We have a group that meets at our home on Shabbat and all that you have been talking about has affected us....even our little flock that meets here. We had a couple come not long ago and they started trying to tell us we were wrong on very important issues....
1. They denied the virgin birth
2. They deny the pre-existence of Yahusha
3. They do not believe in s.a.tan
4. They do not believe in the spiritual realm at all.
We were blown away, but not too blown away because we have a Rabbi (You) that stays on top of things and
slams our mailboxes full of information regarding heretical doctrines and false teachers. We can honestly say that we were much better prepared to handle this because of your warning calls. Todah for being a watchman for Yisrael. We also would like to thank you for your teachings. At this time it helped us a great deal to have teachings like "The Great Almah Controversy", as well as "Hebraic Drawbacks", and "Is it Us?", just a few to name that enabled us to be prepared for the attacks that were headed our way. We have encountered many attacks,as those of us do that are in search of the truth and headed down the real "Way". I would also like to apologize for having to cancel our Audio Club membership. We will be joining back as soon as we can.
Anyway, thank you so much for THROUGH THE WORD OF YHUH, teaching us as a good Shepherd should.
Another warning I would like to sound is that these people come in and try to be so loving (watch out for those that love you and adore you and have only known you a minute) and try to tell you that you are in error over these important issues. They come in with an agenda and the agenda is to confuse you and steal your faith, all the while saying Yahshua is the Messiah, yet denying who He really is!
Shalom and Love in YHUH, Cari & Scott Murphy
Shalom Brother Moshe,
I watched your video on "Reclaiming a Lost Priestly Tool" Part 1 & 2 & want you to know what has happened
since viewing the tapes. Way back in the Messianic Jewish movement of the 1980's, the Ruach told me to wear a head covering as a sign to the "angels." In obedience, I began to make my own little lace headcoverings & faithfully wore them to all Messianic services. However, I never believed that I should wear a headcovering at home, never really thought about it. At the same time, I have always been "plagued" by tormenting spirits & for years have battled endlessly on a daily basis against them, most of the time battling them in the mornings before putting my feet on the floor upon waking.
Since coming into the Union a few years ago, the battle has increased tremendously. I have spent more time
rebuking the enemy & his tormenting spirits on a daily basis & trying to keep my mind in the Word to battle it than anyone should have to do. After watching your video on head covering, I took the info to heart & decided to begin wearing a headcovering all day & night, even keeping it on while sleeping at night during the latest bout that I have had to endure with a "contentious" woman that I asked to leave our fellowship, knowing the occultic backlash that she would conjure up with her prayers out of a heart bent on working wickedness against me & her gossip & seeking others to be on her side.
I can honestly testify that wearing a head covering 24/7 has stopped ...ALL... torment. My mind has been at
peace at long last & the desire to entertain negative thoughts has diminished to almost zero. The mental battle & fatigue that would usually set in during a bout of persecution has lessened to almost zero too. I realize that I am not perfect yet but what a release for my mind. I simply never realized that being obedient to wearing a head covering would bring about deliverance in a person's mental state.
Thank you for being obedient & faithful to the Ruach in teaching on the many subjects that bring RUACH
Ruach's correctional teaching that you do enables us to receive deliverance & helps to bring forth excellent
new spiritual growth in us. You are doing great job & are replicating in many of us as Luke 6:40 indicates.
Hello I know you are busy , but i had to write you.
I am a believer in Yeshua Messiah. I am now going through a transition time in my life. I always loved the
Jewish People. I have been born again for a long time. Although I was not satisfied week after week year after year Wondering like a ship with out a rudder. I always questioned why we (Christians) who say we believe in YHUH 's commandments don't keep them why do we say we keep the 10 commandants and only keep 9 of them? why do we keep pagan festivals and not G-d's feasts as we are commanded? Also every time I watched the 10 commandments my heart would leap. Or hear Jewish music.!!!!!!!!!! Well to make a long story short one day YHUH opened my eyes and I wept I screamed I shouted. He used the scriptures "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of YHUH Then He showed me that I was part of Ephraim.
Now I see. We had a guest Rabbi At our church He taught on the restoration of the 2 Houses. My wife, our
pastors wife, and I watched as the color of the peoples faces left them. they really did not receive that message but we did. Praise G-d.
But the main reason I wrote . I wanted top let you know I listened to your two house seminar. Wow what a
blessing Yes I even took notes. If I may I would like to ask a question this of course it is symbolic. As the
prophecy in Zech. 8:23 The question is may I take hold of your tallit And I ask may I go with you for I have
heard that YHUH is with you? Yes I am serious. I feel more Messianic than (Christian) you know what I mean.
I feel this is part of this prophecy starting to be fulfilled in my life. Well thank you for your time. I am seeking
a messianic congregation in my area. Salem Ohio. I am now studying Torah, Keeping Shabbat, and learning
how to keep the biblical feasts. May HaShem bless you.
Gregg Pykus
Shalom for you, my Rabbi.
I have read the 28 partes of the Restoration of Yisrael and many others
articles of your hand. I have converted in Messianic Israelite due to your
teaching. I procure to teach others people about redemption of two house
of Yisrael by Yahusha. Thank you, Rabbi, for your work.
I hope that you explain me about Qumran´rolls and its relation with the
mystery revealed of reunification of two houses.
Thank you. Shalom
Your brother: Sergio Meza
Rabbi , Shalom to you sir. we all do respect I know your very busy , but I want to send a blessing to your
ministry, so I was wondering to I write it to the 7378 W. Atlantic Blvd. #112, Margate, Fl. 33063 ot to another
specific address, also do I write it to web site name or you, please inform if possible, I have been deeply touched by your teaching and my life has truly change, Praise Yahuwah for men like you that speak the truth , Thank you for your wisdom of the Torah and your many teachings that have changed my walk with Yeshua,
Thank you and with appreciation.
Jennifer Nelson
My most dear bother in Mashíaj Yahshúa, Brother Moshe, Shalom 5-31-03
For a few days I have been receiving messages from Yahuwah Elohim that I should write to you, and today I
feel a voice saying: "START WRITING NOW!" So its only befitting that I should obey the mitzvah. And that I
should tell you about Israelite Life in the disobedient Americas.
It all started back in Miami, Florida about ten years back, when I received so called j… in a kirsh in Sunset
Dr., Miami. By that time I had already read Scriptures (complete) three times. (I will skip detail, because
otherwise its going to be endless) I got the urge to move Panama, country where I had lived before, and I like
life there. But our Loving ABBA YAHUWAH Elohim Tzavaot, in his immense and wonderful plan did not let
go to Panama, instead He brought me to Costa Rica, a country I don't like too much. But I thought of
Avraham our father. He was taken out ok Ur of the Kasdim, I was taken out of sunny Miami But there was a
reason for this: I would not have done what I have done in other countries. So I came to Costa Rica Eight and
a half years ago. Immediately I started reading the Reina Valera Version which is the most distorted bible in
the Spanish language, and many nights I preached in the red light district, until I was attacked and left in the
middle of the street, well I survived and YAHUWAH got me out of that. I read it about one hundred times
from cover to cover, while I was making handicrafts in order to support myself. After I finished the umpteen
time that I read this bible, I called on YAHUWAH Elohim, of course with another name, but I was ignorant in
those days, and He answered. I asked Him to give me the whole truth and He directed me to internet where I
got a lot of the material through the postal mail. as soon as I went home, very exited, to look over the material, He called on to me: NOW THAT YOU HAVE WHAT YOU ASKED FOR, TRANSLATE IT! I said, What???? YES, TRANSLATE IT FOR YOUR PEOPLE, THE SPANISH SPEAKING PEOPLE!
Well, my odyssey started. I had no work, just making ends meet and planning to return to the USA land where
I had made tons of dollars in the past, and when I say tons, that’s literal! I had no computer, nor the desire to
learn how to use one. So I had to learn in a hurry, but first I bought myself a few notebooks and many ball
point pens. And I translated the whole Brit Hadashah by hand. Every night I ended with heavy pains in my
hand, I had never in my life written so much! And I was very amazed from looking a all those empty Bics ball
point pens, I had a collection of them!
Up to that time, before I started translating I had been working managing a store for a former friend of mine
who is a son of "Maria." Well, that relationship soon ended because obvious reasons, but YAHUWAH sent a
lady Doctor (there was no hanky panky, please) that helped a little economically with the translation. She let
me work in her sons computer at her home in the day time when they all went to school or work. But I didn't
even know how to turn on the computed, so the boys helped me, and from there it was trial and error all the
time. To this day I do not know how to type. But I can make web pages, thanks to our ABBA!
I started transcribing everything into the computer, and it was tough. Mattityah erased on me three times, and
I started all over again till I got the hang of it. In the day time I used to got to her house to do my work and at
night I kept writing by hand. The Doctor's maid prepared lunch for, otherwise I could not have donned it.
In those days I started to go to a Jewish Messianic Congregation, but after a while they started pushing me
little by little until I found myself at the door, so I left. All because I started telling them what the Mashíaj said
about the Talmud and Mishna, (Traditions of the Elders) and this all they did, preach Talmud and Mishna and
a little Kabbalah here and there, and very little Brit Hadashah almost none, so all eyes were constantly on me.
Also the self proclaimed rabbi had effeminate gestures all the time and I told the this could not be. That this is
condemned by Mashíaj. So it happened, I was out.
So the lady Doctor, who started with the idea of getting married, something that was not on my mind, at least
with her, stayed in the congregation and I went my way.
So I took everything I had worked on, put it on Floppy disks and went on my way. Soon I had no money to pay
rent, which was a very low amount, but still I did not have the money. So I looked up to heaven and said: Now
what Abba? So Abba said give everything away and move. So there was a construction worker that I had met
previously and I gave him everything I owned, because I had no money to even carry the stuff away. So he was flabbergasted when I told him he could have all my furnishing in the Name of Yahshúa.
I picked up my clothing and translation and went my way. This time I ended up in a lawyers house who had a
brother with Downs Syndrome, Guess what? I took care of the boy for about six months, taught him about
Yahusha, and he received Him in his lovely heart. I had a roof and a couch, and since I'm a gourmet cook, I
started cooking for the boy and the small family and I had a lot of time to do about fifty revisions on the
translation. A friend had given me the keys to his office, so I could work at nights and weekends and use
internet. So when things got very hot where I lived, because I rebuked the when they treated the boy wrongly, I worked very late in my friend's office.
My translation done (Brit HaDashah) and a lot of revisions made, I started looking for work, because things
kept getting hotter where I lived. I had to spend two nights in Central Park. Wow, I had never had to look for
work in foot! I didn't even had money for the bus. Oh, this story can not slip by: I was reading the paper and I
saw an add for a keeper of a farm about three hours from San José, I called, a lady (American) answered. She
asked me if I knew anything about horses. Of course I said, we had a few farms in Cuba and I was always on
top of a horse. So she told to go and spend a day and work with the horses so she could see. I said: very well, I'll be there tomorrow. I had no money to get there, but suddenly a friend appeared in the Center of San José and gave me the money to go. Three hours from San José, I got to a small beach city called Jaco and the lady came from the farm to pick me up. Right away she put me to fetch the horses, I hadn't been on a horse for forty years. But I did alright fetching the bunch of horses, and right away she put me on one of them without asking anything, I was extremely hungry. I spent about five hours on top of that horse and I didn't fall, thanks to YAHUWAH Elohim, because she gave me the worst tempered horse! When I returned from taking the tourists for a very long ride I couldn't even walk, I had terrible pains on my behind. She barely fed me and I went to take a shower. When I looked in the mirror my buts where completely purple and what a pain!! I said: ABBA YAHUWAH if you want to do this in order that I can eat, I'll so it! But please find me something else, in the Name of Yahshúa! Next day I returned to San José, but the lady was very hesitant to give me the return money, finally she did.
Coming the second day of the week YAHUWAH gave a work as salesman in IBM Costa Rica. I thanked Him
from the bottom of my heart, I think I would have died on top of that horse¡ Imagine? I knew very little about
computers. Well, in the first month I was #1 salesman of IBM CR, but a problem appeared: They did not want
to pay me the commission and I was starving. They paid the and I was off to set up my own computer business.
I did, Bless His Holy Name, Baruj HaShem YAHUWAH! In the first months I was very successful. I had a
small apartment where my clients came and I was making a living.
One night at about 12 I asked YAHUWAH: PLEASE YOU KNOW WE NEED A WEB FOR THE
DESIGNER. I'M GOING TO SIT IN THE COMPUTER AND You direct me OK? The web of horamesianica
was done by two in the morning, later He showed me how to work on it. This happened on 12-16-91. Then He
helped me build the group, and also has a lot of subscribers.
One night I was in internet and I received a communication from Eddie Chumey, and I read it. The
communication was from someone that had sent it to Eddie. I looked in the bottom and there was an address,
so I looked it up in the web. All of the sudden it appeared: YOUR ARMS TO ISRAEL in the screen.
I devoured everything in that web page and now hundreds of persons in Latin America, Spain, Portugal and
Brazil have the two house teachings, including in the translation.
'Yevarejeja YAHUWAH v'yishmereja
[Que YAHUWAH te bendiga y te guarde.]
Yaer YAHUWAH panav eleija vijunekka.
[Que YAHUWAH haga su rostro resplandecer sobre ti y te muestre su favor]
Yissa YAHUWAH panav eleija v'yasem l'ja Shalom.
[Que YAHUWAH levante su rostro hacia ti y te dé Shalom.]'
But something happened. Now hold on to your seat.
Since I had been living in Costa Rica, we could say as a reversed wet back, because with doing all this work I
never had money to get me a lawyer to fix my residency papers, once I was in the center of San José giving out leaflets of the computers and I was doing very well. All of the sudden the migra came and carried me off to prison. I was put in the stickiest place, but I proclaimed YAHUWAH-YAHUSHA there and a few persons
came to Him. I called on The Name of YAHUWAH and said. ABBA YAHUWAH Shabbat is approaching,
please! get me out of here before six o'clock. KNOW WHAT? At five fifty five a guard called my name, and I
was let go not before they gave deportation orders in three days. That was two years ago. Of course my
computer business went down the drain, because now I could not stand in the streets handing out leaflets. So I was in the center of San José and I called on The Name of YAHUWAH, like I do constantly: ABBA
I'M SICK, I HAVE TO EAT MY FATHER!!! So I heard a voice: go see your friend Rod.
Rod's store was only a few blocks away. When I got there he said to me, you know one of the employees just
quit, why don't you work here? I said: Rod you know I keep Shabbat. And he answered: We'll work it out. So I
started working for Rod. In a months time he put me in charge of everybody there and I had some money. The
most wonderful thing happened: Rod put a little money and I put the rest to buy ink for my very own
computer which I had bought when I was in the business, so I bought ink to print YAHUWAH'S Brit
HaDashah, What a blessing! I had the Brit HaDashah printed, I took it in my hands and hugged it and
Rod had no problems letting me preach at work and the Brit HaDashah and he did too, he learned a lot. We set up a small congregation and everything was going well. YAHUWAH got very upset at Rod. And He specifically told me to take His Brit HaDashah away from there, and He was going to take me away too. Rod was smoking pot. I took the Brit HaDashah away and only brought one when solicited. In two months I was out too.
The I went to work for Rods brother, named Derek, managing a paint store. The sales went up, I was working
finishing the Tanaj and eating. Well it happens that Derek doest not smoke pot, but worse, he goes to the casino and spends all kinds the money from the business, and accompanied he snorts coke (I don't know how to write it) and gets drunk , so I exhorted him like I did his brother, soon he got tired of my YAHUWAH and he fired me, this happened a month and a half ago, BUT BARUJ HASHEM YAHUWAH!!! The Tanaj is finished and printed. Mind you Rod and Derek claim they are "brothers" in the faith.
For the above reasons your number 11 study struck me right in my heart and I started crying, which I have
done for half this letter.
So there is the real reason I cannot leave Costa Rica until YAHUWAH gets me out. When I leave I can not
return. Also my work here is not done yet. Although I want out yesterday, I have to do what He says. Bendito
sea YAHUWAH para siempre!!! Amen.
There is much more, but same situations, different places and persons, so I don't want to tire you.
After 2,000 years of people doing whatever they have wanted with Scriptures, I have done everything humanly
possible to unravel this, I'm sure there are a few details left to be worked on. That can be done for the second
edition. Soon you will see a copy that I will send to our sister Canto de Alabanza. Hundreds of persons are
being blessed by it and by your teachings in Spanish.
With all my love in Mashíaj Yahshúa.
May YAHUWAH Elohim Tzavaot, the Elohim of our people Israel Bless you dearly, HaShem Yahshúa Melej
Ha Mashíaj.
Diego Ascunce
I am very interested in the YATI Study Program. I have read your articles and believe that you are the Rabbi
that I should study with.
I have been an ordained minister for over thirty years. I have studied Judaism and some Hebrew for a number
of years. I have been looking for a place to plant myself and my ministry for many years. When a friend
introduced me to the Your Arms To Israel web site, I knew I was HOME! I immediately accepted the Two-
House message and repented for being apart of the church for all these years.
I received the Two-House message on Tuesday, (8/6/02) and our ministry, Agents Of The Kingdom, began
observing Shabbat, Friday (8/09/02). I now understand why Abba Yahuwah never allowed us to have services
on Sunday. We rented buildings and sent out announcements, on more than one occasion, however Abba
Yahuwah would always have us cancel them before the date.
I, too am a Music Producer and Musician. I could not understand why I could not finish my latest project and
the Praise and Worship project I am producing on my sister. Now it is all very clear. Abba Yahuwah did not
want another misleading project in the market place. I could go on and on, however I am sure we will have
plenty of time in the coming days for sharing.
I also read on your web site that you are going to be doing teachings on Praise and Worship this coming
October. Please let me know what I would have to do to have you come and teach in Cincinnati. I minister
prophetically in worship, and I have been praying about a Praise and Worship Conference for the past year. I
believe you are the answer to my prayers. Please let me know your availability!!!!
I have held you long enough. I am just so excited! Please let me know what I need to do regarding the YATI
Study program.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Novella H. Williams
Can you put me in contact with Brother Moshe Koniuchowsky? I want to personally thank him for his work in
thrashing those Messianic Jews who deny the plain and simple truth of the scattered ten tribes. I'm a Messianic Jew (Messianic Hebrew to be more specific) but I'm an outcast because I believe that the some of the scattered ten tribes migrated North over the Caucus (hence the word "Caucasian") Mountains and thus settling Europe, and the America's.
I catch a bad rap because they believe that that is a racist belief (even though my daughter is named after a
black woman, my best friend is black AND I have an adopted sister who is Hispanic)
Rabbi Koniuchowsky is bold and full of knowledge and I'd like to thank him for his work.
I'd really like to get away from the Jewish version of the "good ole boy" attitude as it relates to Jews vs.
Gentiles. They define a "gentile" as "anything other than a Jew" and I think that they're wrong! I sure wish
that there was a Synagogue here in Dallas that didn't have that attitude. But, that aside, I do like the
Synagogue that I attend. I just wish they'd do some research before teaching a falsehood. Every time I bring up the ten tribes they always refer to the "Ephraimite Error" commentary and that really scrapes my rear end!
Finally, I got so steamed about it that I sought out others who feel the same way I do and it looks like I have
finally found a hand full of people (like Rabbi Koniuchowsky) who actually do the research (like I have done).
I'm an outcast because I WILL NOT BE DENIED MY HEBREW HERITAGE. Of course all of those who
accept Messiah become sons of Abraham. But denying my Hebrew heritage would be like a Mexican person
denying the historical fact that he/she is a descendant of the natives and the Anglo-Spanish conquistadors &
settlers. It's a historical fact and cannot be denied.
Likewise, if I deny my Hebrew heritage then I'm embracing a lie. And if I embrace that lie then why not
embrace many other lies? Please let me know if you can put me in contact with Rabbi Koniuchowsky.
Sha alu Shalom Yerushalayim
I just wanted to let you know how your ministered has touched me deeply. I am in the so called church and
never knew any of the things you have touched on. I cannot believe that I was deceived. It is really very
frightening when all these years I thought I knew my Yahuwah. I always had a lot of questions in which no
one could ever answer, like "who is married to who." Very confusing! And what are we doing while the Jews
are in the Millennium and having families, what are we doing. No one really knew.
I was always Jealous of the Jews thinking they where having all the blessing and I wasn't quite sure what I
would be doing. Of course I would repent because just to be with Yahuwah should be Enough for anyone.
However, I wanted you to know that I take your message very seriously In addition, I am considering studying
with the Rabbi on your web site, but I just don't know where to begin. I have cried and cried over your
teaching, It must be the Holy Spirit. I want to tell your message to everyone I know and don't know. It is very
hard but real.
Thank you, I owe you my life, rather my eternal life. Please bear with me for I still do not know all the new
terminology, but I have been reading all your papers night and day, I just can't put it down. I have to know
everything. I hope to meet you in Florida someday, my son lives there. Thank you.
Many blessing to you and your ministry.
Frankie Oja
Dear Rabbi,
I recently discovered your web site from a link I found in doing research on the Samaritans. I just finished
reading (& verifying the scriptural references in) the document "The Ongoing Reunion Of All Israel - Part 2".
I was shocked to say the least! I believe everything I found there was true, for I consider myself to be a
Christian Ephraimite Israelite. Until I found your web site, I felt that I was completely alone in my beliefs, but
now I see that I am not alone. I am part of a large "family" of faith. Praise Yahuwah!
My father was a man who studied the Bible in depth (as I am attempting to do) and he told me many years ago
that our family may be descended from Ephraim, son of Joseph, son of Jacob. I didn't understand what he was talking about until I started to seek the truth and search the scriptures for myself. There is so much confusion & deception in the world, it is hard to find the real truth. I have "battled" with many so-called Christian faiths, i.e. Mormons, Jehovahs Witnesses, Catholics (Pagan Roman Church), etc. and prevailed because their practices and beliefs could not be supported by scripture.
I feel that I have heard the calling to find others who believe as I do and seek a fully restored House of Israel. I
feel a powerful urge that I can't explain to return to the place of my ancient fathers and somehow try to heal
the "break" that occured long ago. I am sure I would be rejected by most Jews who see themselves as the only chosen people, but nevertheless, I must do what I can.
Thankyou, and keep up the good work!
Terry Metcalf
[email protected]
Welcome home Terry. You are my brother spiritually by Messiah's blood, and physically as we both come
from Jacob's body according to Genesis 35:10-11. Keep studying and let the reunion begin.
Brother Moshe
Yahuwah's blessings are upon you!
I want to tell you just a little about myself so you will know why I believe in your message.
I found favor of Yahuwah in the early nineties; at that time there were only two telecast that came on tbn that
talked of following Torah, and these telecasts were taken off the air after a few years. I was drawn to these
shows like a magnet and Yahuwah in my heart had helped me make the decision to follow him in these ways
that were back then called the Jewish roots of the faith. My sister said that I was a Black American wanting to
be Jewish, my fellow believers thought I was dreading in the dangerous waters of legalism. My pastor said that I needed to find someone who thought the way I did and join their congregation; I thought to myself,
Yahuwah is speaking to me through the pastor and the pastor don't even know it.
While I was searching out why I was the only one in my area that felt so strongly about following the Torah, I
asked Yahuwah about it and there was quietness on his part at least until now. Until 2000, a decade has passed since he showed me favor, and now Yahuwah has revealed his truth through you Rabbi. Thank you.
Joan McAfee
First I had better explain myself. I am a Pastor of the deceived 'Church'. I have been searching for years for
the "TRUTH" and finally, I think I have found it. ... Now, NATURALLY I'm curious and seeking. ...
I would like to know if your "BIBLE" comes in large print??? ... Then I need ALL the help I can get with
"Feasts", Holy Days etc. (The whole 'shootin match'. ... Not that I'm totally stupid, but after being in the
Church for years and believing the lies .......... I NEED "HELP"!!!
Can you help me? ... I'm desperate !!!
Pastor Richard Simcox
Peace Rabbi:
Thanks a bunch for your prompt answer. .... I have been all over your web page and think I learned MORE from it than I have in the past thirty or forty years. FANTASTIC !!!!
I might have misrepresented myself. ... I am a "Retired" Pastor. Was in the "FourSquare Faith", however I
now "sub" preach in the Baptist and Mennonite Churches in this area. ((WOW !!!! Have I got something to
tell them NOW !!!!!!)) HALLELUJAH !!!
Rabbi, we live in South West Kansas in the tiny town of 'Hanston'. It's approximately 35 miles North of Dodge
City. ...... No, I haven't met Marshal Dillon or Miss Kitty as of yet. (Ha !) We do enjoy it here after living 25
years in Texas. (Dallas). Nice and quiet with wonderful people.
YES, PLEASE send me any information you can. I have been looking at your books and tapes .... could spend
about a million dollars there...I think. ...... Going to have to take this one step at a time though. S/S doesn't pay much. ....I do want to purchase your "Large Print Bible" however ASAP. How do I go about that?
Thanks again Rabbi and I hope this is the beginning of a long lasting relationship between You, Me and OUR
Pastor David Samuel Casas
Greetings Rabbi Koniuchowsky,
In the name of our Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ, greetings. I am not of Jewish decent, although my
family, originally from Spain and Cuba, believe that our roots are among the Jews of Spain. My name is David
Samuel. My father's name is David (called to be with the Lord in 1993) and my mother's is Elisa Belen
(Bethlehem). The tradition is somehow in our names, for my sister is Ruth Esther, my cousin on my father's
side is Loida, and both her sons, Joel and Daniel, are almost like brothers to me.
I share this with you because Yahuwah has always disquieted my heart for the Jewish people and for Israel. I
am 29 years old, but I was called into the ministry ten years ago. I did my training at a Ministerial Institute
and have been serving Yahuwah for eight years now as pastor of the Latino congregation in the Atlanta area
that my father once pastored.
I began my studies of prophecy while in school in 1993. Since then, the Lord has been merciful and great in
revealing His Word to me. I was so thankful to Him when I found your website. The things the Lord Yahuwah
has revealed to you are things that He has been showing me through His Word! I was so excited to see your
studies and rightly dividing the word of truth.
I have been for three years now submerged in the study of End Time prophecy, afraid of divulging the things
the Lord has shown me because it is not in agreement with many of the scholars today. The scriptures do not
teach me of a pre-tribulation rapture of the Gentile church and the tribulation period designed for backsliding
Israel. The scriptures do not teach me of the amillennist views or the postmillennist views. I was distraught, but trusted in what the Lord was revealing to me about the fast approaching days. Then, three years into my study, I read your Two Olive Tree article. As a matter of fact, I read it last night. I bless and give all glory to God for His unspeakable gift!
I thank the Lord for you, Rabbi. I pray God's keeping of your heart, mind and body until the glorious
appearing of our Lord and Savior Yahusha. I pray that we can communicate more often. I have so much to
learn of the things that the Lord has shown you. I also wish the opportunity to share with you the things that
the Lord has shown me. I just thank my God for opening the eyes of this poor Gentile to see things that my
teachers and other scholars shun. I would appreciate, if you have the time, guidance on the material you have
made available. I am in the process of writing a book on my three year study.
I hope to hear from you, Rabbi. Praise God!
Shalom, Pastor David Samuel Casas
Written by: Isabel Maria Rodriguez-Fico
Yahuwah has birthed a nation [around the globe] thru this congregation. By other congregations focusing
more on the New Testament the Brit Chadasha in this age, makes it more of a challenge for us to reveal the
truth about our identity by using both covenants. Out of the four corners of the world, people will unite to hear the truth about their identity. Yahuwah's teachings thru us shall travel afar, without us having to. We shall only travel to places that Yahuwah will indicate. Just wait for the sign and command. Don't anticipate your future. Chosen people will come to meet and greet us, which were chosen from the beginning for this special time and ending. Chosen zera [seed] that is born unto us thru many generations to come will now come out [of the kirches] and unite for the coming of Messiah. Together we will represent Yahshua HaMashiach in the events promised soon to come. We will stand firm and let nothing stop us in this mission of prophecy. Many ministries will be revealed to us in time and we will have the wisdom led by the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit, to choose what is right for us to do. We [both houses] will become one in Yahshua. His promise is from the beginning and to the end and soon to come. We will fight for truth and justice and with His outstretched hand we will show wondrous deeds. We will represent the truth and nothing shall stop us! YHUH sees that the olive tree grows and will make sure of that!! In this world we need more men that can so easily express in detail such knowledgeable information as Brother Moshe. There are people that appreciate his wisdom around here. Hello ! I hope to always be part of this family that has given me so much enlightenment to the truth. I am honored to be a student and a part of this congregation. My eyes have been unveiled thru the light of Yahusha.
I thank YHUH for having me brought back to my people. Thru this congregation I have birthed a relationship
with YHUH and grown in the Spirit. Something that will stay with me eternally and forever and will never
depart from me. I thank all of you for being my family.
Before I ever set a foot in this synagogue, I was of the world. I didn't go from one congregation to another. I
came from out of the hands of the enemy. I was expecting a child when YHUH called out to me that He
wanted me to devote my life to Him, to find my identity and to find my people. I have been to Evangelical
Assemblies before and I would say "Gloria sea el señor" in Spanish, come home and close the book. I tried
going to Sunday Mass at St. Joseph's Church where I went to school and did my first communion, but I came
out of there totally empty! Now my eyes have been unveiled thru the light of Yahshua HaMashiach. I have
lived in this area [Miami Beach] since I was 7 yrs old from Cuba. I passed by the synagogue many times. As a
matter of fact my father lived across the street for many years. I would look up the star up on the roof [when it was a traditional shul] and I would actually hear people calling out to me. They would say "come, come, these are your people." "No I don't need religious prozac" was my response.
I walked in here for the very first time, more than a year ago and I still cant wait all week for my next Shabbat.
Through this congregation I have birthed a relationship with YHUH and grown into the Spirit. I thank
YHUH, Yahshua, our Brother Moshe and all of you for that. My husband risked his life on a raft to come into
this country to prosper. He fell into the hands of the enemy. YHUH got his attention and he was away for a
year [jail] to prepare him for a new life in Yahusha. He has now repented and wants to recover, recuperate and reconstruct his life again. He wants to make up for his lost time. I guess YHUH always knows what He's doing.
Now we can be together as one and be a complete family with our son Immanuel Yahshua. We will also be
getting remarried here at the shul in the near future. YHUH has put us one the right track and it is up to us to
stay on it and with YHUH's help and this congregation, I'm 100% sure we'll be all right!
Shalom to you all:
I found your web site from Lew White's link page and have not been the same since. This is the most
outstanding web site I have ever seen. My testimony is as follows:
A few years ago I became very ill with fibromyalgia and was bed ridden for a few months. At the time, I was
studying with Jehovah's Witnesses, and as I began to question their doctrine, they disfellowshiped me, had
nothing to do with me, and their teachings state that I was an apostate and to be shunned. This was very
devastating to me as I was searching for the true Elohim and thought I had found Him with these people.
NOT! I then began studying on my own. My husband bought me a Strong's Concordance and I began going to
the Scriptures daily searching for the real truth. During the last few years of my life, YHUH began to send bits
and pieces of truth in my path. I guess He didn't want to overload my brain. I then began to honor the 7th-day
Sabbath, along with my husband, and now my mother, dad, and sister have come to know the true Elohim and
all celebrate the 7th-day Sabbath and the feasts of YHUH. About a year ago, I was awakened around 3:00
a.m., and heard a voice in my spirit say to me "SHOW MY PEOPLE THE ERRORS OF THEIR WAYS."
Needless to say, I could not return to sleep. I got up, went into my living room, covered my head with my
prayer shawl, and on bended knees began to pray to my Father YHUH for an interpretation of this request.
Then, one evening, my family and I went to a prophecy conference in New Orleans and heard Michael Rood
speaking about the prophecies in the Feasts of YHUH. This was absolutely incredible information. I then knew what I had to do. I had to show people, from the Scriptures, how we have been deceived by our forefathers.
Because of my dedication and commitment to YHUH, my husband, father, mother, and sister have come to
know the true Elohim and his feast days. My dad will be joining all of you at the August 16-19 conference to
learn as much as possible so that we can be a light in our community. Please pray for us. I would like to send a letter to the leaders of all the congregations in our area. Do you have any kind of format or information that
could help me in reaching out to the community? I really want to keep the information short and to the point,
as you well know, in the fast-paced world in which we live, people just don't have enough time to read anything lengthy. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you and Shalom to all of you at Your Arms to Israel.
Sister Hannah
Thank you very much Brother Moshe for responding to me so very quickly. You are so very kind. I think I
have read just about everything on your web site. If all the articles I have read contained calories, it would take a moving van to transport me around. I truly love what YHUH is doing in your midst. And, yes, you have my permission to publish my testimony. I have been so deeply moved in the Spirit, that I have begun making
tzitziyot, prayer shawls and talits for women and Lew White has put my tzitziyot on his web site for sale. I feel
that My Father is telling me to teach women how to dress according to the Scriptures. I wear my talit with
tzitzit to my office daily. I make them in various colors to match just about any garment. Since Scripture didn't
state what color the tzitzit were to be, I felt YHUH gave us some discretion in this area; however, I always use
the blue thread. The windings on the tzitzit equal the Hebraic numerical value of the name of YHUH. This
way, I wear His Name daily. I am trying to start a home-based business making scriptural garments. I have
designed a wall-mounted, pvc, indoor/outdoor Menorah that is quite beautiful. I have been working in the
midst of Babylon for so long and would like to come out of her and begin working for YHUH as my boss.
I love how you teach according to the Scriptures. You have given so many people hope in knowing they also
can be grafted in to the Messiah as a returning Ephramite. My family is wanting to learn Hebrew and the only
information we have found is videos from The First Fruits of Zion. My dad also gets their monthly Torah Club
lessons which we study weekly. Do you provide any Hebrew teaching tapes? I want to learn the inspired
language of my Messiah Yahshua so much. We used to use the King James version of the Scriptures, however,
I just didn't like it. Then we purchased The Scriptures from the Institute of Scripture Research. This is the
most outstanding version I have ever seen. I was so happy to see you used it too.
Brother Moshe, you have been such a blessing to the restoration of the two-house concept. Please stay strong in your endeavor to teach the world the truth. We shall all be standing by you as you do. Shalom to you all.
Shalom to the members of this forum. I am Elder Silvio Soto of "Restoration Ministry in Messiah" in St.
Thomas, USVI. I would like to take this opportunity to share my testimony with the list members as a way of
introducing myself to everyone.
My Testimony
I was raised in a Pentecostal church in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. Naturally, this means that for many
years I did not believed nor observed any of the Bible's sacred days. As I became an adult, my interest and
efforts in the ministry grew and by age 24 I had manage to make for myself a religious reputation in this 32
squared mile island. Early in my biblical studies I had develop an interest for both the subject of apologetics
and cults. As can be expected (at least given my background), I grew up considering the Seventh-day Adventist to be a "benign" cult. Since I had been schooled according to the dispensational interpretation of the Bible, I felt very capable of debating any biblical topic. For a number of years, I was involved in numerous debate with Sabbath keepers and I also taught others how to do the same. To my shame, I succeeded convincing a significant number of them to abandon the observance of the weekly Sabbath in order to adopt a position similar to mine (which was that in the New Testament era, we have no special day of worship mandated to Christians). Just like Paul, I was persuaded that I was doing my duty unto God. But, the Heavenly Father had mercy and pity on me. During the month of January 1990, I met a local Pastor by the name of Dale George. He too had a passion for debating and I was only too glad to oblige. Naturally, I was confident that I was going to win this one as I had won countless others. However, YHUH Almighty had a big rude awakening in stored for me!
On the day of our first encounter, I had decided I was going directly for a "cut throat" approach. In my brief
earlier exchanges with Dale George, I had observed that Dale was a humble man. I intended to take advantage
of this character trait and over power him with my personality. I had it all planned out. As soon as he brings
up the topic of the Sabbath, I was going to call him a hypocrite, arguing that if he really believed in the
"concept of sacred time" he should be keeping both the Festivals and the weekly Sabbath. To prove my point, I was then going to take him to Leviticus 23, where weekly Sabbath and the annual Festivals are both grouped as one. I already knew his intended reply. He would have argued that the Festivals were ceremonial while the
weekly Sabbath was part of the Moral Law. He would certainly remind me that the Decalogue was personally
written with the finger of God, while the Book of the Law was written by Moses. He probably was going to try
and argue the significance of how the Decalogue was placed inside the ark when the Mosaic Law was placed
outside. I also expected him to try to make something over the fact that the Savior in the Gospels and the New Testament Church through out the book of Acts were described as observing the weekly Sabbath. But I had a prepared logical reply for everyone of these arguments!
The way I saw it, I was preparing to fight "fire with fire." He will be arguing for one sacred day and I will be
using seven sacred days against him. Something ceremonial means that it involves a ritual. In the Mosaic Law, the Festivals involved such rituals as: gathering together, public and private worship, singing, offerings, blood sacrifices, and doing no work. It turns out this is all true of the weekly Sabbath! Basically my premise was simple: if it walked like a duck, if it quacked like a duck, and if it looked like a duck ... it had to be a duck!
Therefore, the weekly Sabbath was no less a ceremonial (ritualistic) observance than were the Festivals. The
fact that it was part of the Ten Commandments did not make it any less ceremonial. Besides, I always felt that
Sabbath keepers were too loose with the phrase "Moral Law," since all disobedience is an act of immorality. In
fact, I had discovered that Sabbath keeping scholars were in agreement that men were to be considered as
"Free Moral Agents." By definition and application, this meant that men are endowed with a "free will" (the
ability to choose good from evil), but are under "moral" obligation to choose good! Therefore, any law that
imposed a control on my "freedom of choice" had to be a "Moral Law" by definition. Designating the Festivals
as "ceremonial" did not make these any less "morally" binding on Israel. Furthermore, the argument of the
Decalogue being inside the ark while the Mosaic Law was outside was little more than an appeal to abandon
critical thinking for emotionalism. After all, this line of reasoning was implying that something inside was
deemed of higher value than that which was outside. The problem is that inside the ark were also the rod of
Aaron and samples of Manna. I never knew of a scholar (Sabbath or Sunday keeper) who felt these items were more important that the Mosaic Law by virtue of them being placed inside the ark! As to the argument that the Savior and the early believers kept the Sabbath in the Gospel and in the book of Acts, I was only too trilled when this was brought up. Immediately my rehearsed response was, "The Savior and the early church in Acts both kept the ceremonial Festivals, but YOU DON’T!" In fact, any biblical and/or historical argument that can be used to support the weekly Sabbath observance also can easily be shown to support the observance of the Annual Festivals! The Catholic church has not only claimed to have changed the weekly Sabbath, but to have also changed the Festivals (substituting the latter with pagan feast days)!
It was a lovely "time-tested" strategy that had worked beautifully for me before. Dale simply didn’t have a
prayer that could help him. I was that confident and secured! Imagine my surprise when I made my
"hypocrite" charge against this noble soul and he informed me that he agreed with me! Stunned, I ask him if
he agreed, then why he didn't keep the Festivals and only kept the Sabbath (the reality of his answer had not
truly sunk through my skull). Again, lovingly and with careful wording (so I could understand him) he stated,
"I ... keep ... both!" HUH? Immediately I felt that the rug had been pulled from under my feet. This was not
how I had planned this encounter to developed! Now, because of my arrogance and my prejudgment, I was at a complete disadvantage and treading new grounds (not exactly a comfortable feeling - as you can imagine). In my mind I was rushing with every strategy I had ever used trying to determine how to get myself out of this
hole. But, I couldn't overcome my utter surprise that Dale kept the Festivals! I mean, I had never met a
Christian that spoke favorably of the Festivals, let alone kept them. Yet, here he was — standing in living color in front of me — a very strange and unique creature. To add to my confusion, Dale was not saying nothing else.
He was just there standing in silence, waiting for me to do the next move (perhaps, to put my other foot in my
mouth). The pressure was unbelievable. Having won so many debates using high pressure techniques, finally
somebody was turning the table on me and giving me a taste of my own medicine. In my despair, I remember
tossing my arms to the air and telling him, "Why in the world would you keep the Festivals?"
What an irony! Moments earlier I just called him a hypocrite if he did not keep the Festivals along with the
weekly Sabbath. Now, I was insinuating that something must be wrong with his mind for doing so! Despite my
obvious lack of cordiality in that statement, Dale proceeded to illuminate my mind with some of the numerous
reasons and biblical evidence on this subject. Within one hour, I was transformed from a roaring intimidating
lion into an ordinary house cat. I mean, I felt really uneducated. My pride and arrogance had effectively been
wiped under the ground. I couldn't help but to marvel at his reasoning and quality of evidence. It was as if all
my life I had been reading another book instead of the Bible! The evidence had been there all this time!! To
make matters worse, his arguments were simplicity itself. It was not the kind of explanation that required
much theological background to understand. I was able to immediately see the ramification of his various
positions and interpretation as he progressed from one stage to the next. At the end, I was a very humbled man and all I could say, "Okay Dale, you made a few points, but I am going to need time to verify all this "stuff". Yeah, that is right. I called it "stuff!" I was still hoping against hope that I could find a genuine refutation. To be sure, I will spent the next nine months visiting Dale's Assembly every Sabbath. I searched and researched, and then did it all over again. But the seed had been planted, deep within the chambers of my soul and heart. It tortured me day and night. So many times I thought to myself, "My GOD!! ALL those people I have led against the Sabbath!!!" My agony was unbearable. I lost my peace and self-control. I did not want to eat or engage in any other activity but to research this subject. There had to be a way out, there just had to be! But the more I searched, the more information I uncovered that actually sided with Dale! It was a nightmare ... It was also a disgrace.
Many weeks of literal tears followed more weeks of tears. I struggled with my conscience everyday, but the
Holy Spirit would neither allow me rest or peace. At the time, I was the pastor of a local Spanish church and
the co-pastor of the English speaking mother church. I tried to consoled myself with the numerous activities of the ministry, but there had all lost their attraction to me. Yet, months were passing by and I still would not do a definite decision. Once again, our precious Heavenly Father used Dale.
The Festival of Tabernacle was fast approaching September that year, 1991. It was a Sabbath afternoon and
we were all gather for a lunch fellowship at the home of one of Dale's members. By now, I was a regular visitor.
Another brother, who at one time had been the deacon of the Assembly, approached me with the question if I
had made my decision. I tried to ignore the question and change the subject, but the dear brother insisted.
When I finally told him, "No," he ask what I was waiting for. I did not have a good answer so I merely told
him I did not feel I was ready yet. I still had to reconcile many superficial issues like: the fact that I was a
pastor of a Sunday keeping church, the possible loss of prestige in this small island where practically everyone knew me, etc. At that moment, Dale — in a most uncharacteristic form — told me he feared for my salvation!
Amazed, I demanded for him to explain himself (after all, this was stated publicly). He told me that while it is
true that the Father accepts many of us while still in ignorance, that I could no longer personally avail myself
of that avenue, AS I WAS NO LONGER IGNORANT OF THE FACTS. I smiled, but as he walked away my
heart sank!! I felt like a dagger had split me wide open. Needless to say, I could not sleep that night! I knew
what he had said was the truth. That night, in the solitude of my room I decided I had to decide. The following
morning I called the brother who had inquired of me for an answer and informed him I had decided. That
same morning, I rendered my resignation to my former religious affiliation and I was baptized on the first
Great day of Tabernacle 1991. To this day, I have never once regretted the path that has been given to me to
In the words of Paul Harvey, "Now you know ... the rest of the story."
I remain in His service and yours,
By the Sovereign Yahu`sha our Messiah
Silvio Soto - Elder
Shalom Brother Moshe.
Since I came back from the AMI Conference I have had it in my heart to write to share some thoughts of
testimony regarding the Ordination Service. Last week I received the certificate and video and it has been
overwhelming to hear all the different words of exhortation and prophecy. I am glad I had not written before,
because having heard the service again, I am in awe of how quickly the words spoken over my life are coming to pass.On the day of the ordination, YHVH spoke so many things relating to the call and ministry. There was one word of personal content which touched the fibers of my soul. It was the second word of prophecy spoken through you being something that has been in the depths of my heart regarding the pain of the loss of a loved one. It is something I have carried for a long time in my heart and I truly felt ministered to because I know it is pain I have taken to the secret place of my relationship with YHVH.
The first word of prophecy spoken through you brought revelation of things to come which are already coming to pass. YHVH spoke of people seeking me out. Brother Moshe, even the same week as the prophecy said that even that same week I would receive contacts, a contact from Venezuela and Florida came before I left Orlando. Since I have returned to Puerto Rico, contacts from New York, Texas and Utah to mention a few. Unexpected correspondence has been going back and forth over the last month and a half as was spoken. YHVH has opened doors for financial blessing and new people are arriving at Beth-El as spoken.
These are just quick notes of what has been going on since the Ordination. I wanted to share these with you as a testimony of true words of prophecy and in gratefulness to YHVH for HIS faithfulness.
May YAH continue to bless you and your ministry,
Flor M. Diaz-Rivera
Congregación Mesiánica Beth-El
Puerto Rico
I have been reading/studying your teaching for over a year. I was looking again for the papers to re-study and
do some teaching from them, using them for my guidelines. I hope this is okay with you. If not, please let me
know. I apparently must have given them away, I can't find them. I went to your website to print them off,
and lesson numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 won't print the right size type. Would you be kind enough to send me
these issues? Thank you very, very much. Your teaching was the first I came into contact concerning the 'Two House Theology', and opened up my eyes as to my true identity. I had been questioning this for many years and your message has brought me full circle. I won't go into all the details, because I know you hear this many times a day!! And isn't it wonderful though? How blessed you are! I've had things, a calling of some
sort, but didn't know exactly what until now. I have never been more sure of anything in my life as I am now
of several. What are the qualifications for ordination or licensing whichever it is nowadays. I would like very
much to be licensed. I have been ordained by the Christian church, but as as the prodigal child, I have truly
come home from my wanderings.
As always, thank you for your response. I am eternally grateful!
Olivia Buzzingham/[email protected]
Hosea 1:9-10 9. And the Lord[Adonai] said, "Name him 'Lo-Ammi', for you are not My people and I am not
your God[Elohim]."
10. Yet the number of the sons of Israel will be like the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured or
numbered; and it will come about that, in the place where it is said to them, "You are not My people[Lo-
Ammi]," it will be said to them, "You are the sons of the living God[Elohim]." [NAS]
This is brother Fred. I just wanted to drop you a line and thank you again for the time you spent with me one on- one last week! I can't thank and praise Yahveh enough for the revelation and Truth He has blessed me
with through your ministry and the books you and Chaim gave me! I was also very touched to hear that you
asked about me on Shabbat... unfortunately, I had to work. Thanks again for care and concern.
The Truth in your teachings, coupled w/ Batya Wooten's book is quite overwhelming... it all really blows me
away!! Initially, after having the first conversations w/ sister Carmen and looking at your website... I knew it,
in my spirit, ALL to be Truth... however, I was overcome w/ Fear... since I had just recently and FINALLY
become comfortable in my spirituality w/ who I was and what I was called to do... and that is a lot coming from
someone who was called by God as a teen and spent the next 18 yrs running from said calling out of doubt,
fear, ignorance and low self-esteem. Just your average, back-slidden Baptist, perhaps... anyway, w/in the last
year and half I have become comfortable w/ the Charismatic/Prophetic/Apostolic movement and my part in
it... this was all quite a stretch (all His Grace!). And now this!! I was consumed by Fear... because I did not
want to let go of the Peace I had found in Him or part from the Prophetic/Apostolic movement...
But Yahveh is Great and Merciful... I felt Him speak into my spirit: "Do not fear, My son, for this is your
inheritance." I can't tell you the Peace that gave me! Later too, He confirmed in my spirit that He has called
me to walk in both Houses, and be "an ambassador one to the other". Please, let me know if you do not bare
witness to anything I have shared... for I know that is the answer that appeals to my flesh.
I don't even know why I have shared all this w/ you, Rabbi, but when I speak of Yahveh and what He is doing
in my life... I tend to get carried away! As if all that was not enough... the very same week, Yahveh blessed me
w/ a permanent position (I had been temping previously) at Mt. Sinai Foundation! The Fund Raising element
of the hospital... hob-nobbing w/ well, you know!!
PraiseYahveh!!! He is tooooo much!!!
Dear Brother Moshe & YATI,
About a year ago my wife and I purchased a computer after I had already told her that there was "nothing
that interested me in those things." Yahuwah, soon showed me otherwise.
One night while surfing the Internet, by complete accident, I stumbled my way into the Your Arms To Israel
website. When I started to read Rabbi Moshe's articles and Batya Wootten's Book, it was like my complete
soul had been seared with a hot branding iron and "scales" literally fell from my eyes to understand
Yahuwah's Holy Scriptures as I had never understood them before. I can remember the first article I read on
the website, which was entitled "Under Whose Tents Should We Dwell." This is the one that got my attention,
Being a lifelong good OLE Southern Baptist Deacon, I had to search the scriptures to find out for myself if
such things could be true. Guess What? Praise Yahuwah, they are and his truth is eternal!
Needless to say, my wife Linda and I now celebrate all of Yahuwah's appointed times, and are members of The
Messianic Nazarene Yisrael Alliance and have been blessed by Yahuwah beyond measure. (Kosher Too!)
Linda and I both are so grateful to Rabbi Moshe, YATI, Batya Wootten, and Rabbi Ed Nydle of Ottumwa,
Iowa for being our shepherds and in helping us to return to where Yahuwah always wanted us to be. And that
my friends, is belonging (through Yahshua) to Yahuwah's only "called out assembly"---- ISRAEL!
Baruch Hashem Yahuwah
T'oma & Linda Morris Youngsville, Louisiana
Dear Brother Moshe:
Rabbi I gotta tell you that since I've read your study on the Sacred name (4 times), something has happened
and that is that now when I hear or read the name HaShem or Adonay or lord, etc. my spirit cringes, or if that
is not the appropriate word, I know it feels like a very high pitch sound directly blown into your ear. It's really
uncomfortable and bothersome. Since I re-adopted the real names of the father and the son and use them as frequently as possible I sense peace in my spirit and I know that can only come from YAHUWAH. Look forward to see you on Monday night. May almighty YAHUWAH fill you with blessings.
Robert Romero
Miami, Florida
Shalom Brother Moshe,
I have corresponded with you once before. I am a relatively new subscriber to your e-mail. This is not so much a letter of testimony, so I won't expect it to be forwarded to anybody. I suppose this is more just a very brief, friendly, sharing about who we are and how you have helped us, even during these brief months, to grow in the Truth.
My wife and I come from a Roman Catholic background. We had a true born again experience 20 years ago.
Although we tried to find a place in the RC church, we eventually had to leave it. We have been involved with,
ministered in, and served in the Charismatic expression of Evangelical churches for about the past 19 years,
including some time in Romania as medical missionaries.
Anyway, when we were just "babes" in Yahshua, we had very deep questions which arose as we began to read the Bible. "Why does the church honor Sunday over the true Shabbat?" "What did the Lord mean when He used the words 'eternal' and 'everlasting' as relates to certain of the feast days?" "Why do we continue to eat pork and other unclean meats?" "What does it mean to be 'grafted in'? Grafted into what?" "What did Paul mean when he wrote in Ephesians that the partition has been broken down between Jew and Greek? So the Jew could become like the Greek? or so the Greek could become like the Jew?"
Of course, we received no answers from the church. But...and this is KEY, we have experienced a continual
guidance from Yahshua, THE TRUTH, into greater and greater revelations of the truth. But, we reached a
point when we needed to make a decision...like casting a line in the sand, we admitted that what we had heard
about the Torah, from the church, had been error, and that this error had been born out of century upon
century of anti-Jewish bias. We had to "DE-canonize" the KJV translation of Scripture (and subsequent
mistranslations). We "took the plunge", so to speak, and started living as though we really did believe the
Spirit could lead us. We began, first, to keep Shabbat. Alright, maybe we don't know exactly what we're
doing....but we're doing it to the best of our knowledge. Next we began to look at the food thing...and, although I enjoy bacon as much as the "bacon loving Jew" who wrote to you last week, we have stopped eating unclean foods. I have begun to pray from the Siddur. I even use a Tallit. This year, we had our first Passover meal in our home. Little by little, we are learning and growing in our understanding.
One day, the Lord led me to your website. I have read your teachings and, for the first time in my life, I am
experiencing true peace that, yes, I have begun to live The Way. This new life is lonely for us though, because, apart from your teachings and that of a few other websites, we have no other input into how to walk.
Fellowship in the Bible Belt is impossible without compromise...although we have had a couple of opportunities to share our beliefs with some others. It's amazing how easily doors open up to share when you do something as simple as abstain from pork in this part of the country. Pork is the basic meat in the Ozarks. When I go through the cafeteria line at the hospital (where I work), the servers tell me what has pork and what doesn't. More than once, people have asked me why I don't eat pork. So we usually end up have lunch together and discuss these issues.
Anyway, thank you for the input you continue to have in our lives. My wife and I are planning to participate in
the Orlando Conference (our first ever Messianic conference). I have invited a pastor from Wisconsin to attend because I know he has a tenderness for Israel and he NEEDS to see the truth you teach. I will leave you with a couple of questions.
Bill Windel
Al Negrin: A Sephardic Jew Returns Home
Al Negrin, a Sephardic Jew whose name and ancestry is of Spanish origin, has been a lifetime lecturer and
historian on the subject of Sephardic Judaism.
For two years, Al had been caring for his wife Betty, who was dying of cancer. His close friend Ben Baena,
became aware of the stress that Al was experiencing and suggested that he take a break from his care giving
duties and get out of the house for a few hours. Ben ,who is a messianic Jewish believer, invited Al to attend a service at "Messiah Is God" Messianic Congregation in January of 1995.Ben has been Al’s lifetime pal and had been sharing the Messiah of Israel with him for quite a few years. Al accepted the invitation, but imagined that he would be attending a typical church service. To Al’s amazement, he arrived at Messiah Is God, only to find Jewish men and women, joyfully worshipping Yahuwah in a very Jewish manner.
At first, Al perceived the Brit Chadashah to be a Christian book, written by Gentiles with Catholic popes as
the central figures. He was shocked with amazement to find out that the Brit Chadasha (Newer Covenant) is a
Jewish book, written for Jewish people (as well as Gentiles) by Jewish men.
Al never knew that Yahshua taught in the synagogues and in the Beth Ha Mikdash (Mt. Moriah Temple).He
never knew that Yahshua lived and died and rose again to life, as a Jew. He was especially surprised and
enlightened to find out that Yahshua chose Rav Shaul (Paul) to take the gospel to the Gentiles. For all of his
life, Al had been taught that belief in Yahshua was a new religion by people who were Gentiles to other
Gentiles. When Al realized that there would be no need to convert to another religion and that he could
continue to live and enjoy life as a Jew, his eyes were opened.
Al Negrin knew that he could no longer carry the burden of his wife’s disease and insecurity alone. He listened intently to Brother Moshe give a message entitled "The God Of New Beginnings", offering hope and purpose. He immediately realized that he needed Yahuwah to grant him a new beginning in life. On Sunday January 1, 1995 Al found himself coming forward at the end of the service to pray and to publicly receive Messiah Yahshua as Lord and Savior.
In April 0f 1995, Al’s wife Betty who was near death at home having been sent there by the hospital, also
prayed with Brother Moshe to receive Yahshua as her Moshiach. Just a few days later Betty went to be with
Yahuwah Since then, with Yahuwah’s help and the support of believing friends, Al has been able to overcome the grief of losing his wife of 51 years. Al praises Yahuwah for His mercy and grace. He has truly found Yahshua the Messiah to be a friend that sticks closer than a brother and Lord of new beginnings.
A Letter Of Testimony To Pastor John Hagee
December 21, 1999
Dearest Pastor Hagee,
As a believer -all my life- being raised in a Christian home, I write to you knowing how well you know the
serious condition of "luke-warmness that exists in so many denominations. Their doctrines and traditions
mixed with what has been "selected" out of Scripture.
Years ago, I began watching and supporting TBN and your ministry as well as going to church. Through the
experience even in the church I was raised in… The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)…startled me with
some of their thinking and behavior. I began going to different churches. Yes, finding some degree of the Holy
Spirit, but not enough milk or meat was present to stay. Those that I did find, I attended, but did not feel led
by the Spirit to join and stay. I prayed about this, asking the Father for His help…where He wanted me to
One Sunday afternoon a friend called about a Bible study class being held on Monday nights… and did I want
to go? Of course. A short time later, another person called. She said, "Marcia, the Holy Spirit told me to call
you about a Bible study on Monday night." I said, "Yes." Carmen called and told me also. Yes, I was going
This was the first part of July, 1999. The Bible study was held at B'nai Yahshua Synagogue.
It is a Messianic Synagogue, but not just another Messianic Synagogue. That Monday night, from about 7:30 to 10: pm, Brother Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky taught the class. I could feel the Holy Spirit as if I was sitting
under a shower. When the class ended I looked across the room. My friend Carmen was looking across the
room at me. We just looked knowingly, at each other. We were home! For that night we learned that this
particular Messianic Synagogue believes in the two houses of Judah and Ephraim---two sticks coming together.
There is not going to be a Jewish Bride and a Christian Bride… but one Bride!
I send this book* knowing how dedicated and supportive you are of Israel! Read, enjoy, and share this move of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! I've only had the courage to write all this and send you this book by His
presence in my life. I never saw this coming! Your name came to me immediately. You must read this book and talk with Sholiach Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky.
Praise His Name,
Marcia Harshbarger
My Life Was Over and Done With!
By Race Stein
Aventura, Florida
My name is Race Stein. I am a 33 year old Jewish man. I lived in the midst of confusion, self destruction and
hopelessness, abusing my body with drugs for 16 years. My life was in bondage caused by a heavy addiction to pills and heroin. I existed in a living hell with no hope. My marriage was falling apart and my life was doomed to total destruction. I traveled from one dead end to another.
On August 11,1995 after crying out to Yahuwah for help and relief and following Brother Moshe’s crisis
intervention and counseling, I went through one week of detoxification and entered Sonrise Bible Mission
Training Center in Ft Lauderdale , a bible based support and recovery program for addicts. While being
discipled there, I learned to truly love Yahuwah my creator and develop a strong relationship with Him.
Yahuwah has broken the chains of drug addiction. In April of 1996 I graduated and have been living set free
for almost two years. I know firsthand that when Yahuwah’s Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. I am
free indeed forevermore by His power and love.
In our walk with Yahuwah there can never be any compromise. Please remember me in your prayers. To
Yahuwah be all the glory both now and forever. Amen.
Messianic Nazarene Yisraelite Testimony of Pam Staley
By Pam Staley
Many of the family have expressed their longings, desires and even confusion as to their status 'in the family'....
As I read each heartfelt message, the underlying theme seems to reach out to me and say...'I love God, I love
Israel and the Jewish people, but I long to *BELONG*'. The reason this speaks so loudly to me is that yes, I
have also torn my garments many times and cried out to HaShem....with the very same question - "Who am
I?" "Why am I doing this??"
Beginning the journey of 'truth' about 15 years ago, I set out to find out just who I was...growing up in a very
catholic upbringing.. I had been thoroughly brainwashed to believe that it was 'others' who should be asking
that question and then once realizing their mistake, convert to Catholicism. However, God touched my heart
one Passover/Easter church service in an AOG church... I was only there under protest, and to please my
mother who had had this 'born again' experience.
Well, needless to say, the Great "I AM" called to me that day, and my search for truth, which hereto had been
deep into Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery etc.., had now taken a turn. I was now reading a book that had
before only been a coffee table decoration...the Bible. And I could not believe it...here, in this book, on every
page I turned, in every chapter I read, in every sentence...was "truth". It was there for the reading...and the
But being a stubborn and stiff necked person...I still had many many questions, and I questioned God quite
often. Even the most naive and childish questions were spoken out loud...for example...one of my very first
questions was, 'ok, if this book is real and accurate...WHERE ARE THE DINOSAURS!' .. ok ok, I know..
stupid question...but they told me that it contained EVERYTHING... and even though God had touched my
heart and drawn me near...I had to know the answers ... it is the character that he gave me. And for those of
you wondering...yes, dinosaurs are in the bible, it says in Genesis that He made ALL THE CREATURES OF
THE DEEP and EVERYTHING on the land...so, in my mind (and still) that covered just about
everything...including dinosaurs. But as the search continued, and the desire to know God deepened, I also
found myself in a very disturbing position. No one in my catholic upbringing, nor n the few 'word' churches
that I was beginning to venture into, could answer my questions concerning the land, the people, and the
reason for it's importance. Answers were 'spiritualized' in order to replace Israel, the bride, the city, the
people....and actually, the answers sounded very good, very reasonable, and after all...these were MEN OF
GOD...who was I?? nobody. But my Father also gave me something else....a small tiny red flag within me that
shot up within every time something was said that colored the truth.. not that I paid attention to that 'voice'
within every time...most of the time I hushed that voice and allowed myself to be drawn in to the half-truths
that the MEN OF GOD were speaking. And I am afraid to say that it didn't just happen once or twice, but
many many times...and still happens today ...... I believe that learning how to totally rely on God is a daily
learning experience, the cross we must take up to die to ourselves daily.
However, God did direct me to some wonderful teachers, and I learned from each one. But when it finally
dawned on me that no one really knew this book called the bible, it was because they didn't know the people,
the culture, the fabric......the land........from a Hebraic perspective. In the beginning, I called it a Jewish
perspective....I sat under rabbis, I attended classes at the local Jewish Community Center, I 'became' as a
Jew...even to the point of searching out my ancestors in the desperate hope that I would find a 'Jew' lurking
somewhere back there that would give me credibility, that would fill the longing to 'belong'. And in all this
search, trying to hold my head up and act like I was 'just as good' even if I wasn't 'Jewish'. But deep down.... it did matter...I was jealous...I was not 'twice blessed' ... merely once blessed (you've heard that haven't
you?).. I would attend Messianic synagogues and be welcomed with open arms, smiles, hugs, etc...and
yet...who lit the candles? who read the blessings? whose words were more intently listened to? who can be a
FULL MEMBER and who a 'SPONSOR'? the Jew....the > gentile < ... yes, the > gentile < wore a yellow badge..
and the invisible patch was quite obvious. The wall was and still is very much intact. Even for all the good
intentions, and all the explanations given concerning this atmosphere: the hundreds of years of repression and oppression, the agonies of the holocaust and the realization that it was their 'due' to be able to shout with joy and rejoice in their freedom of being Jewish and being one in Yahshua... these reasons too made 'sense' ... and were very real - and were acceptable - to my mind...but not my heart. My heart kept reaching out, my heart kept crying out to God. I needed a reason to understand in my HEART why Israel meant so much to ME, why the biblical feast days were being burned into MY heart and MY being, why I was obsessed with learning the truth from a Hebraic perspective...all of this goes against the tide, it slaps the face of 'Christianity' - it distances you from family and it separates you...and you 'don't belong' to either group. One can only play the game so long, and then you realize...the game has no winners. You can put on your happy face and say all the right things, and dance and sing and for a time be content... but as you drive home in your car.. and the night comes upon you and silence fills your soul....you again wonder...why me God? I'm not even JEWISH!
And you repeat out loud all the pat answers you have learned to quiet the questions...but still it is not enough.
But God is a good and merciful God...and the truth is a never ending journey...each day brings new light to
your eyes, and your heart. He has allowed me to stay in the land for many weeks at a time for the past 6
years...and the first time, of course was the most special... but I also knew that it was "my" land, my heritage,
my homecoming. The people he set before me taught me many truths - from an older most wise Jewish
believer, who has since passed on, who was as a first century rabbi and taught so vividly the truths of the bible and the plan of God to restore the House of Israel and bring the two houses together...WHAT you say? yes, so did I... what 2 houses?? to an orthodox Rabbi who two years later taught me the same thing...and that they were waiting for their brothers to recognize themselves and be drawn back to the land. I must admit.. I seized upon this information and read everything I could concerning the history of the 12 tribes of Israel. I studied the replacement theology of the 10 tribes, the false accusations by some groups, but I also found truth...thru Jew and NON-Jew alike.
And the message is clear, at least to me it is... the reason I have this undying love for Israel, for the biblical
traditions, and for the Jew...is because it is not only spiritually my heritage.....but PHYSICALLY my heritage.
I can not speak for others, but in my heart...just as I can not prove that I am saved, I can also not prove that I
am one of the descendants of one of the 'other' tribes other than Judah (and possibly Judah, who knows?)...but I know - just as sure as I'm born from above, that I am literally of the seed of Abraham. Both are by faith. So then, you say, what now? Well, I don't know. God is revealing this truth to many many people in the last days, and as scripture says, the two sticks will become one in the hand of Joseph. The scriptures are full of this truth....but just as our previous programming and teaching denied the truth of our biblical heritage...we must admit, we are still babes learning how to walk... therefore, we must examine and search for truth amongst the 'new teachings' of our biblical heritage so that we will continue to grow and show ourselves approved. Some of the questions I pondered on may be of some value to those of you, who deep within, have not been able to quench the question....where do I belong?
1.) Why was the blessing that Ephraim (symbolizing the 10 tribes of the North) given by the HEBREW
patriarch Jacob/Israel that Ephraim would become the FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES?? Have you ever
thought about that? Why would any Israelite WANT that kind of blessing?? Unless God knew (and He did)
that later the northern tribes would be assimilated into the nations, thus fulfilling prophecy...but nonetheless,
those dispersed remained as Israelites and passed that onto future generations.
2.) There are 3 ways according to scripture in which an 'outsider' is JOINED to the commonwealth of Israel:
Ex. 12:48 - celebrating Passover, circumcision, and sojourning....they were then to be considered NATIVE
ISRAELITES.. Numbers 9:14 says that if they do this, there is only one statute, Ex. 12:49 states there is only
one law for the citizen and the stranger and in Lev. 19:34, "The alien living with you must be treated as one of
your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE
TWO. It was a perpetual statute. Are those of us who believe in the Messiah of Israel any less 'family' then the
believing Jew? do we not remember the Passover, have been circumcised in our hearts and sojourn with the
people? Does that not make us NATIVE ISRAELITES?....or do we ignore what God says because we can't
'prove' it? Are we not part of the HOUSE OF ISRAEL when we accept the Messiah of Israel?
3. God said he would make a NEW COVENANT ---- 'with the HOUSE OF ISRAEL" ---- he did not make one
with the nations. To partake of this covenant, one JOINED the people of Israel. I have often also wondered
about the scripture - 10 men (the 10 dispersed tribes??) would cling to the Jew...for the obvious to me is that
the 10 have been assimilated and have followed foreign gods.. while Judah has continued to follow His
precepts.. Ephraim has always outnumbered Judah - 10 to 1 (1 Kings 11:31,36 & 1 Samuel 11:8; Zech. 8:23) so
does it not make sense that in the end days the dispersed 10 will return, repent, and learn again from their
brother Judah?
4.) The early church in the first century was made up of thousands upon thousands of physically born
Israelites.. surely they had numerous children throughout those years, and those children had children who
had children who had children.....so how many drops of blood does it take? do you not consider yourself part
Irish/English/Scotch and German (or whatever?)? then how can you NOT consider yourself part Israelite?
5.) God spoke "Lo-ammi. You are not My people" to the Northern Kingdom and declared an end to the
kingdom (not the end of the people)..100 years later God said thru Jeremiah, "'Is Ephraim My dear son? ... I
will surely have mercy on him'" (Jer. 31:20) God used Hosea's children to portray the condition of the
Ephraimites and His ultimate plan for them. And God promised that one day they would be restored to
become "THE SONS OF THE LIVING GOD"! Isn't that also what Paul tells us in Romans 9:24-26? That IN
THE SAME PLACE that it was declared to them that they were NOT God's people...it would be said to them
that they are now "The sons of the Living God?" (Read Zechariah, Hosea and Jeremiah and pay attention to
the promises and prophecies directed at the two houses)
6.) Throughout scripture, from the beginning to the end.. it STILL speaks of TWO HOUSES...TWO
NATIONS... TWO FAMILIES chosen for a purpose - the WHOLE house of Israel and the WHOLE house of
Juda...(Jer. 13:11...
7.) Not all of Israel was, or is, called Judah!....The Tribe of Judah DOES NOT represent all of Israel...there are
STILL TWO HOUSES... Now...I know this has been extremely long, and I pray that Eddie sees fit to post it,
but for those of you who believe that I am trying to be "Jewish"...please believe me...I don't have to be...and I
would also be content to just be a follower of the Messiah of Israel and spiritually identify with Israel and
Judah, IF that had been HIS plan...but He has chosen to call me (and thousands of others) and reveal to them
that they are truly PART of Israel, physically as well as spiritually...and that it is TIME for the brothers to
recognize each other and join together ... Ephraim and Judah have always been at odds...and they still are...it is time for both sticks to be in the hand of Joseph (Messiah). I will close with one last thought, and will quote
from Batya Wooten's book "In Search of Israel" ....it says it more eloquently than I ever could...please
pray...and study it thru...but at the very least...do not call yourself a >> GENTILE CHRISTIAN << you can
not be both - a HEATHEN - and a CHRISTIAN... you are simply a non-Jew. "...
The life that was in the Twelve Princes of Israel was in their blood. Today that bloodline is in that of their seed. Exactly where the bloodlines of the tribes of Israel have gone - only God knows. However, if the Creator of the universe chose to follow that line, it would be a simple thing for Him to do so. Assuming a new generation is produced every forty years, it would take only 100 fathers per person to go back 4,000 years to the time of Abraham. Remembering 100 fathers per person would be effortless for the God who numbers the hairs of our head. Surely there are countless millions in the Church who are bloodline descendants of the Twelve Tribes.
Surely there are those who are descended from the Apostles. The thousands and thousands of early Church
believers must have resulted in millions and millions of descendants. ... In light of that, how can we possibly
believe that the fifteen million Jewish people of today fully represent the repeatedly blessed physical seed of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! If today there are only 15 million identifiable physical descendants of Isaac - and
650 million descendants of Ishmael - then Isaac got only 1.76 percent of the physical blessing given Ishmael!
The church must realize it cannot be entirely made up of former Gentiles. Literal millions must be physical
descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Thus, within the church there are countless millions of bloodline
descendants of Israel!"
HOWEVER please remember this...while it is possible for one to be related to the FLESH that housed the
Messiah, such a physical relationship will not save one from spiritual death. To live eternally in the presence of
God, one must be born a second time of the Seed from above, becoming the Israel destined to live eternally. ----
-------------- I hope that at least one person was blessed by this....and that many will at least think on it... thank
you for your time, and may HaShem guide you in all things....
Pam Staley
I haven't any money. I live in a nursing home and it takes my little check to live and be cared for here. The last 2 years I have been learning of my Jewish roots that My ABBA YHVH gave to me when he accepted me as his child as I as a 12 year old young girl wanted and accepted my YAHUSHUA into my life and HE not only became my SAVIOR but also my ELDER BROTHER. But all these years I've have read over and over again about that and the grafted in olive branch, it took me 50 years to have the courage to ask some of my Masseonac Jewish friends and they gave me a lot of places to go for my information. I have even watched YATI on my laptop at 11am CDT in my area May ABBA YHVH keep raining HIS blessings upon you and your work.
Shalom Rav Moshe,
I have been a avid reader of your teachings on YATI website and they have blessed me abundantly because I am a returning Efrayimite who didn't come straight out of church.
I was raised a christian within a very dysfunctional family so I have my fair share of "issues" I have been in and out of churches most of my life: specifically I left attending church when I was about thirteen years old and didn't return to a christian faith until as an adult in my early twenties. I started the christian journey full of hope that this was the answer I needed and was so hungry to learn about Moshiach and His Love for me but I had a truckload of unforgiveness mainly aimed at my father who was unable to show me the love that I needed I have come to see Dad tried his best but he had a very bad childhood himself so wasn't equipped to be a parent. Rejection was another one of my close companions so I have always found intimacy with Abba Yahuwah very difficult and it has been a difficult journey toward accepting His Unconditional Love for me I can always believe His Love for others a little harder to accept His Love and forgiveness on my behalf.
I walked away from Christianity at the start of 2005 after years of guilt and condemnation over masturbation and illicit sex I had struggled with pornography since my teens and after finding a lot of judgement and hypocrisy and not a lot of love. I fully decided I was bound for hell so I thought I would pull out all the stops and go for it! so I did after 5 years I was almost a full blown alcoholic with a good dose of what I thought was bipolar disorder, but then a friend of mine who has been a very faithful and loving friend who I met in church way back in the early nineties picked up the phone one night, I had rung him (which was unusual as I didn't like believers at all ) and we spoke for 5 hours he basically said the most important thing in your life is your relationship with your heavenly Father and I kept saying its too late for me I am damned but over five hours he convinced me I could be saved and washed in Moshiach's blood.
Halleluyah what a revelation he (Graeme) said he believed we should keep the sabbath and also the the Fathers Name wasn't God or Lord at that stage I was pretty anti church so it all sounded good to me the amazing thing has been how all these revelations weren't difficult for me to accept they just seemed to make sense and then he said he used a Bible called the Restoration Scriptures so I looked on the internet for a seller that's when I found Down under True Name Ministries how awesome is Abba Yahuwah's Love, that brings us to about June/July 2010 roman pagan calendar sorry.
Rabbi Sam and his family and shul are like my own family now (along with you and yours) I had purchased The Whole Wheat Unleavened Bread book and read it one sunday morning no joke it was like eating a meal I could feel the revelation hitting me and I knew I had to be mikvahed immediately so I rung rabbi Sam at home and said I need to be Mikvahed he said when I said now! So off we go to the Gold Coast and I get Mikvahed Halleluyah.To bring it into the present I am so happy to see you on the Ramyk channel because I have read most of your sermon notes on the YATI website now I can watch it and read the notes as well so it really penetrates into my brain and renews my mind Halleluyah and the reason I wrote this is to thank you for the teaching on His Presence it is really changing my life, like I have said Worship and Intimacy have always been difficult for me but after reading and hearing that particular teaching and beginning to put it into practice I am starting to know the truth of what you have taught! So TODAH RABA Rav Moshe I love you and sincerely appreciate your sincerity and honesty and Praise Yahuwah for His wonderful Love and Goodness toward us.
Shalom your brother in the Emunah
Dear Rabbi,
I was surfing the net, and came to your site.
I am elated, because I have been praying for more of HIM.
Your teaching is so in tune to what I believe.
My prayers is that you will have long life and good health, to teach everything you know to the thirsting ones.
[email protected]
PS: Catholic by family tradition, married a Baptist and was healed at a Pentecoastal Church. Since that miracle, I resigned my job and made my business to study KJV from morning to dawn everyday, I did not know what to do,so I go around and give salvation tracts daily. I've read some Jewish articles in other sites, but yours click in my spirit as true.
I love reading your news letters and I know that what you teach is the word of our Father, because He began to teach me Himself back in 1984 when the Pentecostal belief stopped making sense to me. I truly thought that I was alone in the world with what I was learning, and came to the conclusion that I was on my own. All my family except my mother believe that I'm following after a demonic doctrine. But in my heart I knew I was right. The YHUH confirmed it when I read one of your teachings three years ago.
Maria Gonzalez
From Rabbi Tom Massingale
In 1999 I was invited to the Tree Of Life Congregation in Knoxville
Tennessee. I heard the two house message for the first time. It was the
missing link to my understanding. After all these years of following the
biblical mandates, I have finally come to understand them as Yahuwah's loving
instructions for daily living from Abba Yahuwah to the commonwealth of
Yisrael. Ever since then I have followed the teachings of Rabbi Moshe
Koniuchowsky and was listed with the Two House Union and then followed Rabbi
Moshe into the B'nai Yahshua Synagogues Worldwide. I came away from that
meeting in Knoxville and established the Beth Shalom Congregation as a
missionary outreach in Englewood Tennessee. I had a radio broadcast called
The Days of Elijah Broadcast that reached out to the communities of the
Appalachians and The Tennessee Valley. As far as seeing results, I may never
see the total impact in this lifetime. For I understand we are workers
together in Yahuwah s vineyard and He gives the increase at His pleasure. I
rejoice at the fact that He has called me to join Him in His labor! I want to give hodu to Yahuwah for Brother Moshe for fullfilling Devarim 25:5-6 and being his brothers keeper.
I desire to also show the love of Yahuwah for Yahudah and someday be equipped
to minister with all boldness in the kadosh land. I believe anyone that has
been around an apostle calling can recognize the apostolic anointing in
Rabbi Moshe s ministry. He has displayed true humility in admitting when he
had erred in scripture understanding. Rabbi Moshe Koniuchowsky has displayed
the tenacity of a leader who presses on in many adversities (I pray for you
Brother Moshe). Due to circumstances beyond my control, though through divine
providence; I have moved from Englewood Tennessee back to the same physical
location where I had been ordained in 1994. I am renting a mobile home from
Sister Kathy Yancey. I attended the 2006 Pesach Mini Leadership Conference
and was strengthened and came away with a greater anointing than before. I
was thrust immediately into establishing B'nai Yahshua Synagogue Of Etowah
Tennessee with a clear vision of Abba's desire in mind. I had discussed the
ordination training with Rabbi Moshe back some months ago. Todah for your
encouragement to know Abba Yahuwah would provide! If I am selected for
ordination it will be most humbling for me. I was told back in 1986 to take
the lower seat. I began in the ministry of helps and never left that part
out of my resume, but instead I built upon that. I realize as I grow in my
calling I must delegate things to others so I can concentrate on my
strengths that I might offer Yahuwah my very best. This I will do, Yahuwah
permitting and with true understanding of those willing to help labor alongside me
remembering how Abba brought me to this season. May Yahuwah receive all the tifereth Be Shem Yahshua.
Shalom Brother Koniuchowsky.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for writing in such detail of your beloved mother. Your
revelation is so precious. Mothers are so precious. Family is so precious.
But I don't know you or your mother. It made me cry, the tears coming so readily.
But the way you so intimately described the situation and over such a long time, I could just understand and feel your anguish and torment at the thought of your mother not accepting Yeshua.
Your story is not just about any person, it's about THE RABBI and his anguish, his desperation that his mother does not understand/cannot accept Yeshua. So even the RABBI have problems like that!
Well of course they do, but in a bizzarre way [at least to me] it's comforting.
I too am struggling with my husband who is Jewish not accepting Yeshua. It's been this way for decades totally disbelieving; cynical, Bob he has many serious health problems and I want to know with peace that Bob on his death will go straight into the presence of Yeshua.
My thinking is this: We are told: to pray asking what we want ,
it is not the intention of Yeshua that anyone perish and to ask.
He says eternal life is free, and that you have to believe.
OK. Now if what I want is what Yeshua wants and has made the way clear, then surely as day follows night. It must happen. Why?
Because He who made Pharohs heart hard, He who unstopped the ears of the deaf, surely can when asked soften these hearts and unstop their deaf ears. I too was one of those who rebelled and He still kept his Hand on me til I came back into His Kingdom. Your story made me realize that no matter who you are you still struggle with loved ones who are not yet in the Kingdom. You have to believe.
I am not Jewish but am now grafted into the root. I belong to Yeshua. Thanks to a Messianic Rabbi I met in the UK. I used to be in the 'christian' system; but Praise be to Yahuwah for showing me His truth. This is just to say thank you for your mothers story. I found it comforting, and of course a truth, that you have to stick close by and wait for Yeshua to work things out in His way and time. PS Thank you for the Restoration Scriptures our small group here have them. There are 7 of us. Rabbi Berenitza Levi comes over once a month from Bournemouth for two days to teach us. I am now learning Ivrit - I signed up for a course from Israel on the internet, and I am so enjoying it, hard though it is. I want to understand.
Thank you again.
Jan Jacobs
Isle of Wight
Touched In Spain
Shalom I'm Yossi ben Yisrael,
And my wife Simja and I are being a part of your translation team of Restoration Scriptures into Spanish.
Elvia has been speaking to you about us. We are based in Almería South-East of Spain(my home-town) so to
say just in front of Yahsrushalayim on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea. We fully agree with your faith statement and vision. We have been studying with you through internet since 2001 approximately, and for us it has been and is a blessing, growing and empowering experience to study the different topics. Your teaching in the Messianic Believer s First Response Handbook has been as a deliverance for us from wrong teachings in the past with which we were not feeling in agreement with. I'm 56 years old and my wife is 51. We got to know our beloved Yahshua HaMashiaj for more than 35 years and we have been in the ministry for about 30 years in Spain and in Sweden (as my wife is Swedish). I did first theological studies in England 1971-1973. And since then I've always been looking and searching for the truth. And our beloved Abba Yahuwah has guided our lives in a supernatural way and so since 1999 we started to come back to the Hebrew roots of our faith.
Every Shabbat since we received the Restoration Scriptures we are using it parallel with the Parashá reading. And we really are quickened and blessed with the freshness and truth of the commentaries and the translation. With all our respect and appreciation We also spread your teaching to our contacts as often as we can to other groups and individuals as they are hungry. We normally meet in our home 3-4 people and more when we are having visitors coming in from other cities.
Yossi and Simja
Shalom Brother Moshe,
Thank you for serving. I first came across your website during Shavuot season, this year. I had become a little frustrated because every personal contact that I had seemed to have a different calendar. Well, I got much more than I was looking for when I landed on your site.
I have been carrying around the "who am I" question for my whole life. I was taking that question from
priest, to preacher, to pastor, to rabbi and on and on. But somehow the answers never rang true when held to the light of Scripture. That is until I read teachings that you had written regarding the Restoration of the
Kingdom to Israel. Then suddenly, there I was, and so many other believers. As I read those scripture
references afresh, my eyes were opened. And joy flooded my heart. Finally what I had prayed for so long was answered from Abba Yahuwah. My place in the family was no second class seat.
In the interest of brevity, thank you again. May Yahuwah bless you and your wife according to His
goodness. I love the whole house of Israel. I live in Maryland, however, I hope to visit your assembly soon.
Brenda Hunter
Shalom Brother Moshe,
I think it is appropriate to identify myself as a non-Jewish Ephraimite who
lives in South Africa. I came to re-discover my identity and realised that
anyone who believes in YHUH through YaHshua HIS SON and accepts,loves and
abides by the Torah joins the renewed commonwealth of Israel. You know i
thank and bless ABBA YHUH and YaHshua for this shocking and yet wonderful
revelation from HIS word.
I must confess that i was somehow led by the RUACH of YHUH to your website
and diligently and intently started studying through it. I do have a lot of
reading material that i got from your website which really and truly helped
me to grow and mature spiritually in this faith. ABBA YHUH through HIS RUACH
HAKODESH is gently and gradually leading me out of the trap and web of
anything that had to do with anti-semitism, churchianity,dispensationalism and paganism.
I have developed love for the nation of YISRAEL and YHUH has impressed in my
spirit to pray for the return,restoration,regathering of the lost tribes of
YISRAEL and re-unification of the House of Yahudah and House of Ephraim.
Again, i am led to pray for you servant of YHUH and Rav Edward Levi Nydle.
Your families and ministries that ABBA YHUH has blessed you with are
included as well in daily cries and supplication to the set-apart ONE of
YISRAEL and a light of revelation to the GOYIM.
I can't help it but to love you all and continue to pray without ceasing for
you that YHUH through YaHshua strengthens,supports and sustains yourselves
for days on end. A heart-felt request to you is that please pray for me and
my family for encouragement and endurance in this walk of belief. I pray
that the powerful and transforming annointing of HIS RUACH be upon
yourselves and speak the Word of ABBA with boldness to HIS glory,beauty and
praise. Have a blessed and inspiring conference meetings and let the
annointing of the RUACH HAKODESH be upon you and speak through you and
continue to permeate every fibre of your being.
Alfred Mowane
Dear Servants of Elohim,
Three and one half years ago, through the mysterious workings of Elohim, I came across Part One of Moshe's teaching in re the Two Houses of Israel. As I began to read it, I saw that there was something there that I had never heard. I looked up every verse cited.....I continued reading, mystified. When I had finished, I hung my head....wondering....what do I do now.....the "church" will never believe this. I KNEW that I was from these ten tribes. I had already, gradually, started coming back to Torah, had visited Israel in 1994 and had not been the same since that visit. I knew that I belonged in that Land but didn't know why at that time.
I read Part One over and over until I "got" it. Then, because I was involved with a FAMOUS ministry just
over the line into Idaho, I told this message to a doctor friend and also to an assistant pastor's wife. Both of
them "got" the message and started studying. In the meantime, I asked a "messianic" teacher in this City to
teach us in my home as I knew he believed in the two houses message, having seen him years earlier at the Prophecy Club and knowing it was through his one-time visit to the ministry in Idaho, giving me Moshe's
"card", etc. After a year, the teacher could not teach us anymore.
A couple months went by and I met the only other two houses believer in the City and I took our class down to his business office and we all learned how to observe Feast Days, commandments, etc. However, in the process, I noticed that we were missing the message of faith, blood atonement, etc., so I became uncomfortable. My husband and I are now not attending this class, even though the very friends that I led there are still meeting with the teacher. In the meantime, I got "kicked" out of the famous ministry; that well-known teacher of "prophecy" ridiculed me for telling the two people mentioned above that worked at his ministry on a volunteer basis.....ridiculed me before his Tuesday evening class of many people.....didn't call me by name, but I knew who he was referring to. It was so uncomfortable that I had to leave.....husband came along.....(he does not study the Word so didn't really understand all that I was going through).
I have since learned about several godly, two-house teachers, among them Eddie Chumney, and I read all your writings. I love you ALL. Because of your RECONCILIATION I write this letter. I see that Elohim wants us to all get along, realizing the calling upon your lives by YHUH. Thank you both for your faithfulness in bringing the message of the restoration of all Israel to me. I am coming back,.....back.....to Torah.....I was an Outcast, patient with me.
Pattie Gallegos in Spokane, Washington
Shalom Brother Moshe,
I can't thank you enough for the work of LOVE you have shared with people in your anti-missionary
handbook. Why? Because it worked on ME! Let me explain. I was reading a new article on the United Israel
web site and was somewhat caught off guard and overwhelmed. I decided to go to the YATI web site and
download your anti-missionary book....I'm glad I did. Reading it was worth my place in Paradise...why?
Because that is what reading through your book (or 3/4's of it) did for me...it gave me the Scriptural
foundation to secure and build upon my belief that Yahusha is Yahuwah and not anything else. There can be
NO doubt about this and grateful and thankful for the effort of love on your part to make this book available.
Hopefully this week my order for the Restoration Scriptures will get in the mail, I'm sorry that I have not done this sooner. From the short passages that you shared this week in an email, I'm VERY excited to receive my own copy of such a work of love for Yahuwah/Yahusha and all of Israel, BOTH HOUSES.
I also do here now declare my own agreement with the Belief Statement you sent out a while back,
unequivocally. And hopefully in the near future a group will form here as well. Your prayers are asked in this
matter. I'm finishing up my college degree ( B.S. in Religion) and at some point in the future will look into the
Yeshiva program through YATI. Oh, the degree, yes, from an accredited college (Liberty University), but, it
has been a very hard struggle to say the least, especially since we don't see eye to eye on MANY issues. But a degree is a degree nonetheless and having been brought up in a typical Southern Baptist home, well, you can see how things got the way they did.
Thankfully, Yahuwah has had other plans for me and I'm glad that YATI is there :-) You and the others there at YATI are in my prayers as are those that have left their belief in Yahusha's deity. I can only hope that they TOO will read or re-read your book, it may save their eternal life :-)
Todah Rabah,
Dear Brother Moshe,
We wanted to say thank you for your staying on top of all the important issues going on that effects all of us as Nazarene Yisraelites. We have a group that meets at our home on Shabbat and all that you have been talking about has affected us....even our little flock that meets here. We had a couple come not long ago and they started trying to tell us we were wrong on very important issues....
1. They denied the virgin birth
2. They deny the pre-existence of Yahusha
3. They do not believe in s.a.tan
4. They do not believe in the spiritual realm at all.
We were blown away, but not too blown away because we have a Rabbi (You) that stays on top of things and
slams our mailboxes full of information regarding heretical doctrines and false teachers. We can honestly say that we were much better prepared to handle this because of your warning calls. Todah for being a watchman for Yisrael. We also would like to thank you for your teachings. At this time it helped us a great deal to have teachings like "The Great Almah Controversy", as well as "Hebraic Drawbacks", and "Is it Us?", just a few to name that enabled us to be prepared for the attacks that were headed our way. We have encountered many attacks,as those of us do that are in search of the truth and headed down the real "Way". I would also like to apologize for having to cancel our Audio Club membership. We will be joining back as soon as we can.
Anyway, thank you so much for THROUGH THE WORD OF YHUH, teaching us as a good Shepherd should.
Another warning I would like to sound is that these people come in and try to be so loving (watch out for those that love you and adore you and have only known you a minute) and try to tell you that you are in error over these important issues. They come in with an agenda and the agenda is to confuse you and steal your faith, all the while saying Yahshua is the Messiah, yet denying who He really is!
Shalom and Love in YHUH, Cari & Scott Murphy
Shalom Brother Moshe,
I watched your video on "Reclaiming a Lost Priestly Tool" Part 1 & 2 & want you to know what has happened
since viewing the tapes. Way back in the Messianic Jewish movement of the 1980's, the Ruach told me to wear a head covering as a sign to the "angels." In obedience, I began to make my own little lace headcoverings & faithfully wore them to all Messianic services. However, I never believed that I should wear a headcovering at home, never really thought about it. At the same time, I have always been "plagued" by tormenting spirits & for years have battled endlessly on a daily basis against them, most of the time battling them in the mornings before putting my feet on the floor upon waking.
Since coming into the Union a few years ago, the battle has increased tremendously. I have spent more time
rebuking the enemy & his tormenting spirits on a daily basis & trying to keep my mind in the Word to battle it than anyone should have to do. After watching your video on head covering, I took the info to heart & decided to begin wearing a headcovering all day & night, even keeping it on while sleeping at night during the latest bout that I have had to endure with a "contentious" woman that I asked to leave our fellowship, knowing the occultic backlash that she would conjure up with her prayers out of a heart bent on working wickedness against me & her gossip & seeking others to be on her side.
I can honestly testify that wearing a head covering 24/7 has stopped ...ALL... torment. My mind has been at
peace at long last & the desire to entertain negative thoughts has diminished to almost zero. The mental battle & fatigue that would usually set in during a bout of persecution has lessened to almost zero too. I realize that I am not perfect yet but what a release for my mind. I simply never realized that being obedient to wearing a head covering would bring about deliverance in a person's mental state.
Thank you for being obedient & faithful to the Ruach in teaching on the many subjects that bring RUACH
Ruach's correctional teaching that you do enables us to receive deliverance & helps to bring forth excellent
new spiritual growth in us. You are doing great job & are replicating in many of us as Luke 6:40 indicates.
Hello I know you are busy , but i had to write you.
I am a believer in Yeshua Messiah. I am now going through a transition time in my life. I always loved the
Jewish People. I have been born again for a long time. Although I was not satisfied week after week year after year Wondering like a ship with out a rudder. I always questioned why we (Christians) who say we believe in YHUH 's commandments don't keep them why do we say we keep the 10 commandants and only keep 9 of them? why do we keep pagan festivals and not G-d's feasts as we are commanded? Also every time I watched the 10 commandments my heart would leap. Or hear Jewish music.!!!!!!!!!! Well to make a long story short one day YHUH opened my eyes and I wept I screamed I shouted. He used the scriptures "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of YHUH Then He showed me that I was part of Ephraim.
Now I see. We had a guest Rabbi At our church He taught on the restoration of the 2 Houses. My wife, our
pastors wife, and I watched as the color of the peoples faces left them. they really did not receive that message but we did. Praise G-d.
But the main reason I wrote . I wanted top let you know I listened to your two house seminar. Wow what a
blessing Yes I even took notes. If I may I would like to ask a question this of course it is symbolic. As the
prophecy in Zech. 8:23 The question is may I take hold of your tallit And I ask may I go with you for I have
heard that YHUH is with you? Yes I am serious. I feel more Messianic than (Christian) you know what I mean.
I feel this is part of this prophecy starting to be fulfilled in my life. Well thank you for your time. I am seeking
a messianic congregation in my area. Salem Ohio. I am now studying Torah, Keeping Shabbat, and learning
how to keep the biblical feasts. May HaShem bless you.
Gregg Pykus
Shalom for you, my Rabbi.
I have read the 28 partes of the Restoration of Yisrael and many others
articles of your hand. I have converted in Messianic Israelite due to your
teaching. I procure to teach others people about redemption of two house
of Yisrael by Yahusha. Thank you, Rabbi, for your work.
I hope that you explain me about Qumran´rolls and its relation with the
mystery revealed of reunification of two houses.
Thank you. Shalom
Your brother: Sergio Meza
Rabbi , Shalom to you sir. we all do respect I know your very busy , but I want to send a blessing to your
ministry, so I was wondering to I write it to the 7378 W. Atlantic Blvd. #112, Margate, Fl. 33063 ot to another
specific address, also do I write it to web site name or you, please inform if possible, I have been deeply touched by your teaching and my life has truly change, Praise Yahuwah for men like you that speak the truth , Thank you for your wisdom of the Torah and your many teachings that have changed my walk with Yeshua,
Thank you and with appreciation.
Jennifer Nelson
My most dear bother in Mashíaj Yahshúa, Brother Moshe, Shalom 5-31-03
For a few days I have been receiving messages from Yahuwah Elohim that I should write to you, and today I
feel a voice saying: "START WRITING NOW!" So its only befitting that I should obey the mitzvah. And that I
should tell you about Israelite Life in the disobedient Americas.
It all started back in Miami, Florida about ten years back, when I received so called j… in a kirsh in Sunset
Dr., Miami. By that time I had already read Scriptures (complete) three times. (I will skip detail, because
otherwise its going to be endless) I got the urge to move Panama, country where I had lived before, and I like
life there. But our Loving ABBA YAHUWAH Elohim Tzavaot, in his immense and wonderful plan did not let
go to Panama, instead He brought me to Costa Rica, a country I don't like too much. But I thought of
Avraham our father. He was taken out ok Ur of the Kasdim, I was taken out of sunny Miami But there was a
reason for this: I would not have done what I have done in other countries. So I came to Costa Rica Eight and
a half years ago. Immediately I started reading the Reina Valera Version which is the most distorted bible in
the Spanish language, and many nights I preached in the red light district, until I was attacked and left in the
middle of the street, well I survived and YAHUWAH got me out of that. I read it about one hundred times
from cover to cover, while I was making handicrafts in order to support myself. After I finished the umpteen
time that I read this bible, I called on YAHUWAH Elohim, of course with another name, but I was ignorant in
those days, and He answered. I asked Him to give me the whole truth and He directed me to internet where I
got a lot of the material through the postal mail. as soon as I went home, very exited, to look over the material, He called on to me: NOW THAT YOU HAVE WHAT YOU ASKED FOR, TRANSLATE IT! I said, What???? YES, TRANSLATE IT FOR YOUR PEOPLE, THE SPANISH SPEAKING PEOPLE!
Well, my odyssey started. I had no work, just making ends meet and planning to return to the USA land where
I had made tons of dollars in the past, and when I say tons, that’s literal! I had no computer, nor the desire to
learn how to use one. So I had to learn in a hurry, but first I bought myself a few notebooks and many ball
point pens. And I translated the whole Brit Hadashah by hand. Every night I ended with heavy pains in my
hand, I had never in my life written so much! And I was very amazed from looking a all those empty Bics ball
point pens, I had a collection of them!
Up to that time, before I started translating I had been working managing a store for a former friend of mine
who is a son of "Maria." Well, that relationship soon ended because obvious reasons, but YAHUWAH sent a
lady Doctor (there was no hanky panky, please) that helped a little economically with the translation. She let
me work in her sons computer at her home in the day time when they all went to school or work. But I didn't
even know how to turn on the computed, so the boys helped me, and from there it was trial and error all the
time. To this day I do not know how to type. But I can make web pages, thanks to our ABBA!
I started transcribing everything into the computer, and it was tough. Mattityah erased on me three times, and
I started all over again till I got the hang of it. In the day time I used to got to her house to do my work and at
night I kept writing by hand. The Doctor's maid prepared lunch for, otherwise I could not have donned it.
In those days I started to go to a Jewish Messianic Congregation, but after a while they started pushing me
little by little until I found myself at the door, so I left. All because I started telling them what the Mashíaj said
about the Talmud and Mishna, (Traditions of the Elders) and this all they did, preach Talmud and Mishna and
a little Kabbalah here and there, and very little Brit Hadashah almost none, so all eyes were constantly on me.
Also the self proclaimed rabbi had effeminate gestures all the time and I told the this could not be. That this is
condemned by Mashíaj. So it happened, I was out.
So the lady Doctor, who started with the idea of getting married, something that was not on my mind, at least
with her, stayed in the congregation and I went my way.
So I took everything I had worked on, put it on Floppy disks and went on my way. Soon I had no money to pay
rent, which was a very low amount, but still I did not have the money. So I looked up to heaven and said: Now
what Abba? So Abba said give everything away and move. So there was a construction worker that I had met
previously and I gave him everything I owned, because I had no money to even carry the stuff away. So he was flabbergasted when I told him he could have all my furnishing in the Name of Yahshúa.
I picked up my clothing and translation and went my way. This time I ended up in a lawyers house who had a
brother with Downs Syndrome, Guess what? I took care of the boy for about six months, taught him about
Yahusha, and he received Him in his lovely heart. I had a roof and a couch, and since I'm a gourmet cook, I
started cooking for the boy and the small family and I had a lot of time to do about fifty revisions on the
translation. A friend had given me the keys to his office, so I could work at nights and weekends and use
internet. So when things got very hot where I lived, because I rebuked the when they treated the boy wrongly, I worked very late in my friend's office.
My translation done (Brit HaDashah) and a lot of revisions made, I started looking for work, because things
kept getting hotter where I lived. I had to spend two nights in Central Park. Wow, I had never had to look for
work in foot! I didn't even had money for the bus. Oh, this story can not slip by: I was reading the paper and I
saw an add for a keeper of a farm about three hours from San José, I called, a lady (American) answered. She
asked me if I knew anything about horses. Of course I said, we had a few farms in Cuba and I was always on
top of a horse. So she told to go and spend a day and work with the horses so she could see. I said: very well, I'll be there tomorrow. I had no money to get there, but suddenly a friend appeared in the Center of San José and gave me the money to go. Three hours from San José, I got to a small beach city called Jaco and the lady came from the farm to pick me up. Right away she put me to fetch the horses, I hadn't been on a horse for forty years. But I did alright fetching the bunch of horses, and right away she put me on one of them without asking anything, I was extremely hungry. I spent about five hours on top of that horse and I didn't fall, thanks to YAHUWAH Elohim, because she gave me the worst tempered horse! When I returned from taking the tourists for a very long ride I couldn't even walk, I had terrible pains on my behind. She barely fed me and I went to take a shower. When I looked in the mirror my buts where completely purple and what a pain!! I said: ABBA YAHUWAH if you want to do this in order that I can eat, I'll so it! But please find me something else, in the Name of Yahshúa! Next day I returned to San José, but the lady was very hesitant to give me the return money, finally she did.
Coming the second day of the week YAHUWAH gave a work as salesman in IBM Costa Rica. I thanked Him
from the bottom of my heart, I think I would have died on top of that horse¡ Imagine? I knew very little about
computers. Well, in the first month I was #1 salesman of IBM CR, but a problem appeared: They did not want
to pay me the commission and I was starving. They paid the and I was off to set up my own computer business.
I did, Bless His Holy Name, Baruj HaShem YAHUWAH! In the first months I was very successful. I had a
small apartment where my clients came and I was making a living.
One night at about 12 I asked YAHUWAH: PLEASE YOU KNOW WE NEED A WEB FOR THE
DESIGNER. I'M GOING TO SIT IN THE COMPUTER AND You direct me OK? The web of horamesianica
was done by two in the morning, later He showed me how to work on it. This happened on 12-16-91. Then He
helped me build the group, and also has a lot of subscribers.
One night I was in internet and I received a communication from Eddie Chumey, and I read it. The
communication was from someone that had sent it to Eddie. I looked in the bottom and there was an address,
so I looked it up in the web. All of the sudden it appeared: YOUR ARMS TO ISRAEL in the screen.
I devoured everything in that web page and now hundreds of persons in Latin America, Spain, Portugal and
Brazil have the two house teachings, including in the translation.
'Yevarejeja YAHUWAH v'yishmereja
[Que YAHUWAH te bendiga y te guarde.]
Yaer YAHUWAH panav eleija vijunekka.
[Que YAHUWAH haga su rostro resplandecer sobre ti y te muestre su favor]
Yissa YAHUWAH panav eleija v'yasem l'ja Shalom.
[Que YAHUWAH levante su rostro hacia ti y te dé Shalom.]'
But something happened. Now hold on to your seat.
Since I had been living in Costa Rica, we could say as a reversed wet back, because with doing all this work I
never had money to get me a lawyer to fix my residency papers, once I was in the center of San José giving out leaflets of the computers and I was doing very well. All of the sudden the migra came and carried me off to prison. I was put in the stickiest place, but I proclaimed YAHUWAH-YAHUSHA there and a few persons
came to Him. I called on The Name of YAHUWAH and said. ABBA YAHUWAH Shabbat is approaching,
please! get me out of here before six o'clock. KNOW WHAT? At five fifty five a guard called my name, and I
was let go not before they gave deportation orders in three days. That was two years ago. Of course my
computer business went down the drain, because now I could not stand in the streets handing out leaflets. So I was in the center of San José and I called on The Name of YAHUWAH, like I do constantly: ABBA
I'M SICK, I HAVE TO EAT MY FATHER!!! So I heard a voice: go see your friend Rod.
Rod's store was only a few blocks away. When I got there he said to me, you know one of the employees just
quit, why don't you work here? I said: Rod you know I keep Shabbat. And he answered: We'll work it out. So I
started working for Rod. In a months time he put me in charge of everybody there and I had some money. The
most wonderful thing happened: Rod put a little money and I put the rest to buy ink for my very own
computer which I had bought when I was in the business, so I bought ink to print YAHUWAH'S Brit
HaDashah, What a blessing! I had the Brit HaDashah printed, I took it in my hands and hugged it and
Rod had no problems letting me preach at work and the Brit HaDashah and he did too, he learned a lot. We set up a small congregation and everything was going well. YAHUWAH got very upset at Rod. And He specifically told me to take His Brit HaDashah away from there, and He was going to take me away too. Rod was smoking pot. I took the Brit HaDashah away and only brought one when solicited. In two months I was out too.
The I went to work for Rods brother, named Derek, managing a paint store. The sales went up, I was working
finishing the Tanaj and eating. Well it happens that Derek doest not smoke pot, but worse, he goes to the casino and spends all kinds the money from the business, and accompanied he snorts coke (I don't know how to write it) and gets drunk , so I exhorted him like I did his brother, soon he got tired of my YAHUWAH and he fired me, this happened a month and a half ago, BUT BARUJ HASHEM YAHUWAH!!! The Tanaj is finished and printed. Mind you Rod and Derek claim they are "brothers" in the faith.
For the above reasons your number 11 study struck me right in my heart and I started crying, which I have
done for half this letter.
So there is the real reason I cannot leave Costa Rica until YAHUWAH gets me out. When I leave I can not
return. Also my work here is not done yet. Although I want out yesterday, I have to do what He says. Bendito
sea YAHUWAH para siempre!!! Amen.
There is much more, but same situations, different places and persons, so I don't want to tire you.
After 2,000 years of people doing whatever they have wanted with Scriptures, I have done everything humanly
possible to unravel this, I'm sure there are a few details left to be worked on. That can be done for the second
edition. Soon you will see a copy that I will send to our sister Canto de Alabanza. Hundreds of persons are
being blessed by it and by your teachings in Spanish.
With all my love in Mashíaj Yahshúa.
May YAHUWAH Elohim Tzavaot, the Elohim of our people Israel Bless you dearly, HaShem Yahshúa Melej
Ha Mashíaj.
Diego Ascunce
I am very interested in the YATI Study Program. I have read your articles and believe that you are the Rabbi
that I should study with.
I have been an ordained minister for over thirty years. I have studied Judaism and some Hebrew for a number
of years. I have been looking for a place to plant myself and my ministry for many years. When a friend
introduced me to the Your Arms To Israel web site, I knew I was HOME! I immediately accepted the Two-
House message and repented for being apart of the church for all these years.
I received the Two-House message on Tuesday, (8/6/02) and our ministry, Agents Of The Kingdom, began
observing Shabbat, Friday (8/09/02). I now understand why Abba Yahuwah never allowed us to have services
on Sunday. We rented buildings and sent out announcements, on more than one occasion, however Abba
Yahuwah would always have us cancel them before the date.
I, too am a Music Producer and Musician. I could not understand why I could not finish my latest project and
the Praise and Worship project I am producing on my sister. Now it is all very clear. Abba Yahuwah did not
want another misleading project in the market place. I could go on and on, however I am sure we will have
plenty of time in the coming days for sharing.
I also read on your web site that you are going to be doing teachings on Praise and Worship this coming
October. Please let me know what I would have to do to have you come and teach in Cincinnati. I minister
prophetically in worship, and I have been praying about a Praise and Worship Conference for the past year. I
believe you are the answer to my prayers. Please let me know your availability!!!!
I have held you long enough. I am just so excited! Please let me know what I need to do regarding the YATI
Study program.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Novella H. Williams
Can you put me in contact with Brother Moshe Koniuchowsky? I want to personally thank him for his work in
thrashing those Messianic Jews who deny the plain and simple truth of the scattered ten tribes. I'm a Messianic Jew (Messianic Hebrew to be more specific) but I'm an outcast because I believe that the some of the scattered ten tribes migrated North over the Caucus (hence the word "Caucasian") Mountains and thus settling Europe, and the America's.
I catch a bad rap because they believe that that is a racist belief (even though my daughter is named after a
black woman, my best friend is black AND I have an adopted sister who is Hispanic)
Rabbi Koniuchowsky is bold and full of knowledge and I'd like to thank him for his work.
I'd really like to get away from the Jewish version of the "good ole boy" attitude as it relates to Jews vs.
Gentiles. They define a "gentile" as "anything other than a Jew" and I think that they're wrong! I sure wish
that there was a Synagogue here in Dallas that didn't have that attitude. But, that aside, I do like the
Synagogue that I attend. I just wish they'd do some research before teaching a falsehood. Every time I bring up the ten tribes they always refer to the "Ephraimite Error" commentary and that really scrapes my rear end!
Finally, I got so steamed about it that I sought out others who feel the same way I do and it looks like I have
finally found a hand full of people (like Rabbi Koniuchowsky) who actually do the research (like I have done).
I'm an outcast because I WILL NOT BE DENIED MY HEBREW HERITAGE. Of course all of those who
accept Messiah become sons of Abraham. But denying my Hebrew heritage would be like a Mexican person
denying the historical fact that he/she is a descendant of the natives and the Anglo-Spanish conquistadors &
settlers. It's a historical fact and cannot be denied.
Likewise, if I deny my Hebrew heritage then I'm embracing a lie. And if I embrace that lie then why not
embrace many other lies? Please let me know if you can put me in contact with Rabbi Koniuchowsky.
Sha alu Shalom Yerushalayim
I just wanted to let you know how your ministered has touched me deeply. I am in the so called church and
never knew any of the things you have touched on. I cannot believe that I was deceived. It is really very
frightening when all these years I thought I knew my Yahuwah. I always had a lot of questions in which no
one could ever answer, like "who is married to who." Very confusing! And what are we doing while the Jews
are in the Millennium and having families, what are we doing. No one really knew.
I was always Jealous of the Jews thinking they where having all the blessing and I wasn't quite sure what I
would be doing. Of course I would repent because just to be with Yahuwah should be Enough for anyone.
However, I wanted you to know that I take your message very seriously In addition, I am considering studying
with the Rabbi on your web site, but I just don't know where to begin. I have cried and cried over your
teaching, It must be the Holy Spirit. I want to tell your message to everyone I know and don't know. It is very
hard but real.
Thank you, I owe you my life, rather my eternal life. Please bear with me for I still do not know all the new
terminology, but I have been reading all your papers night and day, I just can't put it down. I have to know
everything. I hope to meet you in Florida someday, my son lives there. Thank you.
Many blessing to you and your ministry.
Frankie Oja
Dear Rabbi,
I recently discovered your web site from a link I found in doing research on the Samaritans. I just finished
reading (& verifying the scriptural references in) the document "The Ongoing Reunion Of All Israel - Part 2".
I was shocked to say the least! I believe everything I found there was true, for I consider myself to be a
Christian Ephraimite Israelite. Until I found your web site, I felt that I was completely alone in my beliefs, but
now I see that I am not alone. I am part of a large "family" of faith. Praise Yahuwah!
My father was a man who studied the Bible in depth (as I am attempting to do) and he told me many years ago
that our family may be descended from Ephraim, son of Joseph, son of Jacob. I didn't understand what he was talking about until I started to seek the truth and search the scriptures for myself. There is so much confusion & deception in the world, it is hard to find the real truth. I have "battled" with many so-called Christian faiths, i.e. Mormons, Jehovahs Witnesses, Catholics (Pagan Roman Church), etc. and prevailed because their practices and beliefs could not be supported by scripture.
I feel that I have heard the calling to find others who believe as I do and seek a fully restored House of Israel. I
feel a powerful urge that I can't explain to return to the place of my ancient fathers and somehow try to heal
the "break" that occured long ago. I am sure I would be rejected by most Jews who see themselves as the only chosen people, but nevertheless, I must do what I can.
Thankyou, and keep up the good work!
Terry Metcalf
[email protected]
Welcome home Terry. You are my brother spiritually by Messiah's blood, and physically as we both come
from Jacob's body according to Genesis 35:10-11. Keep studying and let the reunion begin.
Brother Moshe
Yahuwah's blessings are upon you!
I want to tell you just a little about myself so you will know why I believe in your message.
I found favor of Yahuwah in the early nineties; at that time there were only two telecast that came on tbn that
talked of following Torah, and these telecasts were taken off the air after a few years. I was drawn to these
shows like a magnet and Yahuwah in my heart had helped me make the decision to follow him in these ways
that were back then called the Jewish roots of the faith. My sister said that I was a Black American wanting to
be Jewish, my fellow believers thought I was dreading in the dangerous waters of legalism. My pastor said that I needed to find someone who thought the way I did and join their congregation; I thought to myself,
Yahuwah is speaking to me through the pastor and the pastor don't even know it.
While I was searching out why I was the only one in my area that felt so strongly about following the Torah, I
asked Yahuwah about it and there was quietness on his part at least until now. Until 2000, a decade has passed since he showed me favor, and now Yahuwah has revealed his truth through you Rabbi. Thank you.
Joan McAfee
First I had better explain myself. I am a Pastor of the deceived 'Church'. I have been searching for years for
the "TRUTH" and finally, I think I have found it. ... Now, NATURALLY I'm curious and seeking. ...
I would like to know if your "BIBLE" comes in large print??? ... Then I need ALL the help I can get with
"Feasts", Holy Days etc. (The whole 'shootin match'. ... Not that I'm totally stupid, but after being in the
Church for years and believing the lies .......... I NEED "HELP"!!!
Can you help me? ... I'm desperate !!!
Pastor Richard Simcox
Peace Rabbi:
Thanks a bunch for your prompt answer. .... I have been all over your web page and think I learned MORE from it than I have in the past thirty or forty years. FANTASTIC !!!!
I might have misrepresented myself. ... I am a "Retired" Pastor. Was in the "FourSquare Faith", however I
now "sub" preach in the Baptist and Mennonite Churches in this area. ((WOW !!!! Have I got something to
tell them NOW !!!!!!)) HALLELUJAH !!!
Rabbi, we live in South West Kansas in the tiny town of 'Hanston'. It's approximately 35 miles North of Dodge
City. ...... No, I haven't met Marshal Dillon or Miss Kitty as of yet. (Ha !) We do enjoy it here after living 25
years in Texas. (Dallas). Nice and quiet with wonderful people.
YES, PLEASE send me any information you can. I have been looking at your books and tapes .... could spend
about a million dollars there...I think. ...... Going to have to take this one step at a time though. S/S doesn't pay much. ....I do want to purchase your "Large Print Bible" however ASAP. How do I go about that?
Thanks again Rabbi and I hope this is the beginning of a long lasting relationship between You, Me and OUR
Pastor David Samuel Casas
Greetings Rabbi Koniuchowsky,
In the name of our Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ, greetings. I am not of Jewish decent, although my
family, originally from Spain and Cuba, believe that our roots are among the Jews of Spain. My name is David
Samuel. My father's name is David (called to be with the Lord in 1993) and my mother's is Elisa Belen
(Bethlehem). The tradition is somehow in our names, for my sister is Ruth Esther, my cousin on my father's
side is Loida, and both her sons, Joel and Daniel, are almost like brothers to me.
I share this with you because Yahuwah has always disquieted my heart for the Jewish people and for Israel. I
am 29 years old, but I was called into the ministry ten years ago. I did my training at a Ministerial Institute
and have been serving Yahuwah for eight years now as pastor of the Latino congregation in the Atlanta area
that my father once pastored.
I began my studies of prophecy while in school in 1993. Since then, the Lord has been merciful and great in
revealing His Word to me. I was so thankful to Him when I found your website. The things the Lord Yahuwah
has revealed to you are things that He has been showing me through His Word! I was so excited to see your
studies and rightly dividing the word of truth.
I have been for three years now submerged in the study of End Time prophecy, afraid of divulging the things
the Lord has shown me because it is not in agreement with many of the scholars today. The scriptures do not
teach me of a pre-tribulation rapture of the Gentile church and the tribulation period designed for backsliding
Israel. The scriptures do not teach me of the amillennist views or the postmillennist views. I was distraught, but trusted in what the Lord was revealing to me about the fast approaching days. Then, three years into my study, I read your Two Olive Tree article. As a matter of fact, I read it last night. I bless and give all glory to God for His unspeakable gift!
I thank the Lord for you, Rabbi. I pray God's keeping of your heart, mind and body until the glorious
appearing of our Lord and Savior Yahusha. I pray that we can communicate more often. I have so much to
learn of the things that the Lord has shown you. I also wish the opportunity to share with you the things that
the Lord has shown me. I just thank my God for opening the eyes of this poor Gentile to see things that my
teachers and other scholars shun. I would appreciate, if you have the time, guidance on the material you have
made available. I am in the process of writing a book on my three year study.
I hope to hear from you, Rabbi. Praise God!
Shalom, Pastor David Samuel Casas
Written by: Isabel Maria Rodriguez-Fico
Yahuwah has birthed a nation [around the globe] thru this congregation. By other congregations focusing
more on the New Testament the Brit Chadasha in this age, makes it more of a challenge for us to reveal the
truth about our identity by using both covenants. Out of the four corners of the world, people will unite to hear the truth about their identity. Yahuwah's teachings thru us shall travel afar, without us having to. We shall only travel to places that Yahuwah will indicate. Just wait for the sign and command. Don't anticipate your future. Chosen people will come to meet and greet us, which were chosen from the beginning for this special time and ending. Chosen zera [seed] that is born unto us thru many generations to come will now come out [of the kirches] and unite for the coming of Messiah. Together we will represent Yahshua HaMashiach in the events promised soon to come. We will stand firm and let nothing stop us in this mission of prophecy. Many ministries will be revealed to us in time and we will have the wisdom led by the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit, to choose what is right for us to do. We [both houses] will become one in Yahshua. His promise is from the beginning and to the end and soon to come. We will fight for truth and justice and with His outstretched hand we will show wondrous deeds. We will represent the truth and nothing shall stop us! YHUH sees that the olive tree grows and will make sure of that!! In this world we need more men that can so easily express in detail such knowledgeable information as Brother Moshe. There are people that appreciate his wisdom around here. Hello ! I hope to always be part of this family that has given me so much enlightenment to the truth. I am honored to be a student and a part of this congregation. My eyes have been unveiled thru the light of Yahusha.
I thank YHUH for having me brought back to my people. Thru this congregation I have birthed a relationship
with YHUH and grown in the Spirit. Something that will stay with me eternally and forever and will never
depart from me. I thank all of you for being my family.
Before I ever set a foot in this synagogue, I was of the world. I didn't go from one congregation to another. I
came from out of the hands of the enemy. I was expecting a child when YHUH called out to me that He
wanted me to devote my life to Him, to find my identity and to find my people. I have been to Evangelical
Assemblies before and I would say "Gloria sea el señor" in Spanish, come home and close the book. I tried
going to Sunday Mass at St. Joseph's Church where I went to school and did my first communion, but I came
out of there totally empty! Now my eyes have been unveiled thru the light of Yahshua HaMashiach. I have
lived in this area [Miami Beach] since I was 7 yrs old from Cuba. I passed by the synagogue many times. As a
matter of fact my father lived across the street for many years. I would look up the star up on the roof [when it was a traditional shul] and I would actually hear people calling out to me. They would say "come, come, these are your people." "No I don't need religious prozac" was my response.
I walked in here for the very first time, more than a year ago and I still cant wait all week for my next Shabbat.
Through this congregation I have birthed a relationship with YHUH and grown into the Spirit. I thank
YHUH, Yahshua, our Brother Moshe and all of you for that. My husband risked his life on a raft to come into
this country to prosper. He fell into the hands of the enemy. YHUH got his attention and he was away for a
year [jail] to prepare him for a new life in Yahusha. He has now repented and wants to recover, recuperate and reconstruct his life again. He wants to make up for his lost time. I guess YHUH always knows what He's doing.
Now we can be together as one and be a complete family with our son Immanuel Yahshua. We will also be
getting remarried here at the shul in the near future. YHUH has put us one the right track and it is up to us to
stay on it and with YHUH's help and this congregation, I'm 100% sure we'll be all right!
Shalom to you all:
I found your web site from Lew White's link page and have not been the same since. This is the most
outstanding web site I have ever seen. My testimony is as follows:
A few years ago I became very ill with fibromyalgia and was bed ridden for a few months. At the time, I was
studying with Jehovah's Witnesses, and as I began to question their doctrine, they disfellowshiped me, had
nothing to do with me, and their teachings state that I was an apostate and to be shunned. This was very
devastating to me as I was searching for the true Elohim and thought I had found Him with these people.
NOT! I then began studying on my own. My husband bought me a Strong's Concordance and I began going to
the Scriptures daily searching for the real truth. During the last few years of my life, YHUH began to send bits
and pieces of truth in my path. I guess He didn't want to overload my brain. I then began to honor the 7th-day
Sabbath, along with my husband, and now my mother, dad, and sister have come to know the true Elohim and
all celebrate the 7th-day Sabbath and the feasts of YHUH. About a year ago, I was awakened around 3:00
a.m., and heard a voice in my spirit say to me "SHOW MY PEOPLE THE ERRORS OF THEIR WAYS."
Needless to say, I could not return to sleep. I got up, went into my living room, covered my head with my
prayer shawl, and on bended knees began to pray to my Father YHUH for an interpretation of this request.
Then, one evening, my family and I went to a prophecy conference in New Orleans and heard Michael Rood
speaking about the prophecies in the Feasts of YHUH. This was absolutely incredible information. I then knew what I had to do. I had to show people, from the Scriptures, how we have been deceived by our forefathers.
Because of my dedication and commitment to YHUH, my husband, father, mother, and sister have come to
know the true Elohim and his feast days. My dad will be joining all of you at the August 16-19 conference to
learn as much as possible so that we can be a light in our community. Please pray for us. I would like to send a letter to the leaders of all the congregations in our area. Do you have any kind of format or information that
could help me in reaching out to the community? I really want to keep the information short and to the point,
as you well know, in the fast-paced world in which we live, people just don't have enough time to read anything lengthy. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you and Shalom to all of you at Your Arms to Israel.
Sister Hannah
Thank you very much Brother Moshe for responding to me so very quickly. You are so very kind. I think I
have read just about everything on your web site. If all the articles I have read contained calories, it would take a moving van to transport me around. I truly love what YHUH is doing in your midst. And, yes, you have my permission to publish my testimony. I have been so deeply moved in the Spirit, that I have begun making
tzitziyot, prayer shawls and talits for women and Lew White has put my tzitziyot on his web site for sale. I feel
that My Father is telling me to teach women how to dress according to the Scriptures. I wear my talit with
tzitzit to my office daily. I make them in various colors to match just about any garment. Since Scripture didn't
state what color the tzitzit were to be, I felt YHUH gave us some discretion in this area; however, I always use
the blue thread. The windings on the tzitzit equal the Hebraic numerical value of the name of YHUH. This
way, I wear His Name daily. I am trying to start a home-based business making scriptural garments. I have
designed a wall-mounted, pvc, indoor/outdoor Menorah that is quite beautiful. I have been working in the
midst of Babylon for so long and would like to come out of her and begin working for YHUH as my boss.
I love how you teach according to the Scriptures. You have given so many people hope in knowing they also
can be grafted in to the Messiah as a returning Ephramite. My family is wanting to learn Hebrew and the only
information we have found is videos from The First Fruits of Zion. My dad also gets their monthly Torah Club
lessons which we study weekly. Do you provide any Hebrew teaching tapes? I want to learn the inspired
language of my Messiah Yahshua so much. We used to use the King James version of the Scriptures, however,
I just didn't like it. Then we purchased The Scriptures from the Institute of Scripture Research. This is the
most outstanding version I have ever seen. I was so happy to see you used it too.
Brother Moshe, you have been such a blessing to the restoration of the two-house concept. Please stay strong in your endeavor to teach the world the truth. We shall all be standing by you as you do. Shalom to you all.
Shalom to the members of this forum. I am Elder Silvio Soto of "Restoration Ministry in Messiah" in St.
Thomas, USVI. I would like to take this opportunity to share my testimony with the list members as a way of
introducing myself to everyone.
My Testimony
I was raised in a Pentecostal church in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. Naturally, this means that for many
years I did not believed nor observed any of the Bible's sacred days. As I became an adult, my interest and
efforts in the ministry grew and by age 24 I had manage to make for myself a religious reputation in this 32
squared mile island. Early in my biblical studies I had develop an interest for both the subject of apologetics
and cults. As can be expected (at least given my background), I grew up considering the Seventh-day Adventist to be a "benign" cult. Since I had been schooled according to the dispensational interpretation of the Bible, I felt very capable of debating any biblical topic. For a number of years, I was involved in numerous debate with Sabbath keepers and I also taught others how to do the same. To my shame, I succeeded convincing a significant number of them to abandon the observance of the weekly Sabbath in order to adopt a position similar to mine (which was that in the New Testament era, we have no special day of worship mandated to Christians). Just like Paul, I was persuaded that I was doing my duty unto God. But, the Heavenly Father had mercy and pity on me. During the month of January 1990, I met a local Pastor by the name of Dale George. He too had a passion for debating and I was only too glad to oblige. Naturally, I was confident that I was going to win this one as I had won countless others. However, YHUH Almighty had a big rude awakening in stored for me!
On the day of our first encounter, I had decided I was going directly for a "cut throat" approach. In my brief
earlier exchanges with Dale George, I had observed that Dale was a humble man. I intended to take advantage
of this character trait and over power him with my personality. I had it all planned out. As soon as he brings
up the topic of the Sabbath, I was going to call him a hypocrite, arguing that if he really believed in the
"concept of sacred time" he should be keeping both the Festivals and the weekly Sabbath. To prove my point, I was then going to take him to Leviticus 23, where weekly Sabbath and the annual Festivals are both grouped as one. I already knew his intended reply. He would have argued that the Festivals were ceremonial while the
weekly Sabbath was part of the Moral Law. He would certainly remind me that the Decalogue was personally
written with the finger of God, while the Book of the Law was written by Moses. He probably was going to try
and argue the significance of how the Decalogue was placed inside the ark when the Mosaic Law was placed
outside. I also expected him to try to make something over the fact that the Savior in the Gospels and the New Testament Church through out the book of Acts were described as observing the weekly Sabbath. But I had a prepared logical reply for everyone of these arguments!
The way I saw it, I was preparing to fight "fire with fire." He will be arguing for one sacred day and I will be
using seven sacred days against him. Something ceremonial means that it involves a ritual. In the Mosaic Law, the Festivals involved such rituals as: gathering together, public and private worship, singing, offerings, blood sacrifices, and doing no work. It turns out this is all true of the weekly Sabbath! Basically my premise was simple: if it walked like a duck, if it quacked like a duck, and if it looked like a duck ... it had to be a duck!
Therefore, the weekly Sabbath was no less a ceremonial (ritualistic) observance than were the Festivals. The
fact that it was part of the Ten Commandments did not make it any less ceremonial. Besides, I always felt that
Sabbath keepers were too loose with the phrase "Moral Law," since all disobedience is an act of immorality. In
fact, I had discovered that Sabbath keeping scholars were in agreement that men were to be considered as
"Free Moral Agents." By definition and application, this meant that men are endowed with a "free will" (the
ability to choose good from evil), but are under "moral" obligation to choose good! Therefore, any law that
imposed a control on my "freedom of choice" had to be a "Moral Law" by definition. Designating the Festivals
as "ceremonial" did not make these any less "morally" binding on Israel. Furthermore, the argument of the
Decalogue being inside the ark while the Mosaic Law was outside was little more than an appeal to abandon
critical thinking for emotionalism. After all, this line of reasoning was implying that something inside was
deemed of higher value than that which was outside. The problem is that inside the ark were also the rod of
Aaron and samples of Manna. I never knew of a scholar (Sabbath or Sunday keeper) who felt these items were more important that the Mosaic Law by virtue of them being placed inside the ark! As to the argument that the Savior and the early believers kept the Sabbath in the Gospel and in the book of Acts, I was only too trilled when this was brought up. Immediately my rehearsed response was, "The Savior and the early church in Acts both kept the ceremonial Festivals, but YOU DON’T!" In fact, any biblical and/or historical argument that can be used to support the weekly Sabbath observance also can easily be shown to support the observance of the Annual Festivals! The Catholic church has not only claimed to have changed the weekly Sabbath, but to have also changed the Festivals (substituting the latter with pagan feast days)!
It was a lovely "time-tested" strategy that had worked beautifully for me before. Dale simply didn’t have a
prayer that could help him. I was that confident and secured! Imagine my surprise when I made my
"hypocrite" charge against this noble soul and he informed me that he agreed with me! Stunned, I ask him if
he agreed, then why he didn't keep the Festivals and only kept the Sabbath (the reality of his answer had not
truly sunk through my skull). Again, lovingly and with careful wording (so I could understand him) he stated,
"I ... keep ... both!" HUH? Immediately I felt that the rug had been pulled from under my feet. This was not
how I had planned this encounter to developed! Now, because of my arrogance and my prejudgment, I was at a complete disadvantage and treading new grounds (not exactly a comfortable feeling - as you can imagine). In my mind I was rushing with every strategy I had ever used trying to determine how to get myself out of this
hole. But, I couldn't overcome my utter surprise that Dale kept the Festivals! I mean, I had never met a
Christian that spoke favorably of the Festivals, let alone kept them. Yet, here he was — standing in living color in front of me — a very strange and unique creature. To add to my confusion, Dale was not saying nothing else.
He was just there standing in silence, waiting for me to do the next move (perhaps, to put my other foot in my
mouth). The pressure was unbelievable. Having won so many debates using high pressure techniques, finally
somebody was turning the table on me and giving me a taste of my own medicine. In my despair, I remember
tossing my arms to the air and telling him, "Why in the world would you keep the Festivals?"
What an irony! Moments earlier I just called him a hypocrite if he did not keep the Festivals along with the
weekly Sabbath. Now, I was insinuating that something must be wrong with his mind for doing so! Despite my
obvious lack of cordiality in that statement, Dale proceeded to illuminate my mind with some of the numerous
reasons and biblical evidence on this subject. Within one hour, I was transformed from a roaring intimidating
lion into an ordinary house cat. I mean, I felt really uneducated. My pride and arrogance had effectively been
wiped under the ground. I couldn't help but to marvel at his reasoning and quality of evidence. It was as if all
my life I had been reading another book instead of the Bible! The evidence had been there all this time!! To
make matters worse, his arguments were simplicity itself. It was not the kind of explanation that required
much theological background to understand. I was able to immediately see the ramification of his various
positions and interpretation as he progressed from one stage to the next. At the end, I was a very humbled man and all I could say, "Okay Dale, you made a few points, but I am going to need time to verify all this "stuff". Yeah, that is right. I called it "stuff!" I was still hoping against hope that I could find a genuine refutation. To be sure, I will spent the next nine months visiting Dale's Assembly every Sabbath. I searched and researched, and then did it all over again. But the seed had been planted, deep within the chambers of my soul and heart. It tortured me day and night. So many times I thought to myself, "My GOD!! ALL those people I have led against the Sabbath!!!" My agony was unbearable. I lost my peace and self-control. I did not want to eat or engage in any other activity but to research this subject. There had to be a way out, there just had to be! But the more I searched, the more information I uncovered that actually sided with Dale! It was a nightmare ... It was also a disgrace.
Many weeks of literal tears followed more weeks of tears. I struggled with my conscience everyday, but the
Holy Spirit would neither allow me rest or peace. At the time, I was the pastor of a local Spanish church and
the co-pastor of the English speaking mother church. I tried to consoled myself with the numerous activities of the ministry, but there had all lost their attraction to me. Yet, months were passing by and I still would not do a definite decision. Once again, our precious Heavenly Father used Dale.
The Festival of Tabernacle was fast approaching September that year, 1991. It was a Sabbath afternoon and
we were all gather for a lunch fellowship at the home of one of Dale's members. By now, I was a regular visitor.
Another brother, who at one time had been the deacon of the Assembly, approached me with the question if I
had made my decision. I tried to ignore the question and change the subject, but the dear brother insisted.
When I finally told him, "No," he ask what I was waiting for. I did not have a good answer so I merely told
him I did not feel I was ready yet. I still had to reconcile many superficial issues like: the fact that I was a
pastor of a Sunday keeping church, the possible loss of prestige in this small island where practically everyone knew me, etc. At that moment, Dale — in a most uncharacteristic form — told me he feared for my salvation!
Amazed, I demanded for him to explain himself (after all, this was stated publicly). He told me that while it is
true that the Father accepts many of us while still in ignorance, that I could no longer personally avail myself
of that avenue, AS I WAS NO LONGER IGNORANT OF THE FACTS. I smiled, but as he walked away my
heart sank!! I felt like a dagger had split me wide open. Needless to say, I could not sleep that night! I knew
what he had said was the truth. That night, in the solitude of my room I decided I had to decide. The following
morning I called the brother who had inquired of me for an answer and informed him I had decided. That
same morning, I rendered my resignation to my former religious affiliation and I was baptized on the first
Great day of Tabernacle 1991. To this day, I have never once regretted the path that has been given to me to
In the words of Paul Harvey, "Now you know ... the rest of the story."
I remain in His service and yours,
By the Sovereign Yahu`sha our Messiah
Silvio Soto - Elder
Shalom Brother Moshe.
Since I came back from the AMI Conference I have had it in my heart to write to share some thoughts of
testimony regarding the Ordination Service. Last week I received the certificate and video and it has been
overwhelming to hear all the different words of exhortation and prophecy. I am glad I had not written before,
because having heard the service again, I am in awe of how quickly the words spoken over my life are coming to pass.On the day of the ordination, YHVH spoke so many things relating to the call and ministry. There was one word of personal content which touched the fibers of my soul. It was the second word of prophecy spoken through you being something that has been in the depths of my heart regarding the pain of the loss of a loved one. It is something I have carried for a long time in my heart and I truly felt ministered to because I know it is pain I have taken to the secret place of my relationship with YHVH.
The first word of prophecy spoken through you brought revelation of things to come which are already coming to pass. YHVH spoke of people seeking me out. Brother Moshe, even the same week as the prophecy said that even that same week I would receive contacts, a contact from Venezuela and Florida came before I left Orlando. Since I have returned to Puerto Rico, contacts from New York, Texas and Utah to mention a few. Unexpected correspondence has been going back and forth over the last month and a half as was spoken. YHVH has opened doors for financial blessing and new people are arriving at Beth-El as spoken.
These are just quick notes of what has been going on since the Ordination. I wanted to share these with you as a testimony of true words of prophecy and in gratefulness to YHVH for HIS faithfulness.
May YAH continue to bless you and your ministry,
Flor M. Diaz-Rivera
Congregación Mesiánica Beth-El
Puerto Rico
I have been reading/studying your teaching for over a year. I was looking again for the papers to re-study and
do some teaching from them, using them for my guidelines. I hope this is okay with you. If not, please let me
know. I apparently must have given them away, I can't find them. I went to your website to print them off,
and lesson numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 won't print the right size type. Would you be kind enough to send me
these issues? Thank you very, very much. Your teaching was the first I came into contact concerning the 'Two House Theology', and opened up my eyes as to my true identity. I had been questioning this for many years and your message has brought me full circle. I won't go into all the details, because I know you hear this many times a day!! And isn't it wonderful though? How blessed you are! I've had things, a calling of some
sort, but didn't know exactly what until now. I have never been more sure of anything in my life as I am now
of several. What are the qualifications for ordination or licensing whichever it is nowadays. I would like very
much to be licensed. I have been ordained by the Christian church, but as as the prodigal child, I have truly
come home from my wanderings.
As always, thank you for your response. I am eternally grateful!
Olivia Buzzingham/[email protected]
Hosea 1:9-10 9. And the Lord[Adonai] said, "Name him 'Lo-Ammi', for you are not My people and I am not
your God[Elohim]."
10. Yet the number of the sons of Israel will be like the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured or
numbered; and it will come about that, in the place where it is said to them, "You are not My people[Lo-
Ammi]," it will be said to them, "You are the sons of the living God[Elohim]." [NAS]
This is brother Fred. I just wanted to drop you a line and thank you again for the time you spent with me one on- one last week! I can't thank and praise Yahveh enough for the revelation and Truth He has blessed me
with through your ministry and the books you and Chaim gave me! I was also very touched to hear that you
asked about me on Shabbat... unfortunately, I had to work. Thanks again for care and concern.
The Truth in your teachings, coupled w/ Batya Wooten's book is quite overwhelming... it all really blows me
away!! Initially, after having the first conversations w/ sister Carmen and looking at your website... I knew it,
in my spirit, ALL to be Truth... however, I was overcome w/ Fear... since I had just recently and FINALLY
become comfortable in my spirituality w/ who I was and what I was called to do... and that is a lot coming from
someone who was called by God as a teen and spent the next 18 yrs running from said calling out of doubt,
fear, ignorance and low self-esteem. Just your average, back-slidden Baptist, perhaps... anyway, w/in the last
year and half I have become comfortable w/ the Charismatic/Prophetic/Apostolic movement and my part in
it... this was all quite a stretch (all His Grace!). And now this!! I was consumed by Fear... because I did not
want to let go of the Peace I had found in Him or part from the Prophetic/Apostolic movement...
But Yahveh is Great and Merciful... I felt Him speak into my spirit: "Do not fear, My son, for this is your
inheritance." I can't tell you the Peace that gave me! Later too, He confirmed in my spirit that He has called
me to walk in both Houses, and be "an ambassador one to the other". Please, let me know if you do not bare
witness to anything I have shared... for I know that is the answer that appeals to my flesh.
I don't even know why I have shared all this w/ you, Rabbi, but when I speak of Yahveh and what He is doing
in my life... I tend to get carried away! As if all that was not enough... the very same week, Yahveh blessed me
w/ a permanent position (I had been temping previously) at Mt. Sinai Foundation! The Fund Raising element
of the hospital... hob-nobbing w/ well, you know!!
PraiseYahveh!!! He is tooooo much!!!
Dear Brother Moshe & YATI,
About a year ago my wife and I purchased a computer after I had already told her that there was "nothing
that interested me in those things." Yahuwah, soon showed me otherwise.
One night while surfing the Internet, by complete accident, I stumbled my way into the Your Arms To Israel
website. When I started to read Rabbi Moshe's articles and Batya Wootten's Book, it was like my complete
soul had been seared with a hot branding iron and "scales" literally fell from my eyes to understand
Yahuwah's Holy Scriptures as I had never understood them before. I can remember the first article I read on
the website, which was entitled "Under Whose Tents Should We Dwell." This is the one that got my attention,
Being a lifelong good OLE Southern Baptist Deacon, I had to search the scriptures to find out for myself if
such things could be true. Guess What? Praise Yahuwah, they are and his truth is eternal!
Needless to say, my wife Linda and I now celebrate all of Yahuwah's appointed times, and are members of The
Messianic Nazarene Yisrael Alliance and have been blessed by Yahuwah beyond measure. (Kosher Too!)
Linda and I both are so grateful to Rabbi Moshe, YATI, Batya Wootten, and Rabbi Ed Nydle of Ottumwa,
Iowa for being our shepherds and in helping us to return to where Yahuwah always wanted us to be. And that
my friends, is belonging (through Yahshua) to Yahuwah's only "called out assembly"---- ISRAEL!
Baruch Hashem Yahuwah
T'oma & Linda Morris Youngsville, Louisiana
Dear Brother Moshe:
Rabbi I gotta tell you that since I've read your study on the Sacred name (4 times), something has happened
and that is that now when I hear or read the name HaShem or Adonay or lord, etc. my spirit cringes, or if that
is not the appropriate word, I know it feels like a very high pitch sound directly blown into your ear. It's really
uncomfortable and bothersome. Since I re-adopted the real names of the father and the son and use them as frequently as possible I sense peace in my spirit and I know that can only come from YAHUWAH. Look forward to see you on Monday night. May almighty YAHUWAH fill you with blessings.
Robert Romero
Miami, Florida
Shalom Brother Moshe,
I have corresponded with you once before. I am a relatively new subscriber to your e-mail. This is not so much a letter of testimony, so I won't expect it to be forwarded to anybody. I suppose this is more just a very brief, friendly, sharing about who we are and how you have helped us, even during these brief months, to grow in the Truth.
My wife and I come from a Roman Catholic background. We had a true born again experience 20 years ago.
Although we tried to find a place in the RC church, we eventually had to leave it. We have been involved with,
ministered in, and served in the Charismatic expression of Evangelical churches for about the past 19 years,
including some time in Romania as medical missionaries.
Anyway, when we were just "babes" in Yahshua, we had very deep questions which arose as we began to read the Bible. "Why does the church honor Sunday over the true Shabbat?" "What did the Lord mean when He used the words 'eternal' and 'everlasting' as relates to certain of the feast days?" "Why do we continue to eat pork and other unclean meats?" "What does it mean to be 'grafted in'? Grafted into what?" "What did Paul mean when he wrote in Ephesians that the partition has been broken down between Jew and Greek? So the Jew could become like the Greek? or so the Greek could become like the Jew?"
Of course, we received no answers from the church. But...and this is KEY, we have experienced a continual
guidance from Yahshua, THE TRUTH, into greater and greater revelations of the truth. But, we reached a
point when we needed to make a decision...like casting a line in the sand, we admitted that what we had heard
about the Torah, from the church, had been error, and that this error had been born out of century upon
century of anti-Jewish bias. We had to "DE-canonize" the KJV translation of Scripture (and subsequent
mistranslations). We "took the plunge", so to speak, and started living as though we really did believe the
Spirit could lead us. We began, first, to keep Shabbat. Alright, maybe we don't know exactly what we're
doing....but we're doing it to the best of our knowledge. Next we began to look at the food thing...and, although I enjoy bacon as much as the "bacon loving Jew" who wrote to you last week, we have stopped eating unclean foods. I have begun to pray from the Siddur. I even use a Tallit. This year, we had our first Passover meal in our home. Little by little, we are learning and growing in our understanding.
One day, the Lord led me to your website. I have read your teachings and, for the first time in my life, I am
experiencing true peace that, yes, I have begun to live The Way. This new life is lonely for us though, because, apart from your teachings and that of a few other websites, we have no other input into how to walk.
Fellowship in the Bible Belt is impossible without compromise...although we have had a couple of opportunities to share our beliefs with some others. It's amazing how easily doors open up to share when you do something as simple as abstain from pork in this part of the country. Pork is the basic meat in the Ozarks. When I go through the cafeteria line at the hospital (where I work), the servers tell me what has pork and what doesn't. More than once, people have asked me why I don't eat pork. So we usually end up have lunch together and discuss these issues.
Anyway, thank you for the input you continue to have in our lives. My wife and I are planning to participate in
the Orlando Conference (our first ever Messianic conference). I have invited a pastor from Wisconsin to attend because I know he has a tenderness for Israel and he NEEDS to see the truth you teach. I will leave you with a couple of questions.
Bill Windel
Al Negrin: A Sephardic Jew Returns Home
Al Negrin, a Sephardic Jew whose name and ancestry is of Spanish origin, has been a lifetime lecturer and
historian on the subject of Sephardic Judaism.
For two years, Al had been caring for his wife Betty, who was dying of cancer. His close friend Ben Baena,
became aware of the stress that Al was experiencing and suggested that he take a break from his care giving
duties and get out of the house for a few hours. Ben ,who is a messianic Jewish believer, invited Al to attend a service at "Messiah Is God" Messianic Congregation in January of 1995.Ben has been Al’s lifetime pal and had been sharing the Messiah of Israel with him for quite a few years. Al accepted the invitation, but imagined that he would be attending a typical church service. To Al’s amazement, he arrived at Messiah Is God, only to find Jewish men and women, joyfully worshipping Yahuwah in a very Jewish manner.
At first, Al perceived the Brit Chadashah to be a Christian book, written by Gentiles with Catholic popes as
the central figures. He was shocked with amazement to find out that the Brit Chadasha (Newer Covenant) is a
Jewish book, written for Jewish people (as well as Gentiles) by Jewish men.
Al never knew that Yahshua taught in the synagogues and in the Beth Ha Mikdash (Mt. Moriah Temple).He
never knew that Yahshua lived and died and rose again to life, as a Jew. He was especially surprised and
enlightened to find out that Yahshua chose Rav Shaul (Paul) to take the gospel to the Gentiles. For all of his
life, Al had been taught that belief in Yahshua was a new religion by people who were Gentiles to other
Gentiles. When Al realized that there would be no need to convert to another religion and that he could
continue to live and enjoy life as a Jew, his eyes were opened.
Al Negrin knew that he could no longer carry the burden of his wife’s disease and insecurity alone. He listened intently to Brother Moshe give a message entitled "The God Of New Beginnings", offering hope and purpose. He immediately realized that he needed Yahuwah to grant him a new beginning in life. On Sunday January 1, 1995 Al found himself coming forward at the end of the service to pray and to publicly receive Messiah Yahshua as Lord and Savior.
In April 0f 1995, Al’s wife Betty who was near death at home having been sent there by the hospital, also
prayed with Brother Moshe to receive Yahshua as her Moshiach. Just a few days later Betty went to be with
Yahuwah Since then, with Yahuwah’s help and the support of believing friends, Al has been able to overcome the grief of losing his wife of 51 years. Al praises Yahuwah for His mercy and grace. He has truly found Yahshua the Messiah to be a friend that sticks closer than a brother and Lord of new beginnings.
A Letter Of Testimony To Pastor John Hagee
December 21, 1999
Dearest Pastor Hagee,
As a believer -all my life- being raised in a Christian home, I write to you knowing how well you know the
serious condition of "luke-warmness that exists in so many denominations. Their doctrines and traditions
mixed with what has been "selected" out of Scripture.
Years ago, I began watching and supporting TBN and your ministry as well as going to church. Through the
experience even in the church I was raised in… The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)…startled me with
some of their thinking and behavior. I began going to different churches. Yes, finding some degree of the Holy
Spirit, but not enough milk or meat was present to stay. Those that I did find, I attended, but did not feel led
by the Spirit to join and stay. I prayed about this, asking the Father for His help…where He wanted me to
One Sunday afternoon a friend called about a Bible study class being held on Monday nights… and did I want
to go? Of course. A short time later, another person called. She said, "Marcia, the Holy Spirit told me to call
you about a Bible study on Monday night." I said, "Yes." Carmen called and told me also. Yes, I was going
This was the first part of July, 1999. The Bible study was held at B'nai Yahshua Synagogue.
It is a Messianic Synagogue, but not just another Messianic Synagogue. That Monday night, from about 7:30 to 10: pm, Brother Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky taught the class. I could feel the Holy Spirit as if I was sitting
under a shower. When the class ended I looked across the room. My friend Carmen was looking across the
room at me. We just looked knowingly, at each other. We were home! For that night we learned that this
particular Messianic Synagogue believes in the two houses of Judah and Ephraim---two sticks coming together.
There is not going to be a Jewish Bride and a Christian Bride… but one Bride!
I send this book* knowing how dedicated and supportive you are of Israel! Read, enjoy, and share this move of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! I've only had the courage to write all this and send you this book by His
presence in my life. I never saw this coming! Your name came to me immediately. You must read this book and talk with Sholiach Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky.
Praise His Name,
Marcia Harshbarger
My Life Was Over and Done With!
By Race Stein
Aventura, Florida
My name is Race Stein. I am a 33 year old Jewish man. I lived in the midst of confusion, self destruction and
hopelessness, abusing my body with drugs for 16 years. My life was in bondage caused by a heavy addiction to pills and heroin. I existed in a living hell with no hope. My marriage was falling apart and my life was doomed to total destruction. I traveled from one dead end to another.
On August 11,1995 after crying out to Yahuwah for help and relief and following Brother Moshe’s crisis
intervention and counseling, I went through one week of detoxification and entered Sonrise Bible Mission
Training Center in Ft Lauderdale , a bible based support and recovery program for addicts. While being
discipled there, I learned to truly love Yahuwah my creator and develop a strong relationship with Him.
Yahuwah has broken the chains of drug addiction. In April of 1996 I graduated and have been living set free
for almost two years. I know firsthand that when Yahuwah’s Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. I am
free indeed forevermore by His power and love.
In our walk with Yahuwah there can never be any compromise. Please remember me in your prayers. To
Yahuwah be all the glory both now and forever. Amen.
Messianic Nazarene Yisraelite Testimony of Pam Staley
By Pam Staley
Many of the family have expressed their longings, desires and even confusion as to their status 'in the family'....
As I read each heartfelt message, the underlying theme seems to reach out to me and say...'I love God, I love
Israel and the Jewish people, but I long to *BELONG*'. The reason this speaks so loudly to me is that yes, I
have also torn my garments many times and cried out to HaShem....with the very same question - "Who am
I?" "Why am I doing this??"
Beginning the journey of 'truth' about 15 years ago, I set out to find out just who I was...growing up in a very
catholic upbringing.. I had been thoroughly brainwashed to believe that it was 'others' who should be asking
that question and then once realizing their mistake, convert to Catholicism. However, God touched my heart
one Passover/Easter church service in an AOG church... I was only there under protest, and to please my
mother who had had this 'born again' experience.
Well, needless to say, the Great "I AM" called to me that day, and my search for truth, which hereto had been
deep into Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery etc.., had now taken a turn. I was now reading a book that had
before only been a coffee table decoration...the Bible. And I could not believe it...here, in this book, on every
page I turned, in every chapter I read, in every sentence...was "truth". It was there for the reading...and the
But being a stubborn and stiff necked person...I still had many many questions, and I questioned God quite
often. Even the most naive and childish questions were spoken out loud...for example...one of my very first
questions was, 'ok, if this book is real and accurate...WHERE ARE THE DINOSAURS!' .. ok ok, I know..
stupid question...but they told me that it contained EVERYTHING... and even though God had touched my
heart and drawn me near...I had to know the answers ... it is the character that he gave me. And for those of
you wondering...yes, dinosaurs are in the bible, it says in Genesis that He made ALL THE CREATURES OF
THE DEEP and EVERYTHING on the land...so, in my mind (and still) that covered just about
everything...including dinosaurs. But as the search continued, and the desire to know God deepened, I also
found myself in a very disturbing position. No one in my catholic upbringing, nor n the few 'word' churches
that I was beginning to venture into, could answer my questions concerning the land, the people, and the
reason for it's importance. Answers were 'spiritualized' in order to replace Israel, the bride, the city, the
people....and actually, the answers sounded very good, very reasonable, and after all...these were MEN OF
GOD...who was I?? nobody. But my Father also gave me something else....a small tiny red flag within me that
shot up within every time something was said that colored the truth.. not that I paid attention to that 'voice'
within every time...most of the time I hushed that voice and allowed myself to be drawn in to the half-truths
that the MEN OF GOD were speaking. And I am afraid to say that it didn't just happen once or twice, but
many many times...and still happens today ...... I believe that learning how to totally rely on God is a daily
learning experience, the cross we must take up to die to ourselves daily.
However, God did direct me to some wonderful teachers, and I learned from each one. But when it finally
dawned on me that no one really knew this book called the bible, it was because they didn't know the people,
the culture, the fabric......the land........from a Hebraic perspective. In the beginning, I called it a Jewish
perspective....I sat under rabbis, I attended classes at the local Jewish Community Center, I 'became' as a
Jew...even to the point of searching out my ancestors in the desperate hope that I would find a 'Jew' lurking
somewhere back there that would give me credibility, that would fill the longing to 'belong'. And in all this
search, trying to hold my head up and act like I was 'just as good' even if I wasn't 'Jewish'. But deep down.... it did matter...I was jealous...I was not 'twice blessed' ... merely once blessed (you've heard that haven't
you?).. I would attend Messianic synagogues and be welcomed with open arms, smiles, hugs, etc...and
yet...who lit the candles? who read the blessings? whose words were more intently listened to? who can be a
FULL MEMBER and who a 'SPONSOR'? the Jew....the > gentile < ... yes, the > gentile < wore a yellow badge..
and the invisible patch was quite obvious. The wall was and still is very much intact. Even for all the good
intentions, and all the explanations given concerning this atmosphere: the hundreds of years of repression and oppression, the agonies of the holocaust and the realization that it was their 'due' to be able to shout with joy and rejoice in their freedom of being Jewish and being one in Yahshua... these reasons too made 'sense' ... and were very real - and were acceptable - to my mind...but not my heart. My heart kept reaching out, my heart kept crying out to God. I needed a reason to understand in my HEART why Israel meant so much to ME, why the biblical feast days were being burned into MY heart and MY being, why I was obsessed with learning the truth from a Hebraic perspective...all of this goes against the tide, it slaps the face of 'Christianity' - it distances you from family and it separates you...and you 'don't belong' to either group. One can only play the game so long, and then you realize...the game has no winners. You can put on your happy face and say all the right things, and dance and sing and for a time be content... but as you drive home in your car.. and the night comes upon you and silence fills your soul....you again wonder...why me God? I'm not even JEWISH!
And you repeat out loud all the pat answers you have learned to quiet the questions...but still it is not enough.
But God is a good and merciful God...and the truth is a never ending journey...each day brings new light to
your eyes, and your heart. He has allowed me to stay in the land for many weeks at a time for the past 6
years...and the first time, of course was the most special... but I also knew that it was "my" land, my heritage,
my homecoming. The people he set before me taught me many truths - from an older most wise Jewish
believer, who has since passed on, who was as a first century rabbi and taught so vividly the truths of the bible and the plan of God to restore the House of Israel and bring the two houses together...WHAT you say? yes, so did I... what 2 houses?? to an orthodox Rabbi who two years later taught me the same thing...and that they were waiting for their brothers to recognize themselves and be drawn back to the land. I must admit.. I seized upon this information and read everything I could concerning the history of the 12 tribes of Israel. I studied the replacement theology of the 10 tribes, the false accusations by some groups, but I also found truth...thru Jew and NON-Jew alike.
And the message is clear, at least to me it is... the reason I have this undying love for Israel, for the biblical
traditions, and for the Jew...is because it is not only spiritually my heritage.....but PHYSICALLY my heritage.
I can not speak for others, but in my heart...just as I can not prove that I am saved, I can also not prove that I
am one of the descendants of one of the 'other' tribes other than Judah (and possibly Judah, who knows?)...but I know - just as sure as I'm born from above, that I am literally of the seed of Abraham. Both are by faith. So then, you say, what now? Well, I don't know. God is revealing this truth to many many people in the last days, and as scripture says, the two sticks will become one in the hand of Joseph. The scriptures are full of this truth....but just as our previous programming and teaching denied the truth of our biblical heritage...we must admit, we are still babes learning how to walk... therefore, we must examine and search for truth amongst the 'new teachings' of our biblical heritage so that we will continue to grow and show ourselves approved. Some of the questions I pondered on may be of some value to those of you, who deep within, have not been able to quench the question....where do I belong?
1.) Why was the blessing that Ephraim (symbolizing the 10 tribes of the North) given by the HEBREW
patriarch Jacob/Israel that Ephraim would become the FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES?? Have you ever
thought about that? Why would any Israelite WANT that kind of blessing?? Unless God knew (and He did)
that later the northern tribes would be assimilated into the nations, thus fulfilling prophecy...but nonetheless,
those dispersed remained as Israelites and passed that onto future generations.
2.) There are 3 ways according to scripture in which an 'outsider' is JOINED to the commonwealth of Israel:
Ex. 12:48 - celebrating Passover, circumcision, and sojourning....they were then to be considered NATIVE
ISRAELITES.. Numbers 9:14 says that if they do this, there is only one statute, Ex. 12:49 states there is only
one law for the citizen and the stranger and in Lev. 19:34, "The alien living with you must be treated as one of
your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE
TWO. It was a perpetual statute. Are those of us who believe in the Messiah of Israel any less 'family' then the
believing Jew? do we not remember the Passover, have been circumcised in our hearts and sojourn with the
people? Does that not make us NATIVE ISRAELITES?....or do we ignore what God says because we can't
'prove' it? Are we not part of the HOUSE OF ISRAEL when we accept the Messiah of Israel?
3. God said he would make a NEW COVENANT ---- 'with the HOUSE OF ISRAEL" ---- he did not make one
with the nations. To partake of this covenant, one JOINED the people of Israel. I have often also wondered
about the scripture - 10 men (the 10 dispersed tribes??) would cling to the Jew...for the obvious to me is that
the 10 have been assimilated and have followed foreign gods.. while Judah has continued to follow His
precepts.. Ephraim has always outnumbered Judah - 10 to 1 (1 Kings 11:31,36 & 1 Samuel 11:8; Zech. 8:23) so
does it not make sense that in the end days the dispersed 10 will return, repent, and learn again from their
brother Judah?
4.) The early church in the first century was made up of thousands upon thousands of physically born
Israelites.. surely they had numerous children throughout those years, and those children had children who
had children who had children.....so how many drops of blood does it take? do you not consider yourself part
Irish/English/Scotch and German (or whatever?)? then how can you NOT consider yourself part Israelite?
5.) God spoke "Lo-ammi. You are not My people" to the Northern Kingdom and declared an end to the
kingdom (not the end of the people)..100 years later God said thru Jeremiah, "'Is Ephraim My dear son? ... I
will surely have mercy on him'" (Jer. 31:20) God used Hosea's children to portray the condition of the
Ephraimites and His ultimate plan for them. And God promised that one day they would be restored to
become "THE SONS OF THE LIVING GOD"! Isn't that also what Paul tells us in Romans 9:24-26? That IN
THE SAME PLACE that it was declared to them that they were NOT God's people...it would be said to them
that they are now "The sons of the Living God?" (Read Zechariah, Hosea and Jeremiah and pay attention to
the promises and prophecies directed at the two houses)
6.) Throughout scripture, from the beginning to the end.. it STILL speaks of TWO HOUSES...TWO
NATIONS... TWO FAMILIES chosen for a purpose - the WHOLE house of Israel and the WHOLE house of
Juda...(Jer. 13:11...
7.) Not all of Israel was, or is, called Judah!....The Tribe of Judah DOES NOT represent all of Israel...there are
STILL TWO HOUSES... Now...I know this has been extremely long, and I pray that Eddie sees fit to post it,
but for those of you who believe that I am trying to be "Jewish"...please believe me...I don't have to be...and I
would also be content to just be a follower of the Messiah of Israel and spiritually identify with Israel and
Judah, IF that had been HIS plan...but He has chosen to call me (and thousands of others) and reveal to them
that they are truly PART of Israel, physically as well as spiritually...and that it is TIME for the brothers to
recognize each other and join together ... Ephraim and Judah have always been at odds...and they still are...it is time for both sticks to be in the hand of Joseph (Messiah). I will close with one last thought, and will quote
from Batya Wooten's book "In Search of Israel" ....it says it more eloquently than I ever could...please
pray...and study it thru...but at the very least...do not call yourself a >> GENTILE CHRISTIAN << you can
not be both - a HEATHEN - and a CHRISTIAN... you are simply a non-Jew. "...
The life that was in the Twelve Princes of Israel was in their blood. Today that bloodline is in that of their seed. Exactly where the bloodlines of the tribes of Israel have gone - only God knows. However, if the Creator of the universe chose to follow that line, it would be a simple thing for Him to do so. Assuming a new generation is produced every forty years, it would take only 100 fathers per person to go back 4,000 years to the time of Abraham. Remembering 100 fathers per person would be effortless for the God who numbers the hairs of our head. Surely there are countless millions in the Church who are bloodline descendants of the Twelve Tribes.
Surely there are those who are descended from the Apostles. The thousands and thousands of early Church
believers must have resulted in millions and millions of descendants. ... In light of that, how can we possibly
believe that the fifteen million Jewish people of today fully represent the repeatedly blessed physical seed of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! If today there are only 15 million identifiable physical descendants of Isaac - and
650 million descendants of Ishmael - then Isaac got only 1.76 percent of the physical blessing given Ishmael!
The church must realize it cannot be entirely made up of former Gentiles. Literal millions must be physical
descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Thus, within the church there are countless millions of bloodline
descendants of Israel!"
HOWEVER please remember this...while it is possible for one to be related to the FLESH that housed the
Messiah, such a physical relationship will not save one from spiritual death. To live eternally in the presence of
God, one must be born a second time of the Seed from above, becoming the Israel destined to live eternally. ----
-------------- I hope that at least one person was blessed by this....and that many will at least think on it... thank
you for your time, and may HaShem guide you in all things....
Pam Staley