Your Arms Of Love To Israel Congregation
By Dr. Sholiach-Apostle Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky

WARNING to all my students...there are a lot of growing numbers of "Messianic-Nazarene-Hebraic Roots" teachers that are teaching hatred or variance based on alleged bloodlines and skin color.
Teachings that demonize Jews as Kaisers or Kenites, or blacks as inferior, or anyone for that matter as holding polluted bloodlines is from s.a.tan.
In Yahushua we are all one new man and he has made all believers of ONE BLOOD, that being of the Messiah. So even if everyone on earth is allegedly cursed except you and your wife, we don't care!
Yahushua alone has remade Yisrael. When you hear teachers with a nice web presence or video stream, attacking the Jews or those in Israel or the whites, etc etc. that base good and evil on DNA or skin tone, you are hearing the literal deceptive tongue of the crafty serpent, sent to obliterate the body by divisions from hell's pit.
I will soon be teaching on this growing cancer in the Hebraic roots movement to warn and guard as many as don't mind being guarded against spiritual venom. Be careful whenever you see a video or teaching that attacks one bloodline in order to elevate another! All bloodlines are mixed, intermingled and polluted, within the 12 tribes and the 12 tribes with all nations-gentiles-pagans, including yours, whatever you claim that to be...we can only resort to and rest on Adon Yahushua's precious blood, not of this cosmos but from heaven itself, to make us clean and one new man in one new family! Ephesians 4:4
Acts 17:26-And hath made "of one blood all nations of men" for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
I will be sharing on this shortly, so with Yah's help you can spot these messages from s.a.tan, whenever he hijacks a preacher's tongue and pulpit. Sadly many have gravitated to these ministries, as they seem so nice and friendly.
We need discernment friends! Galatians 6:16 says it with HIS authority. No wonder they hate Paul too, as he taught against bloodline theology!
WARNING to all my students...there are a lot of growing numbers of "Messianic-Nazarene-Hebraic Roots" teachers that are teaching hatred or variance based on alleged bloodlines and skin color.
Teachings that demonize Jews as Kaisers or Kenites, or blacks as inferior, or anyone for that matter as holding polluted bloodlines is from s.a.tan.
In Yahushua we are all one new man and he has made all believers of ONE BLOOD, that being of the Messiah. So even if everyone on earth is allegedly cursed except you and your wife, we don't care!
Yahushua alone has remade Yisrael. When you hear teachers with a nice web presence or video stream, attacking the Jews or those in Israel or the whites, etc etc. that base good and evil on DNA or skin tone, you are hearing the literal deceptive tongue of the crafty serpent, sent to obliterate the body by divisions from hell's pit.
I will soon be teaching on this growing cancer in the Hebraic roots movement to warn and guard as many as don't mind being guarded against spiritual venom. Be careful whenever you see a video or teaching that attacks one bloodline in order to elevate another! All bloodlines are mixed, intermingled and polluted, within the 12 tribes and the 12 tribes with all nations-gentiles-pagans, including yours, whatever you claim that to be...we can only resort to and rest on Adon Yahushua's precious blood, not of this cosmos but from heaven itself, to make us clean and one new man in one new family! Ephesians 4:4
Acts 17:26-And hath made "of one blood all nations of men" for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
I will be sharing on this shortly, so with Yah's help you can spot these messages from s.a.tan, whenever he hijacks a preacher's tongue and pulpit. Sadly many have gravitated to these ministries, as they seem so nice and friendly.
We need discernment friends! Galatians 6:16 says it with HIS authority. No wonder they hate Paul too, as he taught against bloodline theology!
A LITTLE GUN HISTORY I Thought you might appreciate this . In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated. China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.
It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in: List of 7 items: Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent, Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent, Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)! In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns! While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed. There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australian society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above prove it. You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information. Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens. Take note my fellow Americans, before it's too late. The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this history lesson. With guns, we are 'citizens'. Without them, we are 'subjects'. During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!
A LITTLE GUN HISTORY I Thought you might appreciate this . In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated. China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.
It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in: List of 7 items: Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent, Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent, Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)! In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns! While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed. There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australian society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above prove it. You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information. Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens. Take note my fellow Americans, before it's too late. The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this history lesson. With guns, we are 'citizens'. Without them, we are 'subjects'. During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!
New Phenomenon-There seems to be a new phenomenon in the Messianic Nazarene Yisraelite Torah movements that we are encountering in growing numbers. And that is a new form of backsliding away from true Name usage by those who still claim to be true Name users and advocates. Many who have been trained in true Name usage, and have learned the basics of that truth, and who have by and large been fully committed to their usage on a full time basis in the past, have been steadfast and faithful. Until now that is! There is a growing surge among the true Name advocates in Israel and in the Diaspora, who feel that using YHUH’s Name is important, but rather than using it in normal everyday activity and conversation, have instead limited their usage of YHUH’s Name to liturgy, Torah reading, petition and worship.
This new wave of Torah “True Namers”, have come to believe that traditional Judaism “may have a point” about not using YHUH’s Name too lightly or too casually, and therefore are not fully comfortable with “freely throwing His Name around lightly”, in such things as casual conversation and discussion. While sounding righteous and noble, these deviations from using YHUH’s Name even in casual daily encounters and conversations, is in fact a backsliding away from the full revelation background, that many of them came from. Their departure is sad and worse yet unscriptural. Remember that the basic premise of traditional rabbinic Judaism against invoking YHUH’s Name, is based on a twisting and outright perversion of Leviticus 24 verses 10-16. The rabbinic religious ban on using YHUH’s Name is based on their misunderstanding of the events, when YHUH told Moshe Rabainu to stone the son of the Israelite woman who blasphemed the Name. The rabbis have concluded, that blaspheming the Name is paramount to pronouncing it, or mentioning it, or carrying it on one’s lips! But a closer look at the text of Wayiqra/Leviticus 24:11 and 15 reveals the plain pashat meaning of the texts, which is that blasphemy is synonymous with CURSING the Name, or using the Name to curse others. Nowhere do these verses even remotely suggest that using YHUH’s Name is in itself the act of blasphemy. That is pure religious tradition, that in it’s most basic creed, is both unscriptural and dangerous, in so much that it stifles the true gospel being carried to the nations, sealed in the Names of Yahuwah and Yahushua (Matthew 28:19). The absence of the Name is the very door opener that the Jesus/Jehovah crowd have needed to get their foot in the door, and thus propagate their false gospel of anti-nomianism and false Names, which usually go hand in glove.
Certainly no true believer would ever actually intentionally curse YHUH’s Set Apart Name, any more then they would do to Yahushua’s Set Apart Name. So Scripture prohibits us from cursing His Name with the penalty of death. But as found in countless places it encourages and even demands that we sing, teach, talk, meditate, proclaim and conduct all behaviors, both physical and spiritual, in the true Names. A Hebraic mindset never seeks to separate the spiritual from the physical realm. Those who invoke the Name for congregational purposes but not individual purposes such as casual conversation have followed the path of Greco-Romanism and have unbiblically compartmentalized their lives into the spiritual (congregational usage of the Name) and the physical (non-usage the rest of the week). Were we to apply the same fallacious standards to say stealing, then we could say that stealing can be practiced during the week, but never on Shabbat. The Hebraic mind sees all days as kadosh/set-apart with Shabbat being the most kadosh. Therefore all day are kadosh and are days to apply Yahuwah’s request that we invoke and incorporate His Name in all our daily activities and in all our comings and goings, all the days of our lives! In the Book Of Remembrance In Malachi 3:16, YHUH declares that “Then shall those who fear YHUH speak to one another, and YHUH listen [s] and hear [s], and a Book of Remembrance is written before Him, of those who fear YHUH and those who think upon His Name”. Not only are we told to proclaim and worship in His Name, YHUH even keeps and maintains a special book called the Book of Remembrance, where the names of those who “SPEAK TO ONE ANOTHER” casually in YHUH’s Name are recorded. Obviously this book is separate from the “Lamb’s Book of Eternal Life”. Now in order for YHUH to record our names in a special Book of Remembrance, with the qualifier being that those listed in this book people TALK TO ONE ANOTHER in YHWUH’s TRUE Name, then the fallacious argument that we ought not to use YHUH’s Name in casual conversation between believers is pure rubbish. How can YHUH listen in to our conversation one to another (Malachi 3:16), if we don’t use His Name in all our conversations, even casual non-theological ones? Some people just don’t want Scripture cramming their zealous attempts at promoting their own humility and self-righteousness! And, it is a new wave of this religious rubbish, that is causing a wave of slippery backsliding among true Name advocates. This backsliding takes on the form of a mixture of self-righteousness, and an incorrect aspect of rabbinical Judaism. This new wave of rubbish eventually limits YHUH’s Name to liturgy, petition and Torah reading and in some extreme cases refrains from using it in both worship and normative conversation. This new form of backslidng has seen a sad falling away from the truth by those who truly do love YHUH's Name, but have been deceived into a part time usage of it. On Shabbat in shul/assembly, they will use YHUH. But then on other days, they are right back to HaShem! Yet many fund raise and solicit themselves and their works as True Name Ministries, as one deception leads to another. Beware of those who claim to be but are not True Name ministries. Producing one true Name book or tape every so often, does not define a True Name Torah Messianic ministry, anymore than having one song on a CD using Yahuwah, while most of the other cuts use the title of HaShem. If you are going to use HaShem, then use it in conjunction with Yahuwah, as in BARUCH HASHEM YHUH! This way at least, you’ll know what Name is being blessed and honored. Malachi 3:16 makes it crystal clear, that YHUH rewards those who use His true Name between themselves, even in casual conversation, with an entry into the "Book of Remembrance”. So the best situation for any true Name advocate is to have his or her Name inscribed in both the Lamb’s Book of Life, and The Book of Remembrance, for those who REMEMBER His Name, and are blood redeemed! In Mattityahu/Matthew 5:18, the word translated jot is actually yud (the English letter Y). As such, no letter of Torah is to be discarded, eliminated, or changed, until heaven and earth pass away, or this age is ended and renewed. The removal of the proper Name YHUH, Yud, Hay Vav, Hey during causal conversation and communication, in effect removes a yud. NOT JUST ANY YUD, BUT THE YUD IN YAHUWAH’s NAME! That practice of removing yuds (Y's) and changing yuds to heys, or shins or any other Hebrew letter, is a change of Torah, AND a violation of the Sermon on the Mount, a Torah lesson by Moshiach if there ever was one! In Ruth 2:4 Boaz and the reapers greet one another with and in the Name of YHUH! Let those who have mistakenly committed themselves to limit their usage of YHUH’s Name to liturgy or petition, return, make teshuvah, and make a conscious and eternally rewarding choice, to invoke His Name in all areas of life, including causal conversation, which is the Hebraic road back to Tzion. Let them determine to use YHUH’s Name as a lifestyle, and not merely a religious activity, limited to usages that man himself in his own arrogance has determined is best. Rather than that, let us who desire not to be erased from the “Book of Remembrance”, determine anew, that we will not fall prey to this new self righteous, yet damaging deception!
New Phenomenon-There seems to be a new phenomenon in the Messianic Nazarene Yisraelite Torah movements that we are encountering in growing numbers. And that is a new form of backsliding away from true Name usage by those who still claim to be true Name users and advocates. Many who have been trained in true Name usage, and have learned the basics of that truth, and who have by and large been fully committed to their usage on a full time basis in the past, have been steadfast and faithful. Until now that is! There is a growing surge among the true Name advocates in Israel and in the Diaspora, who feel that using YHUH’s Name is important, but rather than using it in normal everyday activity and conversation, have instead limited their usage of YHUH’s Name to liturgy, Torah reading, petition and worship.
This new wave of Torah “True Namers”, have come to believe that traditional Judaism “may have a point” about not using YHUH’s Name too lightly or too casually, and therefore are not fully comfortable with “freely throwing His Name around lightly”, in such things as casual conversation and discussion. While sounding righteous and noble, these deviations from using YHUH’s Name even in casual daily encounters and conversations, is in fact a backsliding away from the full revelation background, that many of them came from. Their departure is sad and worse yet unscriptural. Remember that the basic premise of traditional rabbinic Judaism against invoking YHUH’s Name, is based on a twisting and outright perversion of Leviticus 24 verses 10-16. The rabbinic religious ban on using YHUH’s Name is based on their misunderstanding of the events, when YHUH told Moshe Rabainu to stone the son of the Israelite woman who blasphemed the Name. The rabbis have concluded, that blaspheming the Name is paramount to pronouncing it, or mentioning it, or carrying it on one’s lips! But a closer look at the text of Wayiqra/Leviticus 24:11 and 15 reveals the plain pashat meaning of the texts, which is that blasphemy is synonymous with CURSING the Name, or using the Name to curse others. Nowhere do these verses even remotely suggest that using YHUH’s Name is in itself the act of blasphemy. That is pure religious tradition, that in it’s most basic creed, is both unscriptural and dangerous, in so much that it stifles the true gospel being carried to the nations, sealed in the Names of Yahuwah and Yahushua (Matthew 28:19). The absence of the Name is the very door opener that the Jesus/Jehovah crowd have needed to get their foot in the door, and thus propagate their false gospel of anti-nomianism and false Names, which usually go hand in glove.
Certainly no true believer would ever actually intentionally curse YHUH’s Set Apart Name, any more then they would do to Yahushua’s Set Apart Name. So Scripture prohibits us from cursing His Name with the penalty of death. But as found in countless places it encourages and even demands that we sing, teach, talk, meditate, proclaim and conduct all behaviors, both physical and spiritual, in the true Names. A Hebraic mindset never seeks to separate the spiritual from the physical realm. Those who invoke the Name for congregational purposes but not individual purposes such as casual conversation have followed the path of Greco-Romanism and have unbiblically compartmentalized their lives into the spiritual (congregational usage of the Name) and the physical (non-usage the rest of the week). Were we to apply the same fallacious standards to say stealing, then we could say that stealing can be practiced during the week, but never on Shabbat. The Hebraic mind sees all days as kadosh/set-apart with Shabbat being the most kadosh. Therefore all day are kadosh and are days to apply Yahuwah’s request that we invoke and incorporate His Name in all our daily activities and in all our comings and goings, all the days of our lives! In the Book Of Remembrance In Malachi 3:16, YHUH declares that “Then shall those who fear YHUH speak to one another, and YHUH listen [s] and hear [s], and a Book of Remembrance is written before Him, of those who fear YHUH and those who think upon His Name”. Not only are we told to proclaim and worship in His Name, YHUH even keeps and maintains a special book called the Book of Remembrance, where the names of those who “SPEAK TO ONE ANOTHER” casually in YHUH’s Name are recorded. Obviously this book is separate from the “Lamb’s Book of Eternal Life”. Now in order for YHUH to record our names in a special Book of Remembrance, with the qualifier being that those listed in this book people TALK TO ONE ANOTHER in YHWUH’s TRUE Name, then the fallacious argument that we ought not to use YHUH’s Name in casual conversation between believers is pure rubbish. How can YHUH listen in to our conversation one to another (Malachi 3:16), if we don’t use His Name in all our conversations, even casual non-theological ones? Some people just don’t want Scripture cramming their zealous attempts at promoting their own humility and self-righteousness! And, it is a new wave of this religious rubbish, that is causing a wave of slippery backsliding among true Name advocates. This backsliding takes on the form of a mixture of self-righteousness, and an incorrect aspect of rabbinical Judaism. This new wave of rubbish eventually limits YHUH’s Name to liturgy, petition and Torah reading and in some extreme cases refrains from using it in both worship and normative conversation. This new form of backslidng has seen a sad falling away from the truth by those who truly do love YHUH's Name, but have been deceived into a part time usage of it. On Shabbat in shul/assembly, they will use YHUH. But then on other days, they are right back to HaShem! Yet many fund raise and solicit themselves and their works as True Name Ministries, as one deception leads to another. Beware of those who claim to be but are not True Name ministries. Producing one true Name book or tape every so often, does not define a True Name Torah Messianic ministry, anymore than having one song on a CD using Yahuwah, while most of the other cuts use the title of HaShem. If you are going to use HaShem, then use it in conjunction with Yahuwah, as in BARUCH HASHEM YHUH! This way at least, you’ll know what Name is being blessed and honored. Malachi 3:16 makes it crystal clear, that YHUH rewards those who use His true Name between themselves, even in casual conversation, with an entry into the "Book of Remembrance”. So the best situation for any true Name advocate is to have his or her Name inscribed in both the Lamb’s Book of Life, and The Book of Remembrance, for those who REMEMBER His Name, and are blood redeemed! In Mattityahu/Matthew 5:18, the word translated jot is actually yud (the English letter Y). As such, no letter of Torah is to be discarded, eliminated, or changed, until heaven and earth pass away, or this age is ended and renewed. The removal of the proper Name YHUH, Yud, Hay Vav, Hey during causal conversation and communication, in effect removes a yud. NOT JUST ANY YUD, BUT THE YUD IN YAHUWAH’s NAME! That practice of removing yuds (Y's) and changing yuds to heys, or shins or any other Hebrew letter, is a change of Torah, AND a violation of the Sermon on the Mount, a Torah lesson by Moshiach if there ever was one! In Ruth 2:4 Boaz and the reapers greet one another with and in the Name of YHUH! Let those who have mistakenly committed themselves to limit their usage of YHUH’s Name to liturgy or petition, return, make teshuvah, and make a conscious and eternally rewarding choice, to invoke His Name in all areas of life, including causal conversation, which is the Hebraic road back to Tzion. Let them determine to use YHUH’s Name as a lifestyle, and not merely a religious activity, limited to usages that man himself in his own arrogance has determined is best. Rather than that, let us who desire not to be erased from the “Book of Remembrance”, determine anew, that we will not fall prey to this new self righteous, yet damaging deception!
When Yahushua brings both houses together as one, no one who desires to be Yisrael will be left out. Correct? Yet in the ongoing negotiations of the flesh in Jerusalem between orthodox Jews and "Yahushua denying" or "Yahushua minimizing" Ephraimites, have you noticed one group not being represented? That's right! Jewish believers in Mosaich's blood atonement. WHY? Because both parties see us and yours truly and other or any Jewish believers as a threat. Because we won't ever agree to keep our mouths shut by praying and proclaiming Yahushua, and His name in salvation . And because we would never "sign on" to anything that shackles us or forbids us to share eternal life as found in Yahushua ALONE FOR BOTH JUDAH AND EPHRAIM. So if this were YHUH's Spirit moving among these deceived and sad to say delusionary narcissist negotiators, don't you think that Jewish believers would be represented and welcome? Of course we have no representation at these meetings and never will because the orthodox and the Ephraimites who are selling Jewish believers and themselves out for a bowl of pottage, don't want us there. We simply would create too much noise for their closed reunion, and we would make Yahushua THE issue. So we who are Jewish by birth and love Yahushua have no representation or representative at these so called reconciliation talks. We have been excluded. Now if YHUH were truly behind this ,do you think he would leave anyone out, especially those who are His Jewish disciples. Think for yourselves and the reject the errors and remember the truth! When He brings us together there will be no one excluded, and Yahushua's people who proclaim His name and refuse to sign a "no evangelism pact" in direct violation of the Great Commission, will not be left out on King George Street looking for a cab. Shalom.
When Yahushua brings both houses together as one, no one who desires to be Yisrael will be left out. Correct? Yet in the ongoing negotiations of the flesh in Jerusalem between orthodox Jews and "Yahushua denying" or "Yahushua minimizing" Ephraimites, have you noticed one group not being represented? That's right! Jewish believers in Mosaich's blood atonement. WHY? Because both parties see us and yours truly and other or any Jewish believers as a threat. Because we won't ever agree to keep our mouths shut by praying and proclaiming Yahushua, and His name in salvation . And because we would never "sign on" to anything that shackles us or forbids us to share eternal life as found in Yahushua ALONE FOR BOTH JUDAH AND EPHRAIM. So if this were YHUH's Spirit moving among these deceived and sad to say delusionary narcissist negotiators, don't you think that Jewish believers would be represented and welcome? Of course we have no representation at these meetings and never will because the orthodox and the Ephraimites who are selling Jewish believers and themselves out for a bowl of pottage, don't want us there. We simply would create too much noise for their closed reunion, and we would make Yahushua THE issue. So we who are Jewish by birth and love Yahushua have no representation or representative at these so called reconciliation talks. We have been excluded. Now if YHUH were truly behind this ,do you think he would leave anyone out, especially those who are His Jewish disciples. Think for yourselves and the reject the errors and remember the truth! When He brings us together there will be no one excluded, and Yahushua's people who proclaim His name and refuse to sign a "no evangelism pact" in direct violation of the Great Commission, will not be left out on King George Street looking for a cab. Shalom.
SADLY YOU ARE SO BLIND THAT WHEN YOU MAKE A STATEMENT LIKE "WHERE ARE WE TOLD TO ONLY USE THE HEBREW NAME AND NO OTHERS?", IT SHOWS YOUR LACK OF UNDERSTANDING. IN NO OTHER NAME, NO OTHER LANGUAGE ARE WE COMMANDED TO SING, PRAISE, REMEMBER, BLESS, TRUST, DANCE, CRY, SUPPLICATE, COMPLAIN, TAKE REFUGE, REVIVE, SING ON BEDS, BLOW THE SHOFAR, USE THE TAMBOURINE, CYMBALS, STRINGED INSTRUMENTS, ALL TO YAHUWAH'S HEBREW NAME. NOT HIS CHARACTER, FOR YOU CANNOT SEPARATE HIS CHARACTER FROM HIS NAME . Not one time anywhere in the Psalms in any of the above admonitions, are we told to take those actions, in any name Hebrew or English, that is one other than Yahuwah. Now IF you know of any other name connected to these reasonable services of Yahuwah, let me know. PS the word shawv (translated vain) in Hebrew in Exodus 20:7 means NAUGHT. IT DOES NOT mean common. You and your Hebrew roots boys who worship on Sun-day can't and don't speak a sentence in Hebrew, and can't even get a simple definition correct AND WORSE YET YOU PUT YOURSELF UNDER THE RABBINICAL BAN BY USING THEIR LOGIC OF "WELL...YOU KNOW... WE DON'T WANT TO MAKE THE NAME COMMON!!!" Shawv does not mean 'don't make my name common' , which is exactly what Yahuwah DOES want among a myriad of false deities, so as to proclaim His name in place of these deities. Shawv means nothingness, (AS IN PURPOSELY AND PRIDEFULLY IN SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS, REFRAIN FROM USING IT, A PHARISAICAL TRAIT) which is what you do when you don't insist that your boys start unlearning their errors. So rather than accusing me of making it common in the earth, which is Yahuwah's clearly stated FINAL goal, (Zach 14:9), you use it in vain or vanity or nothingness. How? BY NOT MAKING IT COMMON! A little knowledge in the hands of a prideful man is quite dangerous.
SADLY YOU ARE SO BLIND THAT WHEN YOU MAKE A STATEMENT LIKE "WHERE ARE WE TOLD TO ONLY USE THE HEBREW NAME AND NO OTHERS?", IT SHOWS YOUR LACK OF UNDERSTANDING. IN NO OTHER NAME, NO OTHER LANGUAGE ARE WE COMMANDED TO SING, PRAISE, REMEMBER, BLESS, TRUST, DANCE, CRY, SUPPLICATE, COMPLAIN, TAKE REFUGE, REVIVE, SING ON BEDS, BLOW THE SHOFAR, USE THE TAMBOURINE, CYMBALS, STRINGED INSTRUMENTS, ALL TO YAHUWAH'S HEBREW NAME. NOT HIS CHARACTER, FOR YOU CANNOT SEPARATE HIS CHARACTER FROM HIS NAME . Not one time anywhere in the Psalms in any of the above admonitions, are we told to take those actions, in any name Hebrew or English, that is one other than Yahuwah. Now IF you know of any other name connected to these reasonable services of Yahuwah, let me know. PS the word shawv (translated vain) in Hebrew in Exodus 20:7 means NAUGHT. IT DOES NOT mean common. You and your Hebrew roots boys who worship on Sun-day can't and don't speak a sentence in Hebrew, and can't even get a simple definition correct AND WORSE YET YOU PUT YOURSELF UNDER THE RABBINICAL BAN BY USING THEIR LOGIC OF "WELL...YOU KNOW... WE DON'T WANT TO MAKE THE NAME COMMON!!!" Shawv does not mean 'don't make my name common' , which is exactly what Yahuwah DOES want among a myriad of false deities, so as to proclaim His name in place of these deities. Shawv means nothingness, (AS IN PURPOSELY AND PRIDEFULLY IN SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS, REFRAIN FROM USING IT, A PHARISAICAL TRAIT) which is what you do when you don't insist that your boys start unlearning their errors. So rather than accusing me of making it common in the earth, which is Yahuwah's clearly stated FINAL goal, (Zach 14:9), you use it in vain or vanity or nothingness. How? BY NOT MAKING IT COMMON! A little knowledge in the hands of a prideful man is quite dangerous.
Shalom, There has been ANOTHER new wave of key Messianic leaders denying Yahushua's deity, and falling away from faith in the Renewed Covenant. I am getting reports from around the world of the messianic movement crumbling from within. I believe we are in imminent danger, unless we start putting up our own defensive shields. To the far left, in the messianic movement, we have those with one foot in Sunday worship, and the other foot in a generic Hebrew Roots movement. To the right, we have key leaders of 2 house restoration, and even one housers, denying Yahushua and pulling others away with them. YHUH has shown me that the days of the messianic movement's end and imminent demise are here. THE HUMAN PART! I hope this does not offend you and this is not meant to be sensationalism, but a true prophetic declaration based on First Corinthians 3:11! and many years of prayer and discernment! Now the question becomes when the building collapses, which it will since Yahushua the Foundation is being removed from scores of congregations and ministries around the world, will you and I be in the building, when it collapses. Not if BUT when! So we as Nazarene Yisrael are left with an even more difficult walk then ever before. We are commanded by scripture to come of the Babylonian church system, and never look back. Most of us have done that. But YHUH has begun to show me that we must come out of a second system of faulty messianism, since the building is on fire and will collapse. Yahushua will not let His presence abide on any movement so indoctrinated with the denial of YHUH's Son and His work and His Name, through hyper-monotheism, which changes the Shema of Devarim 6:4 from ECHAD TO YACHID! Since many see the messianic movement as an answer to prayer, coming out of that movement might be harder for some than the initial coming out of the Sunday church system, that many have done. Another reason that being known as messianic is becoming increasingly difficult in YHUH's eyes, (who cares about men's eyes) is because any Jew saved or lost, that believes in Torah and the coming of "A" Messiah," such as Schneerson or any other false Messiah, is by definition a "Messianic Jew". Between these "Messianic Jews," there is no faith and trust in Yahushua as Yahuwah's Only Begotten Son. This generic title and concept, only serves to complicate the problem for those in this burning building that is collapsing. Since both the Babylonian whore and Messianic movement as we know it, are becoming forbidden territory, what is a Torah follower of Yahushua to do, especially one who believes in the full two house restoration of Yisrael, and uses the true Names?
One thing I do know, is that we as a people cannot go wrong if we identify ourselves as Yahushua's talmidim/disciples by maintaining the biblical appellation of Nazarenes, or Notsrim/Netsarim, since that term appears throughout Scripture. Also the term Yisrael identifies us with the Father, as His only eternal bride [collectively, many individually]. So being known as Notzrei/Netsarim Yisrael, or Nazarene Yisrael seems to be solid ground and protection. This may seem like semantics now, but won't be when the "messianic" movement is crushed from within by unbelief. It may take 40 years to fully run its destructive course, but it is destined to die in the wilderness, so that His true assembly can remain, standing through the final shaking! It's a lot easier to explain to someone that we are not Christians in the "Nazarene Church" denomiantion of that name, than it is to explain to someone that we deny Yahushua as YHUH's Son manifest in the flesh. The building is crumbling, as I prophesied many years ago that it would. Then, I was considered crazy and besides myself! Today, I'm considered prophetic. Whatever I am considered matters not. I am sounding the shofar of warning to all Yisraelites of tov and open Spirit. Get out of the messianic movement as you did the church, for neither extreme remains a biblical option any longer. When one removes the foundation and Chief Corner Stone, that building will collapse, even as the second Temple did, even though the messianic movement was once a movement and a name that was once dear and near to us all. I have dealt with this final prophesied apostasy more fully, in a You Tube Video Teaching, called IS IT US? & HEBRAIC DRAWBACKS. That segment were those who were drawing back into apostate Judaism, and were forsaking the Moshiach in alarming numbers. Today we see a revival of that plague thorough the emerging and fast growing anti-missionary movement. Study and guard yourself through this prophetic warning to all Yisrael.
Shalom, There has been ANOTHER new wave of key Messianic leaders denying Yahushua's deity, and falling away from faith in the Renewed Covenant. I am getting reports from around the world of the messianic movement crumbling from within. I believe we are in imminent danger, unless we start putting up our own defensive shields. To the far left, in the messianic movement, we have those with one foot in Sunday worship, and the other foot in a generic Hebrew Roots movement. To the right, we have key leaders of 2 house restoration, and even one housers, denying Yahushua and pulling others away with them. YHUH has shown me that the days of the messianic movement's end and imminent demise are here. THE HUMAN PART! I hope this does not offend you and this is not meant to be sensationalism, but a true prophetic declaration based on First Corinthians 3:11! and many years of prayer and discernment! Now the question becomes when the building collapses, which it will since Yahushua the Foundation is being removed from scores of congregations and ministries around the world, will you and I be in the building, when it collapses. Not if BUT when! So we as Nazarene Yisrael are left with an even more difficult walk then ever before. We are commanded by scripture to come of the Babylonian church system, and never look back. Most of us have done that. But YHUH has begun to show me that we must come out of a second system of faulty messianism, since the building is on fire and will collapse. Yahushua will not let His presence abide on any movement so indoctrinated with the denial of YHUH's Son and His work and His Name, through hyper-monotheism, which changes the Shema of Devarim 6:4 from ECHAD TO YACHID! Since many see the messianic movement as an answer to prayer, coming out of that movement might be harder for some than the initial coming out of the Sunday church system, that many have done. Another reason that being known as messianic is becoming increasingly difficult in YHUH's eyes, (who cares about men's eyes) is because any Jew saved or lost, that believes in Torah and the coming of "A" Messiah," such as Schneerson or any other false Messiah, is by definition a "Messianic Jew". Between these "Messianic Jews," there is no faith and trust in Yahushua as Yahuwah's Only Begotten Son. This generic title and concept, only serves to complicate the problem for those in this burning building that is collapsing. Since both the Babylonian whore and Messianic movement as we know it, are becoming forbidden territory, what is a Torah follower of Yahushua to do, especially one who believes in the full two house restoration of Yisrael, and uses the true Names?
One thing I do know, is that we as a people cannot go wrong if we identify ourselves as Yahushua's talmidim/disciples by maintaining the biblical appellation of Nazarenes, or Notsrim/Netsarim, since that term appears throughout Scripture. Also the term Yisrael identifies us with the Father, as His only eternal bride [collectively, many individually]. So being known as Notzrei/Netsarim Yisrael, or Nazarene Yisrael seems to be solid ground and protection. This may seem like semantics now, but won't be when the "messianic" movement is crushed from within by unbelief. It may take 40 years to fully run its destructive course, but it is destined to die in the wilderness, so that His true assembly can remain, standing through the final shaking! It's a lot easier to explain to someone that we are not Christians in the "Nazarene Church" denomiantion of that name, than it is to explain to someone that we deny Yahushua as YHUH's Son manifest in the flesh. The building is crumbling, as I prophesied many years ago that it would. Then, I was considered crazy and besides myself! Today, I'm considered prophetic. Whatever I am considered matters not. I am sounding the shofar of warning to all Yisraelites of tov and open Spirit. Get out of the messianic movement as you did the church, for neither extreme remains a biblical option any longer. When one removes the foundation and Chief Corner Stone, that building will collapse, even as the second Temple did, even though the messianic movement was once a movement and a name that was once dear and near to us all. I have dealt with this final prophesied apostasy more fully, in a You Tube Video Teaching, called IS IT US? & HEBRAIC DRAWBACKS. That segment were those who were drawing back into apostate Judaism, and were forsaking the Moshiach in alarming numbers. Today we see a revival of that plague thorough the emerging and fast growing anti-missionary movement. Study and guard yourself through this prophetic warning to all Yisrael.
So much has taken place over the last few weeks in regards to those who feel that God and Jesus are legitimate common names for Yahushua and Elohim and those opposed. Both sides of the debate make valid and coherent arguments. Both sides have made their points mostly from Scripture and are therefore to be admired. Personally I along with my staff at Your Arms To Israel, have very mixed feelings about this continuing struggle in both the sacred name movement, as well as the Messianic Nazarene Yisrael movement. While we are usually outspoken and quite clear as to our hard-core positions, on this issue and in this editorial we will limit our use of scripture. Since that is uncharacteristic and out of character for YATI, I am confident you will come to see why. In recent years, Yahuwah has blessed me with a personal revelation as to the memorial redemptive names of both He and His Son. Through months of study and confirmation of the Ruach HaKodesh, I am convinced beyond any controversy, that these are the only true names of Father and Son. Then in January, I was introduced to another well-balanced aspect of the true names, with the reminders that YAHUWAH HAS TITLES THAT ARE EQUALLY AS INSPIRED since He Himself ascribes these titles to Himself. As a Jewish boy growing up in Yeshiva, I was quite familiar with these titles, since we never mentioned the sacred names, instead sticking exclusively to the inspired titles and a couple of not inspired titles. When I would begin to read the sacred name, my teachers would invariably stop me or shout me down and immediately correct me, by replacing my transliteration with a name substitution. That error continues in most religions to this day. Those who do use sacred titles do honor Yahuwah, if and only if they use them in conjunction with Yahuwah’s personal Name, since these titles are His, regardless of a pagan connection. They are clean, for we must not call common or unclean, the titles, things or people like Cornelius, that Yahuwah has cleansed. Now where does that bring us in regards to the titles God? Remember, I am editorializing this point of contention simply because both the pro God and anti God forces have valid Scriptures that we all know. The Scriptures are clear, that Yahuwah and Yahushua have both Sacred Names and sacred titles. We as His children that follow Him are free to use both. We find many instances, where Yahuwah uses Elohim, Baal, Molech etc. to refer to Himself. Alarmingly we find no such usage of the title God by Yahuwah Himself, anywhere in either covenant. What we are left with is no biblical justification for using God, when we cannot find Yahuwah ever sticking this title on Himself. Since He does not apply it to Himself, the smart worshipper would best be served by avoiding its usage, especially in the reality of the availability of so many other good titles, in so many languages. Remember non inspired but translated titles like, Senor in Spanish, Eloah or Mara in Aramaic, Master in English, even Lord, all have their Hebrew inspired equivalents. God does not. I do not desire to take YATI where angels themselves fear to tread! Even if one can make the case that the English God, is merely a linguistic legitimate outgrowth of the Hebrew inspired title Elohim, we have to weigh the benefits or the lack of benefits, we gain by using this title. As my good friend Dale George says. We do not have to use God but we can use God. On this I concur. So for the staff of YATI, the issue is not so much, can we but should we? Does its usage shortcircuit our divine 2 house mission and burden, which is to help His people Israel to remember to use the Name hidden by national amnesia and self-righteous religionists for 2500 years? Before we leap forward, there is a Scripture that causes all of us at YATI great concern. In Isaiah 65:10 Yahuwah warns backslidden ISRAEL, that they are the ones, (not another nation and not the nations) who have left and forsaken Yahuwah, in favor for GAAD or gimmel daled, pronounced GAADE! So the question is, are we REALLY Israel? Not can we use God but should we use God? Israel has a recorded history of having left Yahuwah in favor of a deity whose personal noun name was GAAD in 721 BCE. That would include both houses, since that time period was right at the time of Ephraim’s dispersion or the first Israelite holocaust. That is a fact. Whether one of the gates of the New Jerusalem will be named Gad is completely irrelevant. Whether babies were named GAD EL is irrelevant. What is relevant is what is our mission TODAY right here and right now, in our day and our time, to be Israel, to an Israelite, yet to be fully renewed and fully restored? THAT IS THE ISSUE! Even if one can linguistically make the case that using God, as a common noun title is permissible for all nations, (though Malachi 1:11 shows Yahuwah’s desires for all heathens to even know His Name) would not our usage of God in place of or in conjunction with Yahuwah, make us like all the other heathen nations? We are called to be different then all nations and bear our burden.
Anything that makes us like the nations (food habits, feast days, Shabbat habits, clothing, actions, morality) cannot be of the Father. I have two neighbors. One a Christian who is probably a born again Ephraimite. Another an unregenerate heathen! They both think Yahuwah’s name is God! What separates the born again neighbor from the heathen neighbor? Nothing! To the world, both are "God’s people" and both do not know Yahuwah’s real Name, primarily due to the uninspired title God. THEY FEEL SNUG IN THINKING THEY HAVE THE REAL NAME OF YAHUWAH. This is an error and blindness of massive proportion. (GOD has become the name de jour of a society that has lost touch with reality and does not want to know Yahuwah’s real name.) Neither neighbor of mine can be separated from the other, especially if the heathen is one of those "moral heathens." No clear-headed individual can argue that "God" is to blame, for the masking and ignorance of the Father’s revealed name, at least in our Anglo-Saxon society. What better way to stick out as a royal priesthood, a chosen nation a PECULIAR PEOPLE, then by REFUSING TO mimic the nations, who use GOD as a substitute for Yahuwah. Are we Israel? If we are Israel, then we should be looking for new ways to further separate from the heathen nations, not assimilation ways, where we can be like them by conforming to their dubious terms and thus share their linguistic beds. What makes Israel different than the nations is that we do not choose names and titles to call our deity. Rather, we as Israel redeemed and restored, are THE ONLY NATION ON EARTH, THAT HAS HAD THE TRUE CREATOR APPROACH US, THROUGH REVELATION by gifting us with His Name and the Name He desires (ONLY) Israelites to call Him. Yahuwah could care less what 25,000 denominations call Him. They have not been called to carry the torch of His divine Name. IT WAS ISRAEL WHO RECEIVED IT & ISRAEL WHO SUPPRESSED IT THROUGH INEFFABILITY AND NOW ISRAEL AND ISRAEL ALONE IS BEING HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS PAST, AS WELL AS THE NAME’S FUTURE RESTORATION! Israel is different. He wants us to know His Name and thus proclaim His Name to the nations (Malachi 1:11). Denominational Christianity does not have that burden, as do Israelites. While the usage of the Sacred Names may not be a salvation issue, it is an Israelite issue and can be seen clearly as such. In Exodus 3:13, Moses tells Yahuwah that the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL will demand to know His name. (A functional characteristic of a true Israelite). Yahuwah answers Moshe in Exodus 3:14-15 "thus you shall say to the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, (not all the nations) "I AM" hath sent me to you. THUS SHALL YOU SAY TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL YHUH Elohim……….There it is. This Name is not for the nations to bear or proclaim. It was to be a prized time and memorial treasured possession for ONE NATION to proclaim to the nations. To other nations He was to be known simply as the GOD or Elohim of the Hebrews, until the Hebrews did their job. THOSE NATIONS ARE CHARACTERIZED BY THE FACT THAT THEY DO NOT KNOW THE NAME OF YAHUWAH. As Pharaoh so eloquently stated: "I do not know a Yahuwah (Exodus 5:2)!" Will we at long last do our job? And that’s the way Yahuwah has ordained it. That is the issue at hand as far as the staff of YATI Int’l Ministries is concerned. If Messianic Nazarene Yisrael is another denomination in Judaism or Christianity, then by all means let’s go ahead and be like all the nations and call Elohim, God in English. Boy we would sure fit in nicely then and have large crowds! Or we can overcome (Israel) the heathen practice of ascribing names and titles to a deity of their own imagination, by BOLDLY proclaiming that it remains an eternal and irrevocable mitzvah to call on Yahuwah-Elohim, the only Name that was revealed and not invented! What a privilege and what a gift given by Almighty Yahuwah, to make Israel fully different then all the nations. That is the core of the current debate. Are we really Israel or are we just people hurt by the church and/or Messianic Judaism, who want to try something, anything new? Remember our main problem. We, who are of the calling and the commission to restore the true names of the Father and Son, have an awesome responsibility to discharge our burden. If we who have been given much, do not faithfully discharge our responsibility to teach, disciple and instruct the people to forsake the title of God, BECAUSE most people believe God to be His name, we have not been faithful to Him!
Those are the facts. 99,999 out of 100,000 people in the world whether they are believers or heathens, all will wrongly confess that God is the Father’s TRUE name. Try this yourself. Take a sample survey. The results will be eye opening! Thus it seems to me that this fact alone, should demonstrate that we simply cannot reaffirm that error, by telling people that it is permissible to call Yahuwah as God. Even if one can make a case that it is kosher to do so, it becomes non-kosher, if we make others stumble in their attempts and hunger to find truth as returning Israel. If you and I have been commissioned as a chosen and small remnant to this truth, sent specifically with a divine burden to the nations to reintroduce them to the Father’s Name, we must be faithful to that call by not sending out a confusing signal. If we continue to send out a confusing signal, people who are in confusion already will remain in their comfortable habits of confusion, rather than accepting the pain and rejection associated with any major yet more biblical lifestyle adjustment. In this culture, so permeated with the usage of the uninspired title God, (that really with almost total unanimity believes God to be Yahuwah’s personal noun name) we must counter that with our divine burden of discharging the Names. If we teach others that Yahuwah is our God and that you can still call him Yahuwah God, we are not only leaving people with a choice, we are allowing them to remain in the God lifestyle, by telling them that they already call on God and PS his name is Yahuwah. Only by challenging the status quo through radical yet loving confrontation, will we force the society we live in to choose EITHER IN FAVOR OF GOD OR IN FAVOR OF YAHUWAH (Joshua 24:15-16). Only then can we begin to hope to make inroads into the revelation and restoration of His Name, as it is intertwined with our nations restoration. Rev 14:1 reminds us that those in Zion, bought with the Lamb’s blood, will be those who proudly proclaim the Father’s name. The implication is clear. The true Zion will carry that name! When deciding on a course of action in discharging a divine burden, we are left with a haunting fact. The society we are called to change has forsaken the personal proper noun name of the Elohim of the bible and has prepared numerous tables for God. (You can eat at literally thousands of GOD tables any Sun Day or Saturn Day morning.) That fact cannot be wished away, or proof texted into oblivion. If our goal is to restore the true Name, we must do as did Yahoshua (Joshua) our leader and challenge the "people of ISRAEL" (others will not respond), to choose between Yahuwah and God. Isaiah did the same. Will it be Yahuwah or God, he boldly wrote? Our culture’s fascination and indoctrination with the uninspired title God, is a replica of the culture of Yahoshua’s day. We as returning Israel must issue the same call, as did our forefather. Even if our society does not worship the GAAD of Isaiah 65, it does worship a new GAAD by virtue of the fact that Yahuwah’s name remains masked. This new GOD proves itself as dangerous as the original GADD of fortune. For anyone to deny our culture’s infatuation with the modern generic term GOD and its haunting similarity to the GAAD of Isaiah 65, can only be termed as denial! If I offered you 2 cans of tuna and told you that one can may have 1% of poison which can would you choose? The can without any poison! That’s the point. If there is even a 1% chance that GAAD of Isaiah 65 is the same as GOD today, we must choose the other option with hundreds of available titles. This becomes a wisdom issue and not a theological one! Why risk eating the poison can, when other cans are mercury free? Israel had once left Yahuwah for GAAD! YATI sees this issue, as would any evangelical Christian see evangelism. What strategy do we use to most INFILTRATE the culture we are trying to AFFECT? If by allowing them to choose between GAAD or Yahuwah as an alternative for Yahuwah’s name, 99,9999 out of 100,000 will stick with GAAD. (Just the other day, a rabbi who dislikes the sacred names found out that God was an acceptable translation of Elohim and now is using this documentation to rid, silence or purge all Yahwists in his assembly. That is a perfect example of society’s bondage to the term GOD). People are creatures of habit. That is the issue and remains the issue. Even if it is lawful linguistically or perhaps even theologically to use the title God, IT IS NOT EXPEDIENT NOR PROFITABLE for restoring the kingdom to ISRAEL and thus an obstacle to discharging our burden. Those facts cannot be twisted nor changed. Dale George reminds us that each and every person and organization must seek Yahuwah to determine if the title God is profitable or expedient or the best course for them to follow. In the cause of rebuilding ISRAEL, I dare say that those who insist on the popular yet unscriptural cultural title GOD for Yahuwah or used in conjunction with Yahuwah, are derailing their own train. I submit that if we really are Israel and if returning Ephraimites are not Jewish wannabees as is often claimed, then they will and must forsake GOD’s table and GAAD worship for Yahuwah’s Name and His worship. It is no longer a theological battle, a linguistic battle or even a personal preference battle. Nor is it any longer a sensitivity issue. It is Israel or the nations! Where our citizenship lies, there will our confessions be! Had we been living 2,000 years ago when English was not the prevalent global language it is today, GOD would have been no difference than Theos, Mara or Elohim. One Hebrew, one Greek, one Aramaic and one English title, all referring to Yahuwah. However 2,000 years later we have almost 6 billion people who unscripturally have come to believe that God is the name of Yahuwah. This radically evil yeast, calls for radical extraction measures, which is namely this. To challenge the GAAD culture or those who swear up and down a stack of Bibles that GAAD or God is Yahuwah’s real name, with 2 choices, Either continue to use GAAD as a proper noun, even though it is a common noun, or get rid of that heathen practice and adopt Yahuwah as the true and only Name and go and tell 1 million people the truth and nothing but the truth. As theologians and lovers of Scripture it may be hard for us to swallow our pride and admit that we have come to a bridge that cannot be crossed theologically or etymologically. Since usage of God is probably lawful and linguistically permissible, we cannot forbid its use by legislation or demand. Thus we must replace error with truthful reason. We must approach these people with the message that they have BEEN CHEATED AND BETRAYED BY INHERITED LIES OF PAGAN SOCIETY. Once introduced to Yahuwah’s real Name, we must warn them that since His name is not GAAD, they must not use it as a name or a title for Yahuwah or in conjunction with Yahuwah, for if we allow them to choose between GOD or Yahuwah or to continue to refer to Yahuwah as their personal God, due to old bondage’s and habits, they will choose the evil and not the good. Familiar sin is just sin that is familiar. Hard core habits and hard and stony hearts do not change easily. If we give those we minister to the option of calling Yahuwah as their God, they will invariably revert to their old habit and old ways, and once again FORSAKE YAHUWAH FOR GOD, this time with your personal assistance. Instead of imparting a divine burden, we will be found guilty of issuing licenses to continue in familiar sin. Maybe if the average Joe knew that the Father ‘s real Name is Yahuwah and that God is just an uninspired title, maybe things would be different. But the reality is that unless these people are given a reason to call on Yahuwah, they will cling to GOD believing wrongly that that is the Father’s name. We must deal with reality not with wishful thinking. That is the issue. The reality is that "knowing therefore the terror of Yahuwah, we persuade men." Yet we who are 2 house proponents have the best reason of all. Here is the mother of all reasons: If we are Israel, it was our forefathers who forsook Yahuwah for GOD worship. IT WASN'T THE CHURCH! And is it not interesting that Yahuwah has refused to ever pin that title on Himself, unlike those of Baal and Elohim, Eloah, Theos, Mara and Molech. So if Yahuwah disassociated Himself from that common title and if we give culture a choice, modern culture will choose wrong 100% of the time, since the wrong is the familiar. It is on these grounds that YATI will not use that title and will not teach in that title and will not foolishly proclaim the scared names to our culture, with the option of allowing that culture to revert back to old habits, which are now all but impossible to break without a revelation! Yahuwah rebuked Israelites for being those who made the wrong choice. Will we follow the error of our forefathers? Or will we uses both sacred names and titles that Yahuwah pins on Himself and wisely choose to reverse the errors of our Israelite fathers and their GAAD worship? Will we finally FORSAKE GOD and prepare a table for Yahuwah in Israel, which is where His table resides? Our mission, message, burden but most importantly our nation’s direction is at stake. This is a battle for our nation and our nations calling to bear His name before the nations! Israel will be restored and will be restored by people willing to invade the culture, not play Synchronized Copy Cat Poker with it. Those responding to restoration truth, (the two houses and restored name) will reveal themselves as Israel by willing to reverse any and all evil trends in Israel, no matter how deeply entrenched Those willing to use Yahuwah’s real Name all the while holding onto the treasured title of GOD as in Yahuwah is my GOD, will show themselves lacking in the full vision of Israel’s restoration, through the unclean art of compromise. This society is radically in error and this day and hour calls for radical disciples and a radical message. A message that teaches people that Yahuwah is no longer their God but Yahuwah has come to expose God and all his cultural baggage!
So much has taken place over the last few weeks in regards to those who feel that God and Jesus are legitimate common names for Yahushua and Elohim and those opposed. Both sides of the debate make valid and coherent arguments. Both sides have made their points mostly from Scripture and are therefore to be admired. Personally I along with my staff at Your Arms To Israel, have very mixed feelings about this continuing struggle in both the sacred name movement, as well as the Messianic Nazarene Yisrael movement. While we are usually outspoken and quite clear as to our hard-core positions, on this issue and in this editorial we will limit our use of scripture. Since that is uncharacteristic and out of character for YATI, I am confident you will come to see why. In recent years, Yahuwah has blessed me with a personal revelation as to the memorial redemptive names of both He and His Son. Through months of study and confirmation of the Ruach HaKodesh, I am convinced beyond any controversy, that these are the only true names of Father and Son. Then in January, I was introduced to another well-balanced aspect of the true names, with the reminders that YAHUWAH HAS TITLES THAT ARE EQUALLY AS INSPIRED since He Himself ascribes these titles to Himself. As a Jewish boy growing up in Yeshiva, I was quite familiar with these titles, since we never mentioned the sacred names, instead sticking exclusively to the inspired titles and a couple of not inspired titles. When I would begin to read the sacred name, my teachers would invariably stop me or shout me down and immediately correct me, by replacing my transliteration with a name substitution. That error continues in most religions to this day. Those who do use sacred titles do honor Yahuwah, if and only if they use them in conjunction with Yahuwah’s personal Name, since these titles are His, regardless of a pagan connection. They are clean, for we must not call common or unclean, the titles, things or people like Cornelius, that Yahuwah has cleansed. Now where does that bring us in regards to the titles God? Remember, I am editorializing this point of contention simply because both the pro God and anti God forces have valid Scriptures that we all know. The Scriptures are clear, that Yahuwah and Yahushua have both Sacred Names and sacred titles. We as His children that follow Him are free to use both. We find many instances, where Yahuwah uses Elohim, Baal, Molech etc. to refer to Himself. Alarmingly we find no such usage of the title God by Yahuwah Himself, anywhere in either covenant. What we are left with is no biblical justification for using God, when we cannot find Yahuwah ever sticking this title on Himself. Since He does not apply it to Himself, the smart worshipper would best be served by avoiding its usage, especially in the reality of the availability of so many other good titles, in so many languages. Remember non inspired but translated titles like, Senor in Spanish, Eloah or Mara in Aramaic, Master in English, even Lord, all have their Hebrew inspired equivalents. God does not. I do not desire to take YATI where angels themselves fear to tread! Even if one can make the case that the English God, is merely a linguistic legitimate outgrowth of the Hebrew inspired title Elohim, we have to weigh the benefits or the lack of benefits, we gain by using this title. As my good friend Dale George says. We do not have to use God but we can use God. On this I concur. So for the staff of YATI, the issue is not so much, can we but should we? Does its usage shortcircuit our divine 2 house mission and burden, which is to help His people Israel to remember to use the Name hidden by national amnesia and self-righteous religionists for 2500 years? Before we leap forward, there is a Scripture that causes all of us at YATI great concern. In Isaiah 65:10 Yahuwah warns backslidden ISRAEL, that they are the ones, (not another nation and not the nations) who have left and forsaken Yahuwah, in favor for GAAD or gimmel daled, pronounced GAADE! So the question is, are we REALLY Israel? Not can we use God but should we use God? Israel has a recorded history of having left Yahuwah in favor of a deity whose personal noun name was GAAD in 721 BCE. That would include both houses, since that time period was right at the time of Ephraim’s dispersion or the first Israelite holocaust. That is a fact. Whether one of the gates of the New Jerusalem will be named Gad is completely irrelevant. Whether babies were named GAD EL is irrelevant. What is relevant is what is our mission TODAY right here and right now, in our day and our time, to be Israel, to an Israelite, yet to be fully renewed and fully restored? THAT IS THE ISSUE! Even if one can linguistically make the case that using God, as a common noun title is permissible for all nations, (though Malachi 1:11 shows Yahuwah’s desires for all heathens to even know His Name) would not our usage of God in place of or in conjunction with Yahuwah, make us like all the other heathen nations? We are called to be different then all nations and bear our burden.
Anything that makes us like the nations (food habits, feast days, Shabbat habits, clothing, actions, morality) cannot be of the Father. I have two neighbors. One a Christian who is probably a born again Ephraimite. Another an unregenerate heathen! They both think Yahuwah’s name is God! What separates the born again neighbor from the heathen neighbor? Nothing! To the world, both are "God’s people" and both do not know Yahuwah’s real Name, primarily due to the uninspired title God. THEY FEEL SNUG IN THINKING THEY HAVE THE REAL NAME OF YAHUWAH. This is an error and blindness of massive proportion. (GOD has become the name de jour of a society that has lost touch with reality and does not want to know Yahuwah’s real name.) Neither neighbor of mine can be separated from the other, especially if the heathen is one of those "moral heathens." No clear-headed individual can argue that "God" is to blame, for the masking and ignorance of the Father’s revealed name, at least in our Anglo-Saxon society. What better way to stick out as a royal priesthood, a chosen nation a PECULIAR PEOPLE, then by REFUSING TO mimic the nations, who use GOD as a substitute for Yahuwah. Are we Israel? If we are Israel, then we should be looking for new ways to further separate from the heathen nations, not assimilation ways, where we can be like them by conforming to their dubious terms and thus share their linguistic beds. What makes Israel different than the nations is that we do not choose names and titles to call our deity. Rather, we as Israel redeemed and restored, are THE ONLY NATION ON EARTH, THAT HAS HAD THE TRUE CREATOR APPROACH US, THROUGH REVELATION by gifting us with His Name and the Name He desires (ONLY) Israelites to call Him. Yahuwah could care less what 25,000 denominations call Him. They have not been called to carry the torch of His divine Name. IT WAS ISRAEL WHO RECEIVED IT & ISRAEL WHO SUPPRESSED IT THROUGH INEFFABILITY AND NOW ISRAEL AND ISRAEL ALONE IS BEING HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS PAST, AS WELL AS THE NAME’S FUTURE RESTORATION! Israel is different. He wants us to know His Name and thus proclaim His Name to the nations (Malachi 1:11). Denominational Christianity does not have that burden, as do Israelites. While the usage of the Sacred Names may not be a salvation issue, it is an Israelite issue and can be seen clearly as such. In Exodus 3:13, Moses tells Yahuwah that the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL will demand to know His name. (A functional characteristic of a true Israelite). Yahuwah answers Moshe in Exodus 3:14-15 "thus you shall say to the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, (not all the nations) "I AM" hath sent me to you. THUS SHALL YOU SAY TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL YHUH Elohim……….There it is. This Name is not for the nations to bear or proclaim. It was to be a prized time and memorial treasured possession for ONE NATION to proclaim to the nations. To other nations He was to be known simply as the GOD or Elohim of the Hebrews, until the Hebrews did their job. THOSE NATIONS ARE CHARACTERIZED BY THE FACT THAT THEY DO NOT KNOW THE NAME OF YAHUWAH. As Pharaoh so eloquently stated: "I do not know a Yahuwah (Exodus 5:2)!" Will we at long last do our job? And that’s the way Yahuwah has ordained it. That is the issue at hand as far as the staff of YATI Int’l Ministries is concerned. If Messianic Nazarene Yisrael is another denomination in Judaism or Christianity, then by all means let’s go ahead and be like all the nations and call Elohim, God in English. Boy we would sure fit in nicely then and have large crowds! Or we can overcome (Israel) the heathen practice of ascribing names and titles to a deity of their own imagination, by BOLDLY proclaiming that it remains an eternal and irrevocable mitzvah to call on Yahuwah-Elohim, the only Name that was revealed and not invented! What a privilege and what a gift given by Almighty Yahuwah, to make Israel fully different then all the nations. That is the core of the current debate. Are we really Israel or are we just people hurt by the church and/or Messianic Judaism, who want to try something, anything new? Remember our main problem. We, who are of the calling and the commission to restore the true names of the Father and Son, have an awesome responsibility to discharge our burden. If we who have been given much, do not faithfully discharge our responsibility to teach, disciple and instruct the people to forsake the title of God, BECAUSE most people believe God to be His name, we have not been faithful to Him!
Those are the facts. 99,999 out of 100,000 people in the world whether they are believers or heathens, all will wrongly confess that God is the Father’s TRUE name. Try this yourself. Take a sample survey. The results will be eye opening! Thus it seems to me that this fact alone, should demonstrate that we simply cannot reaffirm that error, by telling people that it is permissible to call Yahuwah as God. Even if one can make a case that it is kosher to do so, it becomes non-kosher, if we make others stumble in their attempts and hunger to find truth as returning Israel. If you and I have been commissioned as a chosen and small remnant to this truth, sent specifically with a divine burden to the nations to reintroduce them to the Father’s Name, we must be faithful to that call by not sending out a confusing signal. If we continue to send out a confusing signal, people who are in confusion already will remain in their comfortable habits of confusion, rather than accepting the pain and rejection associated with any major yet more biblical lifestyle adjustment. In this culture, so permeated with the usage of the uninspired title God, (that really with almost total unanimity believes God to be Yahuwah’s personal noun name) we must counter that with our divine burden of discharging the Names. If we teach others that Yahuwah is our God and that you can still call him Yahuwah God, we are not only leaving people with a choice, we are allowing them to remain in the God lifestyle, by telling them that they already call on God and PS his name is Yahuwah. Only by challenging the status quo through radical yet loving confrontation, will we force the society we live in to choose EITHER IN FAVOR OF GOD OR IN FAVOR OF YAHUWAH (Joshua 24:15-16). Only then can we begin to hope to make inroads into the revelation and restoration of His Name, as it is intertwined with our nations restoration. Rev 14:1 reminds us that those in Zion, bought with the Lamb’s blood, will be those who proudly proclaim the Father’s name. The implication is clear. The true Zion will carry that name! When deciding on a course of action in discharging a divine burden, we are left with a haunting fact. The society we are called to change has forsaken the personal proper noun name of the Elohim of the bible and has prepared numerous tables for God. (You can eat at literally thousands of GOD tables any Sun Day or Saturn Day morning.) That fact cannot be wished away, or proof texted into oblivion. If our goal is to restore the true Name, we must do as did Yahoshua (Joshua) our leader and challenge the "people of ISRAEL" (others will not respond), to choose between Yahuwah and God. Isaiah did the same. Will it be Yahuwah or God, he boldly wrote? Our culture’s fascination and indoctrination with the uninspired title God, is a replica of the culture of Yahoshua’s day. We as returning Israel must issue the same call, as did our forefather. Even if our society does not worship the GAAD of Isaiah 65, it does worship a new GAAD by virtue of the fact that Yahuwah’s name remains masked. This new GOD proves itself as dangerous as the original GADD of fortune. For anyone to deny our culture’s infatuation with the modern generic term GOD and its haunting similarity to the GAAD of Isaiah 65, can only be termed as denial! If I offered you 2 cans of tuna and told you that one can may have 1% of poison which can would you choose? The can without any poison! That’s the point. If there is even a 1% chance that GAAD of Isaiah 65 is the same as GOD today, we must choose the other option with hundreds of available titles. This becomes a wisdom issue and not a theological one! Why risk eating the poison can, when other cans are mercury free? Israel had once left Yahuwah for GAAD! YATI sees this issue, as would any evangelical Christian see evangelism. What strategy do we use to most INFILTRATE the culture we are trying to AFFECT? If by allowing them to choose between GAAD or Yahuwah as an alternative for Yahuwah’s name, 99,9999 out of 100,000 will stick with GAAD. (Just the other day, a rabbi who dislikes the sacred names found out that God was an acceptable translation of Elohim and now is using this documentation to rid, silence or purge all Yahwists in his assembly. That is a perfect example of society’s bondage to the term GOD). People are creatures of habit. That is the issue and remains the issue. Even if it is lawful linguistically or perhaps even theologically to use the title God, IT IS NOT EXPEDIENT NOR PROFITABLE for restoring the kingdom to ISRAEL and thus an obstacle to discharging our burden. Those facts cannot be twisted nor changed. Dale George reminds us that each and every person and organization must seek Yahuwah to determine if the title God is profitable or expedient or the best course for them to follow. In the cause of rebuilding ISRAEL, I dare say that those who insist on the popular yet unscriptural cultural title GOD for Yahuwah or used in conjunction with Yahuwah, are derailing their own train. I submit that if we really are Israel and if returning Ephraimites are not Jewish wannabees as is often claimed, then they will and must forsake GOD’s table and GAAD worship for Yahuwah’s Name and His worship. It is no longer a theological battle, a linguistic battle or even a personal preference battle. Nor is it any longer a sensitivity issue. It is Israel or the nations! Where our citizenship lies, there will our confessions be! Had we been living 2,000 years ago when English was not the prevalent global language it is today, GOD would have been no difference than Theos, Mara or Elohim. One Hebrew, one Greek, one Aramaic and one English title, all referring to Yahuwah. However 2,000 years later we have almost 6 billion people who unscripturally have come to believe that God is the name of Yahuwah. This radically evil yeast, calls for radical extraction measures, which is namely this. To challenge the GAAD culture or those who swear up and down a stack of Bibles that GAAD or God is Yahuwah’s real name, with 2 choices, Either continue to use GAAD as a proper noun, even though it is a common noun, or get rid of that heathen practice and adopt Yahuwah as the true and only Name and go and tell 1 million people the truth and nothing but the truth. As theologians and lovers of Scripture it may be hard for us to swallow our pride and admit that we have come to a bridge that cannot be crossed theologically or etymologically. Since usage of God is probably lawful and linguistically permissible, we cannot forbid its use by legislation or demand. Thus we must replace error with truthful reason. We must approach these people with the message that they have BEEN CHEATED AND BETRAYED BY INHERITED LIES OF PAGAN SOCIETY. Once introduced to Yahuwah’s real Name, we must warn them that since His name is not GAAD, they must not use it as a name or a title for Yahuwah or in conjunction with Yahuwah, for if we allow them to choose between GOD or Yahuwah or to continue to refer to Yahuwah as their personal God, due to old bondage’s and habits, they will choose the evil and not the good. Familiar sin is just sin that is familiar. Hard core habits and hard and stony hearts do not change easily. If we give those we minister to the option of calling Yahuwah as their God, they will invariably revert to their old habit and old ways, and once again FORSAKE YAHUWAH FOR GOD, this time with your personal assistance. Instead of imparting a divine burden, we will be found guilty of issuing licenses to continue in familiar sin. Maybe if the average Joe knew that the Father ‘s real Name is Yahuwah and that God is just an uninspired title, maybe things would be different. But the reality is that unless these people are given a reason to call on Yahuwah, they will cling to GOD believing wrongly that that is the Father’s name. We must deal with reality not with wishful thinking. That is the issue. The reality is that "knowing therefore the terror of Yahuwah, we persuade men." Yet we who are 2 house proponents have the best reason of all. Here is the mother of all reasons: If we are Israel, it was our forefathers who forsook Yahuwah for GOD worship. IT WASN'T THE CHURCH! And is it not interesting that Yahuwah has refused to ever pin that title on Himself, unlike those of Baal and Elohim, Eloah, Theos, Mara and Molech. So if Yahuwah disassociated Himself from that common title and if we give culture a choice, modern culture will choose wrong 100% of the time, since the wrong is the familiar. It is on these grounds that YATI will not use that title and will not teach in that title and will not foolishly proclaim the scared names to our culture, with the option of allowing that culture to revert back to old habits, which are now all but impossible to break without a revelation! Yahuwah rebuked Israelites for being those who made the wrong choice. Will we follow the error of our forefathers? Or will we uses both sacred names and titles that Yahuwah pins on Himself and wisely choose to reverse the errors of our Israelite fathers and their GAAD worship? Will we finally FORSAKE GOD and prepare a table for Yahuwah in Israel, which is where His table resides? Our mission, message, burden but most importantly our nation’s direction is at stake. This is a battle for our nation and our nations calling to bear His name before the nations! Israel will be restored and will be restored by people willing to invade the culture, not play Synchronized Copy Cat Poker with it. Those responding to restoration truth, (the two houses and restored name) will reveal themselves as Israel by willing to reverse any and all evil trends in Israel, no matter how deeply entrenched Those willing to use Yahuwah’s real Name all the while holding onto the treasured title of GOD as in Yahuwah is my GOD, will show themselves lacking in the full vision of Israel’s restoration, through the unclean art of compromise. This society is radically in error and this day and hour calls for radical disciples and a radical message. A message that teaches people that Yahuwah is no longer their God but Yahuwah has come to expose God and all his cultural baggage!
As I mix and mingle and expand my associations with messianic believers and leaders of all backgrounds, doctrines, and levels of Torah observance, I am appalled at the number of Rabbis and leaders who preach a different gospel. Our philosophy of fellowship and chavurah with other ministers is pretty straightforward and simple. In the essentials of Messianic New Covenant faith there has to be total agreement. Such issues would include the virgin birth, the incarnation, the bodily resurrection, heaven and hell and the deity of our Adon Yahushua. Without full agreement on the above matters no chavurah can or should take place! In secondary matters such as the exercise and manifestations of the Ruach, how one conducts the mikvah or the shulchan (table) of Yahushua, we must give others liberty and freedom of conscience. We should walk always in charity & understanding. In all things, both those doctrines we agree on and those we agree to disagree on, there should be mutual respect and charity. In other words, ladies and gentlemen, pick and carefully choose your theological battles. The battle that I am willing to break any and all chavurah over, is an illness and virus that I find in our camp more so then in other born-again camps. As we know a little leaven leavens the whole lump, and more importantly thousands of Messianic sheep are being led astray. I have discovered and found an appalling number of Messianic rabbis who, in their pursuit of being very Jewish instead of very biblical, have either renounced or denied Yahushua's deity as Almighty Yahuwah, delegating Him to other secondary roles that limit His direct claims to being Yahuwah, The Lawgiver, who took on flesh and walked among us to pay the redemptive price for our transgressions! These snakes in the grass lie low, often rarely confiding their true beliefs and often are unknown to the governing alliance of messianic organizations with whom they hold ordination or association. Often fellow rabbis with whom they have been eating bread with for many years don't even know their secret perverted belief. I am sure there are several who deny this cardinal truth reading this newsletter. As far as Your Arms To Israel is concerned the truth is simple. Over and over again Yahushua makes statements that He is Almighty Yahuwah, even telling those who don't believe this, that they will perish in their sins (John 8:24). Yahushua tells our people that He was Yahuwah before Abraham was Abraham (John 8:58). These wolves in sheep's clothing are bringing into the Messianic Hebraic roots camp damnable heresies, even denying the Master who bought them with the blood of Yahuwah Himself! Unfortunately these instances are no longer isolated but have developed into a plague. I wonder in my heart what the official result of a private poll amongst Messianic rabbis allowed to be honest on this issue would be! I fear and quake in my boots over the results! There are even many rabbis that you may truly respect and have come to love, who unfortunately have doctrine more in line with The Watchtower or The Way International, than with the mainstream leaders of our great movement. In order for our movement to remain great, we must take immediate action demanding honesty from all affiliated rabbis, with all major governing organizations, to come clean and answer one simple question. Is Yahushua, ALMIGHTY Yahuwah in the flesh? The eternal Word in the flesh? If these doctrinal snakes in the grass start to mumble, grumble, stumble or become tongue tied or plead the fifth and refuse to answer such a simple and honest inquiry, given to protect the purity of our teachings, then these people must be asked to resign and step down from any and all positions of leadership immediately. If that should fail then the sheep need to be informed about the false teaching regarding Yahushua's true identity, that they and their innocent families are being exposed to. Now is the time to clean house before our Heavenly Father brings judgment to our house! We must examine our leaders through accountability!
As I mix and mingle and expand my associations with messianic believers and leaders of all backgrounds, doctrines, and levels of Torah observance, I am appalled at the number of Rabbis and leaders who preach a different gospel. Our philosophy of fellowship and chavurah with other ministers is pretty straightforward and simple. In the essentials of Messianic New Covenant faith there has to be total agreement. Such issues would include the virgin birth, the incarnation, the bodily resurrection, heaven and hell and the deity of our Adon Yahushua. Without full agreement on the above matters no chavurah can or should take place! In secondary matters such as the exercise and manifestations of the Ruach, how one conducts the mikvah or the shulchan (table) of Yahushua, we must give others liberty and freedom of conscience. We should walk always in charity & understanding. In all things, both those doctrines we agree on and those we agree to disagree on, there should be mutual respect and charity. In other words, ladies and gentlemen, pick and carefully choose your theological battles. The battle that I am willing to break any and all chavurah over, is an illness and virus that I find in our camp more so then in other born-again camps. As we know a little leaven leavens the whole lump, and more importantly thousands of Messianic sheep are being led astray. I have discovered and found an appalling number of Messianic rabbis who, in their pursuit of being very Jewish instead of very biblical, have either renounced or denied Yahushua's deity as Almighty Yahuwah, delegating Him to other secondary roles that limit His direct claims to being Yahuwah, The Lawgiver, who took on flesh and walked among us to pay the redemptive price for our transgressions! These snakes in the grass lie low, often rarely confiding their true beliefs and often are unknown to the governing alliance of messianic organizations with whom they hold ordination or association. Often fellow rabbis with whom they have been eating bread with for many years don't even know their secret perverted belief. I am sure there are several who deny this cardinal truth reading this newsletter. As far as Your Arms To Israel is concerned the truth is simple. Over and over again Yahushua makes statements that He is Almighty Yahuwah, even telling those who don't believe this, that they will perish in their sins (John 8:24). Yahushua tells our people that He was Yahuwah before Abraham was Abraham (John 8:58). These wolves in sheep's clothing are bringing into the Messianic Hebraic roots camp damnable heresies, even denying the Master who bought them with the blood of Yahuwah Himself! Unfortunately these instances are no longer isolated but have developed into a plague. I wonder in my heart what the official result of a private poll amongst Messianic rabbis allowed to be honest on this issue would be! I fear and quake in my boots over the results! There are even many rabbis that you may truly respect and have come to love, who unfortunately have doctrine more in line with The Watchtower or The Way International, than with the mainstream leaders of our great movement. In order for our movement to remain great, we must take immediate action demanding honesty from all affiliated rabbis, with all major governing organizations, to come clean and answer one simple question. Is Yahushua, ALMIGHTY Yahuwah in the flesh? The eternal Word in the flesh? If these doctrinal snakes in the grass start to mumble, grumble, stumble or become tongue tied or plead the fifth and refuse to answer such a simple and honest inquiry, given to protect the purity of our teachings, then these people must be asked to resign and step down from any and all positions of leadership immediately. If that should fail then the sheep need to be informed about the false teaching regarding Yahushua's true identity, that they and their innocent families are being exposed to. Now is the time to clean house before our Heavenly Father brings judgment to our house! We must examine our leaders through accountability!
Shalom Chaverim-Friends, I was not going to comment on this but the Ruach prompts me continually. The "Halleluyah Scriptures" as seen online are a hoax pure and simple...they claim NOT TO CHARGE, but ask for set donations...the same as charging...when you ask for their promised "free copies" they tell you cannot order as many as you need, just one or 2 IF you are a donor or willing to is like offering a “free cup" of coffee at a gas station every time you BUY a tank of don't buy their shtick.. It costs $$$ to print, whether it’s sold or whether it’s sold under the guise of a suggested donation! They claim not to sell YHUH's Word yet set financial terms and limits to get FREE copies. When copies cannot be acquired, be sure that something is fishy, not to mention that it is very important to know the name/s of the translator-editor, or else how do we know a man's qualifications to undertake such a "free" labor. When considering these shady practices cloaked in self-righteousness, why not go with what's already considered by many experts, the kingdom's best translated Hebraic Scriptures, the Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition now in our 12th year of distribution.
Shalom Chaverim-Friends, I was not going to comment on this but the Ruach prompts me continually. The "Halleluyah Scriptures" as seen online are a hoax pure and simple...they claim NOT TO CHARGE, but ask for set donations...the same as charging...when you ask for their promised "free copies" they tell you cannot order as many as you need, just one or 2 IF you are a donor or willing to is like offering a “free cup" of coffee at a gas station every time you BUY a tank of don't buy their shtick.. It costs $$$ to print, whether it’s sold or whether it’s sold under the guise of a suggested donation! They claim not to sell YHUH's Word yet set financial terms and limits to get FREE copies. When copies cannot be acquired, be sure that something is fishy, not to mention that it is very important to know the name/s of the translator-editor, or else how do we know a man's qualifications to undertake such a "free" labor. When considering these shady practices cloaked in self-righteousness, why not go with what's already considered by many experts, the kingdom's best translated Hebraic Scriptures, the Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition now in our 12th year of distribution.
As we talk to some of our friends it seems like there often is an undercurrent of bewilderment about our aggressive stands on doctrinal issues. Why does our newsletter constantly appear to be so controversial, confrontational and aggressive? Why does Your Arms To Israel have to be so "negative" , when it could instead focus in on more positive things? First of all we need to let our readers know and understand in the clearest possible terms, that WE NEVER HAVE, DO NOT NOW, NOR EVER WILL ATTACK OR BELITTLE PEOPLE OR INDIVIDUALS, OR THEIR YAHUWAH-GIVEN RIGHT TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES. On the other hand, we are admonished not only to reprove the works of darkness, but according to Jude verse 3 and Isaiah 29:24, we are to be earnest or sincerely diligent in upholding and persevering the original apostolic faith, that the first century Messianic Israelites-Nazarene Yisraelites delivered to us. In order to fight for pure untainted and unadulterated gospel doctrine, it is oftentimes necessary to expose the blatant and often not so subtle errors of popery (Romanism), watered down Protestantism, traditional Rabbinical Judaism and even sometimes it is necessary to expose and tackle many of the demonic beliefs of Islam. While exposure of demonic teachings does not always accentuate the positive (how much positive energy and life do you suppose there is in Hell?), it is a biblical mandate! Your Arms To Israel refuses to proliferate, participate, or advance the agendas of Ecumenicalism, in order to compromise what we believe Scripture teaches. Ecumenicalism is the theological name of the modern 20th century movement to join together nominal churches and messianics of all faiths and dogmas, into a single united voice. Anything and everything that stands in the way of this unity must be smashed, trampled and set aside to further the unity of believers. This ideal looks good at first glance, but is full of trash and unclean spirits, since the Mormon version of Yahushua is Satan's brother, the Watchtower’s version of Yahushua is a created being, the Protestant version of Yahushua just loves to eat bacon, ham and pork and often teaches His followers how to hate and eliminate Jews, while the Catholic version portrays Yahushua as the first Italian convert to Catholicism and the founder of popery.
Around which perversion of bible truth are we supposed to unite? In order for ecumenicalism to succeed, it must of necessity set aside the Holy Scriptures in order for the Scriptures not to get in the way of a secular humanist agenda. The Holy Scriptures always have been and always will be the final court of arbitration on matters of doctrine and conduct. Doctrinal issues are not a trivial matter or secondary issue and Rav Shaul (Paul) told Timothy to guard and protect biblical doctrine and by so doing he would save himself and those who heard him (First Tim. 4:16). Your Arms To Israel would rather be accused falsely by a hand full of people of harshness, negativism and lack of love and compassion, than have to buy into this ecumenical cyanide and thereby join in the spreading of spiritual poison to the people of Yahuwah, through the doctrines of s.a.tan. If as some say we are a sensationalist, negative ministry due to our defense of sound biblical doctrine, then perhaps we are in some pretty celebrated company! The Brit Chadasha features the books of Jude and First and Second Peter, with their primary focus being the exposition of false heretical teachings and pagan celebrations, by the apostle Shimon Kefa (Peter) and his accompanying warnings to all believers to be sober and vigilantly opposed to heresy in all forms. Yahuwah Himself saw it as vitally important to include warnings and expositions of darkness in the Davar Yahuwah, as well as the niceties of exhortation and encouragement. In Second Timothy 4: 9 &14, Demas and Alexander are exposed by Rav Shaul as false teachers. Likewise in Second Timothy 2:17 & 18, Hymeanas and Philetus are accused by Rav Shaul of destroying peoples simple faith in Messiah, through wrong teachings. Did not Yahushua’s ministry include confronting and opposing the leaven of the Pharisees, which was their hypocritical doctrine? Did not Elijah in First Kings Ch. 18, openly confront the false doctrine of Baal worship? Many of our friends, partners and readers may readily understand that they themselves have not been called to that kind of prophetic, devil confronting ministry, but do they understand that we, like Rav Shaul and like Ha Adon Yahushua, have truly been called to do just that? Maybe the kind of folks who do love our newsletter, are the kind of people who are willing to set aside their religious ideas, childhood upbringings and agendas, in the pursuit of Yahuwah’s Holy Word, as recorded in Scripture, even if it violates false teachings learned in childhood. Remember that anyone can learn. Only brave Yahuwah seekers, are willing to unlearn doctrinal mistruths, that they embraced, especially when false doctrine is cloaked in a blanket of good works. It takes a special person willing to do that. Good works or mitzvahs, do not justify anybody in Yahuwah’s sight. We are forgiven by grace through faith alone (Ephesians: 2: 8 & 9). Sure it would be easier for someone else to expose the works of demonic darkness and to allow them to take the flak. But to avoid tackling religious devils that have seeped into the people of Yahuwah, would be a sin of omission on our part (James 4:17). If you are not willing or not called to earnestly contend for the faith in the manner that we have been called to do, why don't you become silent before Yahuwah and give us the grace to follow our calling before Yahuwah and man? The immortal Charles H. Spurgeon the incomparable "prince of preachers" , not only won millions to Yahuwah by and through the proclamation of truth, he also spent much of his ministry fighting the ecumenicalism of his day in the mid 1800’s, then known as the Downgrade Controversy. Spurgeon was famous for his sharp and ferocious condemnation of popery and liberal protestant theology. We would also ask that while you are busy sitting in judgment of us for making you uncomfortable by sometimes challenging you through this ministry, don't forget that during our eleven years of ministry in South Florida, we have literally won and discipled scores of Jews to Messiah, established three new Messianic Nazarene Yisraelite congregations and helped found the thriving Messianic Nazarene Yisrael Alliance, as well as shared with hundreds of Ephraimites their true identity in Yahuwah! As Rav Shaul said, "you have forced us to boast in Yahuwah"! We have even spiritually fathered some of our current critics in the gospel! We still love you, but not your wayward doctrine! One final thought! Would Yochanan HaMatbeel (John The Baptist) be a part of the modern day ecumenical movement, whereby Yahushua decreases and New Age thought and teaching increases? If he did not and would not, why should we, since Yahushua calls us greater than John the Baptist (spiritually speaking- Matt:11:11). Let us use our greater kingdom status to pursue truth and reject error.
As we talk to some of our friends it seems like there often is an undercurrent of bewilderment about our aggressive stands on doctrinal issues. Why does our newsletter constantly appear to be so controversial, confrontational and aggressive? Why does Your Arms To Israel have to be so "negative" , when it could instead focus in on more positive things? First of all we need to let our readers know and understand in the clearest possible terms, that WE NEVER HAVE, DO NOT NOW, NOR EVER WILL ATTACK OR BELITTLE PEOPLE OR INDIVIDUALS, OR THEIR YAHUWAH-GIVEN RIGHT TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES. On the other hand, we are admonished not only to reprove the works of darkness, but according to Jude verse 3 and Isaiah 29:24, we are to be earnest or sincerely diligent in upholding and persevering the original apostolic faith, that the first century Messianic Israelites-Nazarene Yisraelites delivered to us. In order to fight for pure untainted and unadulterated gospel doctrine, it is oftentimes necessary to expose the blatant and often not so subtle errors of popery (Romanism), watered down Protestantism, traditional Rabbinical Judaism and even sometimes it is necessary to expose and tackle many of the demonic beliefs of Islam. While exposure of demonic teachings does not always accentuate the positive (how much positive energy and life do you suppose there is in Hell?), it is a biblical mandate! Your Arms To Israel refuses to proliferate, participate, or advance the agendas of Ecumenicalism, in order to compromise what we believe Scripture teaches. Ecumenicalism is the theological name of the modern 20th century movement to join together nominal churches and messianics of all faiths and dogmas, into a single united voice. Anything and everything that stands in the way of this unity must be smashed, trampled and set aside to further the unity of believers. This ideal looks good at first glance, but is full of trash and unclean spirits, since the Mormon version of Yahushua is Satan's brother, the Watchtower’s version of Yahushua is a created being, the Protestant version of Yahushua just loves to eat bacon, ham and pork and often teaches His followers how to hate and eliminate Jews, while the Catholic version portrays Yahushua as the first Italian convert to Catholicism and the founder of popery.
Around which perversion of bible truth are we supposed to unite? In order for ecumenicalism to succeed, it must of necessity set aside the Holy Scriptures in order for the Scriptures not to get in the way of a secular humanist agenda. The Holy Scriptures always have been and always will be the final court of arbitration on matters of doctrine and conduct. Doctrinal issues are not a trivial matter or secondary issue and Rav Shaul (Paul) told Timothy to guard and protect biblical doctrine and by so doing he would save himself and those who heard him (First Tim. 4:16). Your Arms To Israel would rather be accused falsely by a hand full of people of harshness, negativism and lack of love and compassion, than have to buy into this ecumenical cyanide and thereby join in the spreading of spiritual poison to the people of Yahuwah, through the doctrines of s.a.tan. If as some say we are a sensationalist, negative ministry due to our defense of sound biblical doctrine, then perhaps we are in some pretty celebrated company! The Brit Chadasha features the books of Jude and First and Second Peter, with their primary focus being the exposition of false heretical teachings and pagan celebrations, by the apostle Shimon Kefa (Peter) and his accompanying warnings to all believers to be sober and vigilantly opposed to heresy in all forms. Yahuwah Himself saw it as vitally important to include warnings and expositions of darkness in the Davar Yahuwah, as well as the niceties of exhortation and encouragement. In Second Timothy 4: 9 &14, Demas and Alexander are exposed by Rav Shaul as false teachers. Likewise in Second Timothy 2:17 & 18, Hymeanas and Philetus are accused by Rav Shaul of destroying peoples simple faith in Messiah, through wrong teachings. Did not Yahushua’s ministry include confronting and opposing the leaven of the Pharisees, which was their hypocritical doctrine? Did not Elijah in First Kings Ch. 18, openly confront the false doctrine of Baal worship? Many of our friends, partners and readers may readily understand that they themselves have not been called to that kind of prophetic, devil confronting ministry, but do they understand that we, like Rav Shaul and like Ha Adon Yahushua, have truly been called to do just that? Maybe the kind of folks who do love our newsletter, are the kind of people who are willing to set aside their religious ideas, childhood upbringings and agendas, in the pursuit of Yahuwah’s Holy Word, as recorded in Scripture, even if it violates false teachings learned in childhood. Remember that anyone can learn. Only brave Yahuwah seekers, are willing to unlearn doctrinal mistruths, that they embraced, especially when false doctrine is cloaked in a blanket of good works. It takes a special person willing to do that. Good works or mitzvahs, do not justify anybody in Yahuwah’s sight. We are forgiven by grace through faith alone (Ephesians: 2: 8 & 9). Sure it would be easier for someone else to expose the works of demonic darkness and to allow them to take the flak. But to avoid tackling religious devils that have seeped into the people of Yahuwah, would be a sin of omission on our part (James 4:17). If you are not willing or not called to earnestly contend for the faith in the manner that we have been called to do, why don't you become silent before Yahuwah and give us the grace to follow our calling before Yahuwah and man? The immortal Charles H. Spurgeon the incomparable "prince of preachers" , not only won millions to Yahuwah by and through the proclamation of truth, he also spent much of his ministry fighting the ecumenicalism of his day in the mid 1800’s, then known as the Downgrade Controversy. Spurgeon was famous for his sharp and ferocious condemnation of popery and liberal protestant theology. We would also ask that while you are busy sitting in judgment of us for making you uncomfortable by sometimes challenging you through this ministry, don't forget that during our eleven years of ministry in South Florida, we have literally won and discipled scores of Jews to Messiah, established three new Messianic Nazarene Yisraelite congregations and helped found the thriving Messianic Nazarene Yisrael Alliance, as well as shared with hundreds of Ephraimites their true identity in Yahuwah! As Rav Shaul said, "you have forced us to boast in Yahuwah"! We have even spiritually fathered some of our current critics in the gospel! We still love you, but not your wayward doctrine! One final thought! Would Yochanan HaMatbeel (John The Baptist) be a part of the modern day ecumenical movement, whereby Yahushua decreases and New Age thought and teaching increases? If he did not and would not, why should we, since Yahushua calls us greater than John the Baptist (spiritually speaking- Matt:11:11). Let us use our greater kingdom status to pursue truth and reject error.

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