In addition to YATI affiliation, YATI and its leaders have united as Achad-One with Remnant House in Arizona and today along with other 5 fold leaders from around the world, form ARM-The Alliance of Remnant Ministries. These chosen faithful 5 fold leaders of the YATI assemblies below, are all now also members of ARM as well. We will be announcing lots of exciting news, as well as an annual gathering Of ARM leaders! Watch this page for further announcements. Joining ARM will be by invitation only in the immediate future, for new leaders wishing to be part of the vision. A request form for new groups/ministries, asking to be invited will be posted shortly for new members to ARM. Todah and brachot. If you are interested in being part of YATI or ARM drop us a short note to:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Your Arms of Love To Israel Congregation & Affiliates
The following FRIENDS-leaders are affiliated with Your Arms of Love To Israel Congregation and work as friends, comrades and brethren. We do not control them nor do they control us. All strangers to us and people not yet known to us over the course of several years, need not apply for affiliation. Please write to us at: [email protected] to see where you fit, in if you are a known friend and desire to walk as Achad-One with us.*** All listings are active and proven loyal friends. Feel free to ask us about possible affiliation.
USA Affiliates
YATI-Florida-Macclenny [Jacksonville] - North Florida
Your Arms Of Love To Israel Congregation
Community-Goshen BeTzafon in Baker County Florida
Restoration Scriptures True Name Editions-Publishers
Leader: Sholiach-Apostle Moshe Koniuchowsky -Teaching Overseer and Apostle
Elders Mariamne Koniuchowsky
Rebbetzin Rivkah Koniuchowsky
Email: E Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 1-904-800-7321
Miami Dade Yachad-South Florida
Leader: Elder Chris Bromfield & Maria Rodriguez, DC - Teaching Overseer
Elder: Wlbur Britt
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-305-785-5576
YATI-New York
Hope In YAH-Kahal Elohim
Queens, NY Phone (718) 366-5282
Email: [email protected] Elder Robert Korn
Watch Us Live Every Shabbat @ 11 AM EST and midweek Wed, 7 PM EST
Restore The Truth Of YHUH Ministries
Leader: Moreh Yahwchanan Rueda
Support info:
B'nai Yahusha Yisrael
Leader: Jogunoori Prabhudas
Deshaipet, Warangal
Phone: +919 100889247 and +918 328057850 Telangana India
E Mail: [email protected]
YATI-Brazil-Campina Grande
Para informações sobre a YATI Brasil favor contatá-los no Endereço: Rua José Eudócio Leite, 120 - Catolé - Campina Grande PB E-mail: [email protected] Fone: +55(83)98808-0648Rua José Eudócio Leite, 120 - Catolé, Campina Grande PB. Rua Severino Galileu, 120 - Jardim Paulistano, Campina Grande PB
(48)99957-7668 / 83 98808-0648 Koreshyahu & Yoshee Leaders
YATI-Brazil- Uirauna
Kalev Goshem Farm, Sitio Saco do Mamoeiro- Area Rural Município de Uirauna, Paraiba Brasil. Sitio Saco do Mamoeiro. Email: [email protected] +55 83 98207-3463 Contact: Kalen Ben Levi
Ciudad Santiago de Cuba Ministerio & Congregación El Buen Olivo (Ministry & Congregation The Good Olive Tree) Líder (Leader): Roeh Yosef Yah Ben Yisrael (Jorge Betancourt Ge) Correo Electrónico (E-Mail): [email protected] Teléfono (Ph #1): +5358374423 Teléfono (Ph #2): +5353404798 Tiempo de Reunion (Meeting Schedule): 9AM-12PM & 4PM-7PM En Shabbat en dos casas particulares (On Shabbat at 2 different home locations). Ministrando por más de 20 años; Trabajando en la Restauración de las Raíces Hebreas de nuestra emuna. // Ministering for more than 20 yrs; Working on the Restoration of the Hebraic Roots of our faith/emunah.
Name: Sibangani Nhamoinesu ID number; 23-002492H 23 Cell number +263775594932 Postal address YATI Ministries Zimbabwe P. O. Box 945 Gokwe Zimbabwe Southern Africa.
USA Affiliates
YATI-Florida-Macclenny [Jacksonville] - North Florida
Your Arms Of Love To Israel Congregation
Community-Goshen BeTzafon in Baker County Florida
Restoration Scriptures True Name Editions-Publishers
Leader: Sholiach-Apostle Moshe Koniuchowsky -Teaching Overseer and Apostle
Elders Mariamne Koniuchowsky
Rebbetzin Rivkah Koniuchowsky
Email: E Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 1-904-800-7321
Miami Dade Yachad-South Florida
Leader: Elder Chris Bromfield & Maria Rodriguez, DC - Teaching Overseer
Elder: Wlbur Britt
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-305-785-5576
YATI-New York
Hope In YAH-Kahal Elohim
Queens, NY Phone (718) 366-5282
Email: [email protected] Elder Robert Korn
Watch Us Live Every Shabbat @ 11 AM EST and midweek Wed, 7 PM EST
Restore The Truth Of YHUH Ministries
Leader: Moreh Yahwchanan Rueda
Support info:
B'nai Yahusha Yisrael
Leader: Jogunoori Prabhudas
Deshaipet, Warangal
Phone: +919 100889247 and +918 328057850 Telangana India
E Mail: [email protected]
YATI-Brazil-Campina Grande
Para informações sobre a YATI Brasil favor contatá-los no Endereço: Rua José Eudócio Leite, 120 - Catolé - Campina Grande PB E-mail: [email protected] Fone: +55(83)98808-0648Rua José Eudócio Leite, 120 - Catolé, Campina Grande PB. Rua Severino Galileu, 120 - Jardim Paulistano, Campina Grande PB
(48)99957-7668 / 83 98808-0648 Koreshyahu & Yoshee Leaders
YATI-Brazil- Uirauna
Kalev Goshem Farm, Sitio Saco do Mamoeiro- Area Rural Município de Uirauna, Paraiba Brasil. Sitio Saco do Mamoeiro. Email: [email protected] +55 83 98207-3463 Contact: Kalen Ben Levi
Ciudad Santiago de Cuba Ministerio & Congregación El Buen Olivo (Ministry & Congregation The Good Olive Tree) Líder (Leader): Roeh Yosef Yah Ben Yisrael (Jorge Betancourt Ge) Correo Electrónico (E-Mail): [email protected] Teléfono (Ph #1): +5358374423 Teléfono (Ph #2): +5353404798 Tiempo de Reunion (Meeting Schedule): 9AM-12PM & 4PM-7PM En Shabbat en dos casas particulares (On Shabbat at 2 different home locations). Ministrando por más de 20 años; Trabajando en la Restauración de las Raíces Hebreas de nuestra emuna. // Ministering for more than 20 yrs; Working on the Restoration of the Hebraic Roots of our faith/emunah.
Name: Sibangani Nhamoinesu ID number; 23-002492H 23 Cell number +263775594932 Postal address YATI Ministries Zimbabwe P. O. Box 945 Gokwe Zimbabwe Southern Africa.